Saturday, February 16, 2013

Hello my Dear Lovelies

Hey guys and gals, how y'all been? There's a lot I gotta catch you guys up on some stuff. So for one, course selection happened at my school. As of now I have a major part of my future figured out, not right to the dot but the bigger aspects of it that I can at least plan for now. Also, took quite a journey I'll tell you guys about later on in the post. I feel like I should have more in my intro or something. Oh yeah, for all of those of you that are mad or disappointed that I haven't posted in a while. Why worry? You're reading this right now, so enjoy. Oh yeah I'll have a little thing on optimism and probably life in general. I just remembered, I gotta tell you guys about what happened on Valentine's Day which should be fun. Kk let's do this!

So yeah course selection, which now most of you are probably doing or have already done. This time I decided to consider my options seriously and choose to follow what I love: helping people. But there are many ways you can help someone or a group of somebodies. You can become an activist, teacher, trash collector, police officer, the list is endless. What I decided to pursue, is to become a Life Coach. But the thing is, it's not necessarily a LEGITIMATE profession. By that I mean that there are no University/College courses you can take in order to become one because it's a self done profession. As in, you decide to become one and take the path yourself. There are no guidelines to becoming one, which is really interesting to me because of all the freedom you can have with this. SO the path I've decided to take? I'm planning on becoming a Highschool counselor and eventually have my own private practice (business). The way it works is that in order to become a Counselor I have to first become a Teacher which means I have to Major and Minor in the subjects I want to teach. Mine are going to be English and History. Hopefully I go into the Creative writing part of English because I love it MUCH more than Non-Fiction writing. And History because I loved it SO much last year I'm pretty sure it'd be something that I'd be good at explaining. Then once I have received a Bachelor's of Arts Degree I will have to go to Teacher's College for a year (which is a joke apparently according to some teachers that I've talked to). Once I'm done that I'd have to become a Teacher by being a Supply first (imagine walking into class and seeing the name Mr. Lofichenko on the board) and then eventually become a Teacher. After teaching for a couple of years I'll have to take a 1 month course over the Summer in order to become a Counselor. Then I can start doing my counseling. Once I've done a couple of years of that I can eventually do a half & half kind of thing where I Counsel for half the day and have my Life Coaching for the other half. One thing that I REALLY love about this plan is that there's A LOT of flexibility in it. Because if Teaching doesn't work out I can always count on Counseling or my Life Coaching and I can switch back and forth with ease. Of course it's more complex than I make it sound but I don't exactly have all the Rules & Regulations for this up in my head. All of that will come with time and research which I'm planning to conduct sooner than later. Hopefully I'll have time this weekend to go to several University campuses and tour the place. I'm looking to go to either Ryerson or somewhere in Ottawa. I might travel over the Summer to Ottawa with a friend or two to scout the University campuses. But yeah, that's basically the route that I have for now. It's still malleable of course, there's A LOT of jobs you can go into if you have a BA. A lot of which have to do with Social Work and Arts which I both love! And if anything goes wrong, I can always go and take a College course or sit in on a seminar. Oh I forgot to tell you guys 1 detail. All  the Counseling stuff I'll be learning will be on my time. SO I'll be reading books, writing blog posts, interacting with people, all on my own time. Which I love the most, because I don't have to go to a class for this, I don't have to report to someone to see whether I've done well or not. Because all of that is up to me, it just gives me much more freedom in what I want to do. Anyways, let's move on kkkkkkk?

Optimism, more useful than you'd think. What if you took your iPod/Phone/Whateverelectronicyouhave out of your pocket right now and found that it was covered in chocolate? Why? Cause chocolate. Anyways, how would you react? Or if you stepped in a wet puddle in -6° C or 21.2° F and had to walk all the way home in that. How would you react? Or if you were late to School in the morning because you slipped on ice 3 times in a row. Or maybe if you were looking back on the fact that you broke the Rejection Record in under a minute at a School Dance. Some people might look back at that and cry or be sad about it, I choose to take a different approach. I don't see why anyone should be sad about something in the past, it already happened and you can't do anything to bring it back. So just look back and laugh at how ridiculous you were, there's no better feeling. How do I know? Because I'm the one that had his player covered in Chocolate, stepped in a deep puddle in my Converse, and slipped on ice 3 times in a row. No I don't enjoy doing all of that, if I did I'd do it more often. But I sure as hell think it's hilarious that all of that happened especially on one day. I don't remember a single day that I've ever had "bad luck". Oh yeah and I also had Volleyball cancelled while I was already on the bus for an hour or so and I walked home for an hour or so which I'll be talking about in another one of my "Paragraphs". I don't regret that any of that happened because it proved to me that I'm in the right place in my life. I am where I'm supposed to be because I'm happy. I'm happy with yesterday's Trek, puddle incident, ice-slipping sharade, and especially the Chocolate Player because it was funny. How'd I get chocolate on my player? Leftover candy from Valentine's Day. The point that I'm trying to emphasize here is that sometimes you just gotta get a different perspective on things. In a situation like the puddle incident you can look at it several ways:

A) Lol whatever, shit happens.


C) Meh. I don't care.

There are other perspectives to add probably but I can't think of any at the moment. It all matters on perspective, that's what determines how you feel. Got dumped? You can either mope about it or be happy about the fact that you are now newly single and hopefully ready to mingle. Try doing that sometimes. No, not breaking up. But instead, looking at situations from a different perspective. Trust me, it will DEFINITELY come in handy in a negative situation. Next time "shit happens" just laugh it off. It'll create a memory you can look back and get happiness from. Ok so onto the next topic.

Valentine's Day. Being single has never been more fun. Honestly that was one of the best days of the week. I decided to change things up and dress up. Some girls use Halloween to dress up, I use Valentine's Day to look "dapper" as one teacher said. My outfit of choice was the whole Black Vest, White Dress Shirt, and Rose in the Fedora getup complete with White Gentleman's Gloves. That day was so incredibly awesome because handing out wooden roses to random people and cupcakes was more fun than I ever expected. Seeing a smile on someone's face after a little gesture like that, just made my week. The point of writing about this isn't to show how GREAT of a person I am or to talk about me. No, no, you guys should expect different. The point of all this is to tell you guys that a little gesture, even giving someone your lunch, never goes unnoticed. They'll remember you and your kindness the next time they're feeling down and they'll call for your help. Little gestures like that, have a tidal wave effect on people. If you want to be a nicer person, or just have an overall better day then do something for someone it'll brighten up BOTH your day and theirs. Even sending them a letter or an e-card to ask how they're doing does the trick as well. You don't know how hard their day has been, or even week(s) or month(s) or year(s). Treat others how you'd like to be treated. Not to say that you should hug and do stuff for EVERYONE you see. No, because then you'd be a caregiver which you DEFINITELY don't want to become because then EVERYONE would come to you with their problems and it'd overwhelm you. You don't need to deal with that, but what you can do to strengthen the relationships you already have with  your close friends is simple little things. Like baking cupcakes, writing the CORNIEST joke in their notebook so that they one day find it, etc. Just be creative. Asking them how their day was is just a start, if you TRULY want a strong bond between 2 people to last, there's gotta be something special that keeps them together, or a lot of something specials. So yeah, that's where I was going with the Valentine's Day idea. And hey, if you're in a relationship then congratulations and I wish you the best from the bottom of my heart! May it be filled with love punches and bear hugs.

So the Trek? Well I walked for around 1.5-2 hours in 21.2° F or -6° C weather just cause. Volleyball practice was cancelled so I had nothing to do for 3 hours. Instead I decided to call up a friend to hang for a bit then I made my way home through my old neighborhood. I passed my old school, my walking path, everything that I once saw on a daily basis was still there. It was a nostalgic moment for me, and that's all it really was. I don't wish to live there again, I'm at home right beside NT. I belong here. Not to say that I don't miss my friends and everything, I do honestly, but I have a life here. I will gladly visit old friends or even go out sometimes, but I won't go as far as to visit the school. Still left a bad taste after all those years, but none of that really matters since I'm at home now. After my Trek I made it to a Starbucks (let me explain before you jump to conclusions) to warm up because I was getting severe frostbite. Yes, I bought a coffee. Blonde Roast if you're wondering, I prefer it with milk cause the original blend is just WAY too strong for me. Anyways, I sat there, got a book out, and just reminisced. I then realized that I should do that at least once a week. This way I'll have some time to myself to recollect my thoughts somewhere quiet and just think. What with all the music and Advertisements we are constantly listening to, it's hard to find a quiet area to do the simplest thing: think. We all choose to make life more complicated than it has to be sometimes. By purchasing a cell phone and feeling obligated to post to Instagram, letting everyone know how you feel via obscure Facebook status, etc. Whatever it may be, we all need some time to just escape from all this madness and think. Just go out somewhere and be alone for an hour or so to just think. Don't think that there's something wrong with you if you need to do this, with today's RAPIDLY growing Internet society we're constantly being bombarded with information, much of which is useless. If you need to be alone this time of year, go grab coffee somewhere secluded at like 6pm and it'll do wonders for you. Just being alone with your thoughts, it's amazing what conclusions you can come to about your life.

So that's it for today's post! See you guys in a month. Lol just joking, I'll try to post more often but it's gotta be about something significant. And as you can see by the content in this post, PLENTY significant happened since I've talked to you guys last. Unfortunately this conclusion sucks too. Well, I'm STILL working on that album I promised myself I'd make. And the past week I realized how to possibly record using the Soundboard in the Auditorium so you guys will see some stuff really soon!!! Remember Read it, Learn it, Live it, Love it, and Post it!

Cheers, MarkL

P.S. The soundtracks on your right are just some mixes I found in the last couple of days that I thought you guys would enjoy!!!