Friday, August 30, 2013

Post Title

So it's been what, almost 20 days? Not the longest gap I've had but it's pretty lengthy. Got a lot of stuff to cover right now so just bear/bare with me. I'll tell you this much, I got a full incense stick right now. As soon as I started buying organically made brands it completely changed the way I treat the product. I rarely buy from convenience stores anymore, often I head down to a head shop (a store where Cannabis related products are sold) and purchase their hand made selection. And boy do they have quite the selection, sticks by the plenty and over 30 types to choose from. Some people enjoy candles, Glade, and wine even. Hell, I'll take all 3 on a rainy day if I could but I think I'll stick to my incense sticks. This post might take longer than usual not only because it'll be long as always, but also because my "t" key has decided to commit suicide. By that I mean it works 50% of the time and so I'll have to open up my keyboard sometime soon for its operation. Man now that I think about it, I got a lot on my mind right now and I'm not sure if I should censor some of my thoughts. Simply on the basis that I know how certain people will react to the contents of this post. But then again I haven't been one to support censorship so I guess I'll go ahead and write everything I think about. Alright well let's get to it shall we?

Some of us have this notion that we think what real work is, but who are we to say? What I mean is, when you come home all tired from school and you exhale what seems to be your last breath and say "Time to relax with some TV" you're making such a monumental mistake. To be honest, I did exactly what I just described on a regular basis before so don't think that I'm judging any of you. I remember the day I stopped uttering those vile words very vividly surprisingly, it wasn't life changing but it did have an impact on me. It was the summer that I started my yard work operation, I'm pretty sure it was my second/third time working or so I believe. As I made the final walk to my home I thought to myself "Man, all that school shit isn't getting you tired. Even at this moment you don't deserve a break just cause you did some yard work. So what, you sat with your nose in a book for a couple hours means you're tired? Congratulations, that's called being a student." For that moment in time I realized what being tired was because that was the first time in months that I pushed myself to my limit, but not beyond (there's a difference). And so I try to apply this whenever I feel "tired". Try it, try questioning yourself when you just want to be left alone. Try getting to that point where you're just pissed at everything and you repeat to yourself "You did this to yourself, and only you can get out of this." Maybe that's not a reasonable thing to say at ANY moment, of course it goes on a case by case basis. But hell, that's what I've been facing lately and crawling out of the damned pit is only the beginning. The "pit" is simply a metaphor for a number of things: my education, lack of organization/management, carelessness, etc. Back to the work "conundrum" that I seem to be facing, and maybe you are too. Even with all the reading that I've been doing over the Summer, which honestly isn't a lot. I'm still not getting far with it all, and unless I buckle down for this year then I won't get anywhere. Every time I tell people about my Harvard plan they look at me through a different light. "Damn this kid has got his shit together if he wants to not only apply to Harvard but possibly make it." It's a personal goal and I only get 1 shot at it, whether I make it or not is something I'm getting very close to erasing from my mind as of this point. Uncertainty doesn't help in this situation especially, so I think to aid in my "purge" I'll start talking about it less and keep it on a need-to-know basis with the ones close to me. Don't expect status updates, this isn't exactly a weight loss goal. This is something that has the potential of changing my life and I don't think that bothering people with mind-numbing details helps anyone. As I stated before, I have no idea what real work is. I will most likely never know until I get down to it right? The reason I bring that up is to simply tell you: question everything about yourself. At least for the time being, while you have time to fix yourself do us all a favor including yourself and question you. Your habits, sleeping cycle, successes, failures, hobbies, etc. Am I doing the right thing? Are these the right choices? Hell you might even be ahead of schedule and turned your entire life around. In that case congrats, now get to it and keep excelling. With all this "work" I got left to do, I don't have a clue how I'm going to finish it. By that I mean I have no set timer or schedule. There's a lot of grey area when it comes to studying anything. Finished reading your Biology textbook? Read the University version. Finished all of that? Go read some peer journals. Done that? Go ahead and discover something yourself and write about it. The only limits that exist are the ones you instill on yourself. There's no checklist to go by, nobody to hold your hand and say you're doing a good job. So get out there and do something worthwhile. Not to the point where you come home and say "Aahhhh it was a good day." No, beyond that. What can possibly be past that you may ask? Well I can only assume that it is the following thoughts "What do I have left to do for tomorrow? How could I have done today's tasks better? Where did I go wrong today?" When you start questioning your "perfection" that is when the work comes. "Today is the day of the rest of your life" don't fucking waste it.

Ok so another thing I gotta cover, don't expect to move on by simply wanting to. In fact, don't expect anything in your life to happen by simply wanting it to. Hell, I want to become a model for this year's Fashion Show. But there's no way that can happen unless I look appealing to the judges. And you all know that my audition will entail one of the dumbest things you'll ever see. I don't even know what I'm gonna do until I get on that stage so stay tuned. Sure I may not have the body, but I can be one hell of a dance partner. I also can't expect to do anything with my life without trying a couple of new things here and there, or finishing my tasks for that matter. Back to the "moving on" part of this "paragraph". Doing it is very hard sometimes, whether it's a band that's lost you as a fan or someone you were close to but had to end it off for the better. And it'll suck sometimes, trust me on that. No matter how badly you want it to go away, it won't.........until you MAKE it. 3 very close people in the span of 365 days have left my life, and none of them wanted to. The circumstances at the time made it very hard for any relationship to exist, but that was the easy part to accept. What made it harder was moving on, at which point you come to a plateau in the midst of it all. Which is where I am right now actually, and not only because of those 3 people. But because I have had to abandon all sense of carelessness towards everything in my life. I used to be genuinely happy 24/7 and that was all that I needed. In my time of need I'd whip out one to two inspirational quotes and that would be my quick-fix method that made me forget all my worries. But once you realize how wrong you have been, once the illusion comes crashing down at you. There is nothing as crushing as that, or at least nothing I've experienced other than finding out the divorce of my parents. I can't say that I am satisfied with my life right now because I know I could be doing so much better. But I can confidently say I know what road to take and what goals I need to conquer in order to get there. It isn't that I'm in a bad place right now, no not at all. I just find myself thinking more about things that matter than things that don't. I wanted a simple life and so I set out to get it, I got it and now I find myself dissatisfied. And so now, I want a fulfilling life full of meaning. All I gotta do is go after it, that's a good place to start right? So whatever problem you may have, move the fuck on. I strongly urge you to reconsider what you are doing in your life if you aren't certain with it. And if you are certain with who you have become, then by all means keep going until you hit the inevitable speed bump.

Damn what was I going to write about? I guess this post isn't as long as what some of you may have expected. But I feel satisfied with it, for now of course. I will most likely write a post this coming Monday, seeing as how school starts on Tuesday and a conclusion to the Summer is best celebrated in a blog post. I set out to make it two months worth of self exploration, and all I have realized is that I've barely scratched the surface of it all. But that's what I like about it, there are plenty shards of my character that I am yet to discover. Then again, I ain't half bad so I'm sure nothing too bad will turn up in the coming year. This is a short conclusion too, I'll leave you with these words. Make sure to repeat them 10 times at least: if you say you're going to do something, then do it.

Read it, Learn it, Live it, Love it, and Post it!

Cheers, MarkL

Sunday, August 11, 2013

And so, we meet again.

It's interesting how much effort happens behind all the screens and whatnot, how much of it goes unseen is massive too. It took quite a lot of effort to get me writing right this moment. Don't worry I'm not forcing myself to write, that would be self-harming in the sense that I'd come up with an inadequate post for all you lovely readers. I'm trying to expand my limitless vocabulary, rather in the sense that the only limits are the ones I enforce. How am I undergoing such a feat? Well I'm starting to read classic literature, starting with old school Sherlock Holmes. He may not be considered classic by some but after I picked the book up I just couldn't put it down. The way that every single detail is described meticulously amazes me. And the added excitement with a mystery helps as well, I'm glad I saw both of the new movies with Robert Downey Jr. because it helped greatly in imagining what Holmes was like. From what I have read in the series, the "original" Sherlock Holmes was less eccentric in his actions. But I've only read the intro as well as "The Speckled Band" and "Silver Blaze", so my assumption is only based on several chapters and not the whole series. Anyways let's get onto it?

So what has happened all this time? I attended an arts show in which I was a photographer, the job was given to my by an acquaintance I met on the street. He is a local arts promoter, I happened to meet him on the street by accident and so after that I shared my photography and other works which he seemed to like. And so now I work for the Future Arts People. Not officially but I do jobs on the occasional call. I hope to become a bigger part of the initiative in the future, it's run all by artists and there's plenty of opportunities to be had! The arts show included some of the following pictures, I didn't post all of them because it would take you longer to load the blog with all the pictures.

Like I said this isn't all of the artwork that was there but this is some of the stuff that caught my eye. It was all on canvas, not sure what paint though. Either way the experience was great, everyone was 20 and over so I was out of my element there. But shrimp and plenty of alcohol was served to the patrons and so the evening got a little easier. The promoter liked the shots I got so I'm glad I was able to be of service. Alright so what else happened?

Well I started studying for my SAT exam and next year's courses. Bought myself one of them College Board books and am working thought it all vigorously. I'll tell you this much, it's not easy dedicating half your summer to studying but it'll be worth it in the end. It's simply a matter of dedicating yourself to something and following through with it. Along the way set some goals, but nothing too major otherwise you overwhelm yourself. Which is why I haven't been posting for so long. I've been dealing with my own troubles at the moment. Slowly I'm starting to pick up the pace as I organize my being. The whole transition has been excruciatingly consuming of my time and energy and still is. And it has kept me busy plenty, I have no doubt of that. I still have plenty to cover both during the summer and school year. Another announcement, I will not be joining Stage Crew for my last year. I have made the decision to quit because of personal reasons. Mainly because it's not one of my interests anymore and I've wasted plenty of time while being there. That's not to say I regret any of it, the entire experience has been enriching to no end. But all in all, the choice had to be made if I am to properly change my lifestyle. I'm sad to just let it all go of course, but the choice had to be made. It has been great living at my home away from home, many memories were had. Now that Stage Crew is out of the picture I start to worry about my non-existent group of friends. At lunch I'll most likely just be going home or hanging around various groups at school. This year will be different, I'll tell you that much. Oh and another announcement, I finished my long awaited longboard!


It is a beauty in my opinion, custom paint job by yours truly. Why the quote? A simple reminder to keep me in my place and remind me who I am. The wood panes used to make it were already glued together, all I had to do was carve it out and make sure everything was sanded down. Those carefree pink wheels and golden trucks you see were shipped on my birthday, since then they hesitantly waited for my fingers to reunite them with their long lost board. The first night I rode the beast, it was magical. Just seeing everything flow by you, it was unlike anything else. And the fact that I put it together, it just added to the goose bumps I was getting with every push on the school's track. I make it a habit to ride it at least once every 2 days to get better. No, I have not fallen off of it yet but I've come mighty close. I'm very proud to say that I accomplished this feat, now I have a ride! Feeling the ease at which the majestic land-creature carves the car-ridden streets of downtown is unlike anything else I have ever experienced. Some great times will be had on this board, I can tell you that much. I'll update you guys if I change the graphic, which is unlikely because I will only be doing that once I see some major dents. 

I still have plenty work ahead of me if I want to get to where I want to be in the future, but it's coming along I guarantee it. Oh and the album? I need to reconsider my strategy about the release date because my prioritizing hasn't been the best as of late. I'm terribly sorry to disappoint but I'll update you guys/gals once I come up with the date. Until then: Read it, Learn it, Live it, Love it, and Post it!

Cheers, MarkL