Sunday, February 26, 2012

Best Week/end ever!!1!

He guys, like always it's been FOREVER since I've written last. Well at least that kept you peeled to your screen, or at least that was the desired effect. Anyways, TONS of stuff has happened since then. I'm pretty sure I haven't made a post about Fashion Show yet, and some other stuff. My artist of the day shall be Cas Haley, I'm pretty sure he placed 2nd in America's Got Talent at one point. I will share with you guys some experiences that I've had and what I learned from them. It's nothing special, the same things with different events I guess. So, let's go!!!

So first off, I'm going to start us off by talking about a lesson I recently had to learn the hard way. Don't let people walk over you. It's fine and dandy to help people out with their problems or at least try your best to, but when the person isn't doing their best to return that favor then it's not worth it. And I'm talking about EVERY relationship out there, be it friendship, girl/boyfriends, anything and everything. If the person isn't returning the favor then it's a waste of your time. You're better off with someone else. It seems like an easy thing to learn, but sometimes you'll never understand the lessons of life until you experience them. If you choose to keep helping the person instead of quitting on the relationship, well it'll only get worse from there. They might start promising to be there for you and such, but trust me, you're better off without them. If you've been as helpful with that 1 person as you have been with everyone else in your life then you'll have some friends to fall back on and possibly even a crush. If you don't learn to let go, you'll have bouts of depression because you'll spend all your time wondering why they just won't return the favor. Would you rather be having fun with an old friend or lying around wasting time? The toughest thing is letting go though, especially if you had great times with that person. But in the end it's best to just move on, you'll be better off in the end. I can't really say much on this topic. I've just been itching to share it with you guys for some time now, and now that I have I feel much better. Anyways, let's move onto the next topic!

So......Fashion Show happened!!!! Several weeks ago, and I miss it a lot. It's the single BIGGEST event of the year for all Stage Crew members. It's not really a Fashion Show, we don't have much of a catwalk and club music. But what happens is we have scenes, full of: special talent, model scenes, and dance scenes. This year was MUCH better than last year. This kid named Zefan did special talent and he went out there and created music right on the spot. Kind of like what I did for NT Idol except he used electronic beats instead of vocal. What he did was SIIICK!!!!!! It was like Techno and Club music combined with kind of a DubStep feel to it. Anyways, the show was a success despite some hiccups. At one point we had a pointy pin somewhere on the floor and all the models started freaking out about it. One of the models dislocated his hip holding a girl. One of the Special Talent's Amp cord wasn't functional. But at least now we know what to fix for next year. In the end all of us just came out and danced like the bosses we are!!!! I wish I could upload the video but it's 830mb large and that would take 3 hours to upload, or at least that's what Facebook says. But I shall upload pictures which you can see for yourself below!!!
That strapping young fellow with the grey sneakers over here ^ is yours truly

 So yeah, as you can see there are A TON of people on Crew. This is because we had some Alumnus ;) come by and help us out with the show. It's kind of a tradition to help out I guess. The dude with the Red Chapeau and Bear Ears is the 2nd and other only member of Stage Crew that is Russian :D which pleases me to the utmost. And I won't upload videos of the scenes because they are ALSO very large. I'm sorry for having an HD camera :/ I'll most likely upload the videos to YouTube at one point, but even then I'll make them private only to Stage Crew members (that's the perk of being on Stage Crew :) So that's generally all I have to say on that topic, ONTO THE NEXT ONE!!!!

Lately I've been listening to this awesome guy called Cas Haley. For those of you that don't know you, and that would be most likely all of you since this guy isn't famous/mainstream. He is a musician from Texas that won 2nd place in America's Got Talent, and he's white even though he doesn't sound like it when he sings. Anyways, his music is somewhere between Reggae and Acoustic, at least that what I classify it as. His music is really upbeat except like 2 songs or so. I STRONGLY suggest that you guys go ahead and listen to his music, but I always do that anyways with every artist :P I think that other than Maroon5 this is the only Acoustic Artist that I listen to, but for a great reason cause this guys is just out of this world. Sometimes I just sit in my room and take my Trumpet out and try to play along to his music which is more fun than it sounds. Anyways, why don't you just go ahead and have a listen to his tunes here on the right and see for yourself? If you want the link to his full album just ask for it in the comments and I will kindly give it to you. So yeah let's move onto our next topic.

Recently I have begun to write and do more music related activities which feels REALLY good like finishing off on old blogpost. I have actually finished writing a song which I shall post. I haven't written a "Happy" song yet, so this would be my first. I think even at one point I began to tear up while I wrote it. But then again I stayed up til like 1am finishing it. So here it is:

(I don't have a title for it yet, but I'm open to suggestions!)

Have you, got a frown?
And it ain't upside down, no

It takes less muscles to smile
And it lasts more than a while

Well life can be hard on all of us

But we have to, get right back up
Be as it may

No matter, however, we do it
We have to put effort to try

Because what we make of these sad times
Is what we'll remember for the rest of our lives

The beautiful colours
Over the rainbow

The children and birds singing fills the air
Across the world

People caring for one another
Without a word

And all this happiness is so damn gorgeous
I'll give it a whirl

So that you too may enjoy yourself
And have a good time

Maybe one day you'll come around
And share all this kind......ness

Chorus:  What you make of the world is up to you
You don't ever need to cry
There's so much love in this world
All you need to do is try, to
See it, believe it, share it and spare it
Everyone just needs to unwind
Take the time with your neighbor
Kiss and love 'em to death
One day, maybe one day
Mankind will be happy for the rest of their lives

Remember those happy times you spent with your mother?
Or those special moments you spent with a brotha?
Then why even waste your time sad?

When you've got, your whole life ahead of you
Years upon years to be glad

That you took my advice, or someone was nice
And you decided to let the world know, with a smile

Chorus X2

Now, just like all the songs I write they are subject to change. I am REALLY looking forward to recording this one, it's probably going to be sooner than later. I already have the rhythm down, I just need the harmonies and bass lines thought up. All in all, I love what I have written (like always :) Unfortunately I have to get off of the computer right now, it's getting late and the OSCARS are on!!!! I'll finish this post up next time and see you guys soon!!! Remember to: Read it, Learn it, Live it, Love it, and Post it!!

Cheers, MarkL