Sunday, August 14, 2011

Courtesy gets your Oranges, amongst other things....

Hey guys, how you doing? I know I haven't written one in a long time but I've been REALLY busy since I got back from Russia. But I'm here, and that's the most important thing right? Today's post will be an interesting mix of things, let's just say it'll be written in the P.O.V. (point of view) of a gentleman or someone that tries very hard to be one. It'll be.........dare I say................. a megalomaniac styled post ;) I won't be reviewing any artists, instead a song that I'm listening to at the moment. The song's name? You won't know unless you read more :D Oh and I forgot to mention, I am also now on Tumblr. It's my version of Facebook with a hint of blogging. I won't be posting my lengthy posts on there because nobody is going to really care to read that. Instead, it'll be a place where I post a new picture I just captured, or a quote, or a conversation from today. Just anything that makes my day significant, and if you haven't realized already my first realization was that "Courtesy gets you Oranges, amongst other things..." which is what I'll talk about later on. SO my Tumblr link is: Why underestimatedgentl3man? It's my temporary artist name until I'll think of any other ones. People often say artists get their names from a moment in time that defines them or just a random moment that they needed to decide their name. Like Deadmau5, where do you think he got his name? Well I did some research on him before, and it turns out when he was cleaning out his computer he found a Dead mou5e inside of it. From that point on, he was known as the Dead mou5e guy and the name just caught on. I haven't had anything like that happen to me yet but I'm sure I'll come up with a name later on. I'll talk about my trip to Russia in my following post, just be patient a little. So I guess I'm going to start writing this post, and there might be a surprise topic that I haven't even thought of yet. So here we go?

Chivalry is dead, and women killed it. How? Well most women say that it's dead because men aren't what they used to be. Sure, they're right, but women aren't what they used to be either. What did men used to be? Well in the old times men were strong, smart, and most important: courteous. What was courtesy back then? Don't sit down before the women, stand up and take your hate off when they come into the room, address them when you see them, offer drinks or smokes to them before anyone else, hold the door for them, amongst other things including never cursing in the presence of a woman. What did women used to be? They dressed nicely for one, many of today's young women dress very.................revealingly, if that's a word. They never back talked (that goes for men too) to anybody, especially the men. Never cursed in public, and were just plain lady-like. So before you women go criticizing us men, look at yourself and fix up what you have to do. And that also goes for us men, fix your business before sticking your nose into someone else’s. I'm not saying that I do this ALL the time, but I try to keep it in mind in my daily life. So really, men AND women killed chivalry together in a sense. The men stopped being courteous and the women started nagging the men to be more courteous. Which is the WORST thing anyone can do, and I mean both the men and women. The women criticized, which is by far the worst thing you can do to someone. Because when you do that, you make the person want to retaliate, not want to help you or be courteous to you. But the men didn’t help either by becoming lazy over time. So basically, chivalry is dying a very slow and painful death. Why? Well not ALL men are so lazy as to not be a gentleman, and not ALL women criticize nor have they stopped being ladies. Only a large percentage of them, and I hope that percentage becomes smaller. But if one day, the entire population of the world somehow becomes courteous (this is just a fantasy of course, just read on for now) then there will be no more gentlemen. Why? Well gentlemen are the kind of men that are courteous unlike the other average man that doesn’t care enough to be one. SO if the entire population turns into gentlemen then it would be a normal thing all around and the idea of gentlemen will die because EVERY man will be one. What’s the point of this whole topic? It’s to make you realize that chivalry is dead, and ALL of us have killed it. What can we do to save it? Nothing. What should we do to save it? Nothing. If you were brought up in a gentleman’s way or if you want to learn how to become one then go ahead. The rest of you? Step aside and let them do their work. If it’s not in you to become a gentleman then don’t be one. All I’m saying is chivalry is slowly dying, but it will never be dead. We can change the amount, more or less, but it will never die as long as humanity stands. My recommendation if you want to become a lady or a gentleman? Well for starters I would read up on Dale Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People”. It’s not a specific guide to being a gentleman, but it’ll teach you how to influence people so that they will like you. After you read that (twice, or else you won’t get it) the rest should follow. Talk in the elevator to avoid awkward silences, open doors for everyone, and the rest will happen on its own like instinct. If you’re still not too sure, then just Google it, it has ALL the answers to the questions I’ve asked, so far...........Hurry to buy Carnegie’s book, seeing as it is classified as an antique, in my world it is. Why? The author is dead, and people from all over the United States came to a crowded and small convention room to New York to hear him speak. If hundreds of men and women came to his classes, then buying his book for 5 dollars won’t hurt you in ANY way. SO let’s move onto the Oranges story.

P.S. Here's some food for thought:
A little while ago I made a trip to my local grocery store which is owned by an Asian family that imports LOCALLY grown food to their small store. I love them for doing so because fresh food is just a hop, skip, and jump away from my living space. It’s convenient AND it’s good for you, I can’t ask for anything more than that. So as I went to buy some delicious Vitamin C in a sphere, or as some of you weirdoes call them “Oranges” there was a sale for 5 “spheres” for 2$. Who can pass up a sale like that? I can’t, maybe you can, weirdo. SO as I was getting a bag for my spheres a lady was reaching the same time that I was, being the kind of person I am I let her get the bag first and I went back to my “Orange” picking. As I found my 4 good Vitamin C containers I didn’t manage to find a 5th one, so the lady that got the bag first let me have one of hers without realizing she actually had the same amount as me. So then she quickly realized it and found some worse “Oranges” and let me have one of her good ones. The moral of the story? Being courteous gets your Oranges........amongst other things. Oranges aren’t the first stop with courtesy, it can never stop and hopefully will never. Hopefully if you use it right it’ll come to your advantage in many stages of your life. Maybe you think that “Pfft Mark, what are you poor? That’s just a goddamn Orange!” Well like I said, it doesn’t stop there. Courtesy can take you places and make people like you and can give you information you would’ve never gotten by being mean and provocative. This also ties into my previous topic about chivalry. The only factor left keeping you away from this other side of the world is yourself. It all depends on how far you're willing to go with kindness. If it's not in you, then stand aside and let other people handle it.

Now I'm going to talk about a song I've been listening to a lot recently. It is sung by "Sting" and the song is called "Englishman In New York". I won't exactly analyze it like I usually do because it's just one song and there's realy not much to it, but I'll do what I can. The instruments themselves play a jazzy tune to the song which suits the lyrics very well. In my opinion, the song lyrics are just composed of many life lessons all jumbled into one fantastic piece. Here's an example:

Takes more than combat gear to make a man
Takes more than a license for a gun
Confront your enemies, avoid them when you can
A gentleman will walk but never run

The first part is entirely true, because looking like a soldier doesn't make you one. In the old times "The army made men very quickly" which is an exact quote from my father who was in the army back then. I'm not saying now the army life is any different because I personally wouldn't knows, time change and so do people. But from what I hear, it's not the same. Anyways, if you're just going to look like a soldier it's just what you look like. It's not the clothes that make the man it's the man that makes the clothes. Now the gun part, it doesn't take a man to know which gun to buy or how to use the gun. It takes a man to know when to shoot that gun. Which means that it takes more than a license for a gun. Now the enemies part, I'm a little hazy about it still. I'm sure it means that when your enemies are confronting you, don't run away, be with them when you can. Now the last part, I don't entirely agree with. Why? Well sometimes a man has to know when to run and when to walk.  Sometimes there's an emergency just too dire not to take charge and run for it, and sometimes you've got to be courteous and take the walking path. But that's just my opinion.

So we've had a fun time here today right? SO sorry it took so long but Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was this blog post. Now that you've read all this, I'd like you to post a comment on what you thought of this post and what you'd like to see in the next one. Don't forget that you can also em@il me your own stuff if you'd like to see it in my next post. Oh and I made my first recording of my first song, forgot to mention that. I'm going to post it up in my next post because until then I have to refine it and tweak it until it's all perfect for you guys. Until next time: Read it, learn it, live it, love it, and post it!

Cheers, MarkL