Friday, May 13, 2011

It's about time.....

Hey guys, how yall doing? My week has been great, and now for some reason every friday that passes by gets better and better! Maybe it's the coming summer break, how fast school went by, or just because I'm enjoying myself more these days. Sorry that I didn't write an earlier post, but Blogger was down for maintenance. I've also realised some things that I want to talk to you guys about. So lets get started shall we?

Well here's a starting topic, you guys sucks. Seriously, I've been asking you guys SO many times for feedback and you give me none! Really guys? How many times have I asked for your feedback, your own creations to post on my blog, your own ideas? One too many that's how many. Some people HAVE given me their own art and written opinions, and they have been VERY generous in doing so and I thank them dearly for it. But the rest of you readers, that don't bother to take 3 seconds out of your day to comment on the posts that I write? That's just sad, and I'm dissapointed. I really don't care if you don't agree with me, but it's really not that hard. And here's a real life example of how feedback helps writers write. This author came to my English class 2 days ago and someone asked her "What keeps you writing?" and she answered "Well one of my top motivators would be my readers, any type of constructive criticism or positive feedback really helps me remember why I started writing and keeps me doing it". Take it from a professional and me, any type of positive feedback helps authors keep writing and helps me think of new topics. Bottom line is, your feedback is needed like you need to read my blog. My enjoyment comes from mostly reading your feedback like your enjoyment comes from reading my blog. But the problem is, I have a harder time writing these posts because you guys give NO feedback to me AT ALL. Let me finish up on this note, you want to keep reading my blogs? Then start giving me some feedback because it helps me write more that you guys get to read. So let's move onto another topic.

If you've been watching the news lately you'd know that Osama Bin Laden was supposedly killed about 1 week ago or so. To me, here's 2 things I can sya instantly about this situation: #1 to me he's not dead, and #2 it doesn't matter at ALL. He's not dead to me because 1: they never released photos because they supposedly said that the photos are too cruel and will cause a giant public disturbance and 2: they supposedly buried him culturall by throwing him into the sea. Ok well that's a bunch of BS. Recently, Al-Qaeda have already retaliated against the killing of Osama and kille 14 people through suicide bombing schemes. Do you REALLY think that the photos are going to make things worse? Uh no, maybe the fact that millions of Americans have been celebrating all over the country will make them want to target the United States. Way to go America, you've screwed up once again. For 1, did you think through what the celebrating was going to do? I guess not, because now you're even a BIGGER target than you ever were and ever will be. You killed Osama when he couldn't defend himself which is VERY cowardly to do, you could've at least given him a dying chance and taken him alive with you and interrogated him or something. Killing a man like that is just wrong, and then after killing him you release info 3 days later that he had an AK and a pistol in his grasp. Maybe that's something the world may want to know firsthand? And why coldn't you just give us the photos? What's the REAL danger? Okay so some people are grossed out, but if you release the photo and MANY Americans make fun of the photo and laugh at it then THAT'S a problem don't you think? Here's the other thing, they had NO right to kill him for 9/11, but they did have a right to kill him for arranging and commanding Al-Qaeda. Here's why, they NEVER knew who commited 9/11 and will NEVER know. Oh and if you PROPERLY watched 9/11 recordings you'd see that WTC Building 7 went down right when the two twin towers went down. The thing is, that bulding imploded from the bottom and guess what it contained? All the government docs of the past 50 years were in that building, including their top secret operations and all their top secret trade deals. And the thing is, while people were just working in that building, it imploded right when they were in their offices. And how come NOBODY mentions that when they talk about 9/11? Because they don't know the true facts of what happened that day. And here's another fact that you should know, on 9/11 before the plane hit the two towers Bush was aware of what was supposed to happen and two F-18's were ordered to be in the air to shoot the plane down. When Bush had the power to tell them the order to shoot that hijacked plane down, they two planes never recieved the order and just followed the plane without shooting it down. SO with no proof of whodun it he accused Al-Qaeda of causing 9/11 and moved on. So let's move onto point #2: it doesn't matter that they killed him. The organization will find someone else to put in charge and they'll continue their operations either way without anyone stopping them. So in the end it doesn't matter what you do or say about them, because the idea of terrorism will ALWAYS live as long as mankind lasts, and even after that. So that's just my opinion on that topic. I don't care if you agree or not, because I got proof to back up my opinion so therefore it is valid.

So here's the conclusion. What I want you guys to want to do is comment on my posts but not because I said so. But because YOU yourself want to comment on my posts. I'll just leave you with that last thought. Oh and be sure to print out the picture that I posted on my last post and post it wherever you want. I'll see you guys later so for now: Read it, learn it, live it, love it, and post it!

Cheers, MarkL

1 comment:

  1. Oh sweet! You had an author visit? I wonder if my class had an author visit while I was away... hmmm...
    Anyways, great post as always. :D
