Monday, April 22, 2013


It seems that these days we seem to encircle ourselves with way more than we can handle. Social media combined with homework doesn't mix yet we do it nonetheless. Relationships get tangled, we meet new people. We assume that this should be easier than it is right now, that things could be better. But we aren't looking at things the right way, at least I'm not, rather I wasn't. This is life, what do you expect? Things are slowly unwinding and unrolling into chaos. We show up to class all happy and then when we go home we face the grim reality that is us. All this "wasted" potential, mind the quotes, we have is just adding to the copious amounts of pressure. Things used to be so simple, but yet, they never really were. They only seemed that way. Posts used to be about music artists and news, now they're lengths of abstract thought taped together to ideas and ideals and truths. As I'm slowly starting to realize why I started blogging I begin to travel into the deep machinations of my conscious ideas. The ideas were simple: get my opinion out there for others to share, interact, etc. But this is more than just that.

It seems as though I've evolved through all this. Some people might not be contempt with the things I post. But that's life, people will hate you, people will love you, that's life. Those 2 words have never meant to me more than they do now. As I sit here with red eyes staring at the screen, feeling liquids surrounding my pupils I wonder why. Not about the hardships of life, nor about the happiness. All of that comes with experiences and getting out there. But more of these trivial things. School being one. Having a consciousness that allows you to wake up and realize what you're really doing. It's like I just don't give a fuck. Neither in the good or bad way. But in the way that I'm conscious of why I don't care. I care way too much about unnecessary bullshit and not the things that matter. Don't get me wrong, I'm not depressed or having trouble in my life. I'm in a very good point actually. It's only that, all these realizations of what life really is gets you thinking. It gets you thinking of the freedoms you really possess, who cares about you, what you want out of life, in general: things about you. We often dismiss this and focus on other people's expectations while failing to fulfill our own, quite sad actually. And that's what it comes down to really. Whether you fulfilled your expectations or someone else's. For the life of me I can't get myself to do a simple Chemistry assignment. And the more I think about it, it scares me because what if I'm this lazy next year? At the same time, I dislike the sciences strongly and I chose courses specifically for next year because I'm going to do what I want. It used to be so simple. Write a test, get a good grade, see friends. It was the perfect equation, it worked for several years. And then we grew apart, everyone did. We made new friends, tried new things, changed. But what is life without change? Simply a waste of time.

And as much as I'd love to inspire you all with a speech of some sort, I won't. Because I believe what I write is more than that. It's more than something that you can copy and paste onto a Facebook status and sound inspirational. I'm more than that. What I say is tangible, in the sense that you can feel it. You've felt what I felt/feel at one point in your life. It's not simply the loss of innocence, it's more than that. Maybe what I'm writing is grim, maybe it's not. But I seem to have lost the will to care. And that's what scares me the most. Because I've realized that this is life, and I can simply do what I please. I understand the repercussions of that, more than you'd think. And so I act accordingly. But tonight, I seem to be on an irregular path. There's nothing wrong with me, not suffering from depression. I'm not taking drugs of any kind. I've jumped from topic to topic and lost track of all sense. The people that needed to understand this post did, to those that didn't: don't worry, another one will be up in a couple weeks time. Another thing I've realized. People just don't care. They don't care enough to send you a card, to ask how you're doing over the phone, to surprise you at your locker, we're losing a touch of humanity as we do less and less of this. Maybe I'm overthinking and maybe I'm not. I already have all of this sitting in my head with my own level of understanding. What you take out of this post is up to you. One more thing. Time is the most precious thing you can give to someone, think about it. It cannot be sold, returned, bargained for, etc. Who you spend your time with, you can't take that back. You're going to look back at all the memories at one point, both bad and good, and reminisce. Think wisely who you give your time to. I hope that you go to sleep tonight knowing that tomorrow's going to be better, that someone out there is waiting to say "Hey!" to you in the morning. I just hope you learn something, anything. Farewell to you, my thoughts, everything. Read it, Learn it, Live it, Love it, Post it.

Cheers, MarkL

Monday, April 1, 2013


How y'all been? Well once again I've got something to share, contemplate, do whatever it is that I do cause sometimes I can't really explain it. Went out exploring today, that was plenty fun of course as always. NT Idol is coming up and I already know what I'm going to sing for the first round as well as the third. We started reading a new book in English class. If anything.else comes up you'll see it in here.

So here's that "anything else" I was talking about that I just realized. I love romantic comedies, duh. But what I now know is the reasoning behind that. Being single, you don't have a lot of moments to feel compassion and love for something as someone that's in a relationship. And for some, watching romantic comedies solves that issue. For me it can't be just any Owen Wilson romantic comedy. It's gotta be good and I gotta think so highly of the guy that even I wouldn't mind cuddling with him. Yeah that's right, cuddling. Like HARDCORE, I'm not talking minor league, I'm talking WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP CUDDLING. It's quite competitive during the Summer time, it's definitely something you have to dedicate your life to, it could potentially land you a career so I guess it's worth it. Before I make myself sound like more of an idiot than I already am (you guys have NO idea what my potential is for idiocy until you've seen what I do at Stage Crew, yeah that's right Rachel, I'm looking at YOU, tounch.) let's move onto something else.

SO exploring, that was fun. Here's why:

Yes I shall be uploading these to my DeviantArt page, I am right now in fact. Aaaaaand DONE. Ok so yeah, that's about as much urban exploration that I did in 1 day. Not bad huh? Considering I had 2 excruciatingly tired friends at the end of it all. To be honest, I was too. Walking for 5 hours and adventuring can be quite tiring at the end. It was quite fun though. I learned more about paying attention to detail and taking any opportunity you can. Which explains the broken lightbulb photo that you see before you, somewhere up there. I found a lightbulb and broke it, simple as that. More fun than it sounds though. And that's Day 1 of my 4day break, I'll keep you guys updated if anything else exciting happens. Yeah nothing exciting happened, if anything that was my highlight.

On another topic, contemplation. About what exactly? I guess everything. Looking back at all the choice I've made, I don't regret many. And I'm being generous with the word many. Not that time I drank in Russia over the summer, not the time I was rejected by 5 girls in a row in under 1 minute (which is a world record I'm pretty sure). What I do regret though, is wasting my own fucking time. I don't understand why it's taken me this long to realize it, but I have been. The charade that "Oh you're a teen, it's what they do!" can only do so much for you when you realize you have NO social life. Albeit people think I'm smooth with my words, the reputation doesn't do much if you can't prove it to yourself. It takes a certain someone to accept that there's something wrong with their life, it takes another person to do something about that. What do I see wrong? No, not everything. My life isn't necessarily bad. If I go at the pace I'm going right now, I can live a steady life. But that's not what I want, I want an extraordinary life. I want to look back and be more than satisfied with the extraordinary things I did. Funny word extraordinary, it's as if it describes something as ordinary as an Apple but makes it EXTRA ordinary. To think superordinary didn't take its place. Anyways, I just want change. It's gotten to the point where I'm sitting right now and I'm fed up with my fucking waste of a weekend. I haven't done SHIT the past 3 days. Honestly the most work I did was read 3 chapters of a book that I'm ASSIGNED to read. Most of you seem to have this image of me of how amazing and awesome I am. I'm not trying to raise myself, this is what I hear from you guys. But to be honest, I'm lazy as fuck. And it's just ridiculous at this point because I can't get simple things done like homework. Homework is something that's assigned to you as the MINIMUM amount of work. There's an expectation that you'll go above and beyond it and do research on your own or find an extracurricular task to occupy your time with. Or just do something fucking productive with your time. I'm not fed up with you or anyone else, it's simply my own anger at my wasting time so don't take it personally. All the morals associated with "Well if you think philosophically about something then it's not a waste of time" are really bullshit. Why do I bring this up? Because that's what's been happening with me. I waste the day just not doing shit but I have 1 thought that I go into very deeply and I think that makes me hot shit. Well not exactly, more like it equates the fact that I didn't do shit that day. But it doesn't, because unless an action comes from that thought it's useless. People think about killing each other all the time, but only those that do it actually get shit done. I apologize, that was a very grim example. What I'm trying to say is, sitting around hoping for shit to go away or get done won't do anything for you. Get the fuck out of your comfort zone and do something useful with your life. Why am I being so upfront? Because those of you that don't have a brother or sister or anyone to push you, well you need a kick in the ass to get the fuck up sometimes and do something. But then again, take this for what it is for. Some guy sitting on his computer at 10:55 typing endless sentences and paragraphs and whatever else it is with the idea that people should listen to him. I take that back, I don't think people should listen to me. Rather, I think people should take into account what loved ones or close friends say to them about their life. How you view yourself differs from anyone else's view. I see my life very 1 dimensionally, but combined with everyone else's view then you get a full perspective of what my life really is. Both the good and the bad. But I don't think you need to see all the perspectives, more like only the people that are close to you and those that aren't afraid to call you out on bullshit. A friend is a friend, but a best friend or a companion will not hesitate that you're making a grave choice with your life. They will not hesitate to tell you you're an asshole because they know you can take it, and they understand that you clearly need to be told that. But that being said, anyone that close to you understands that not only can you take it they understand how harsh they should be and won't go over the top with it. Holy fuck I write a lot, sorry if your eyes hurt. Here have a kitten.

Ok the 3rd one is just for laughs. But nonetheless your eyes needed a break. Anyways I'm gonna go now because I promised my brother I'd be in bed by 11:15. Why did I tell you this and not another excuse? Because I think that my words should start meaning something to my family instead of stark emptiness. So yeah, Read it, Learn it, Live it, Love it, and Post it.

Cheers, MarkL

