Thursday, October 25, 2012

No Idea

Hey guys, for those of you that care I'm not feeling sad or happy at the moment. Somewhere in the middle actually, so personally I think I'm in shape to write a post. Otherwise if I felt like shit, it would reflect in my post and you guys would have to read that crap. So I'm just gonna start.

Lots to share. I made the Boys Volleyball team, that's 6 years I've been playing. Funny how fast those years have gone by now that I think about it. From semi-starting on the first line in games, to the bench, and now I'm starting not just because of my height, but because I'm actually good. Surprised? Yeah me too. But it's a good surprise, I'm more confident about my sports playing now. We have some great guys on the team, not to mention the best coaches. One of course is a Gym teacher that has MORE than enough experience to also coach. But the other coach, he's played for the best University team in America. Had the chance to go pro, but turns out there isn't any real money in the sport. A career would be nice, but if you're putting in the daily 9-5 and it's not yielding results (or the results you want) then it's worth giving a shot at another career choice. Thankfully he decided to coach us, which is INCREDIBLE. It's going to be a great season, I'm evolving as not only a team player but also in terms of my volleyball skills. It's actually FUN now, instead of "Pass it to the Seniors." I hear "Mark!" being called as a set for me to hit. I make mistakes of course, but it's all about doing repetitions and getting those mistakes to disappear. That's what the coach says at least, he's gotten us this far so he can get us even farther. I think I'll just leave the Volleyball topic at that then, oh and we've lost our first 2 games but have been undefeated for the past 3 games. Talk about........TRIPLE KILLing it on the court. SO what else have I been doing lately............listening to a lot of new artists. In the last month I've downloaded KiD CuDi's latest album (which is great to listen to even if you're not a pothead), BoB's latest album (mix of rap/hip-hop and dance, overall it's a feelgood album), Casey Abrams thanks to a fellow friend Marijna (the artist himself sound's a little bit like Indie, a great mix of feelgood/nostalgia/rainy day music), Snoop Lion (his name change happened for a reason, the guy has turned over a new leaf and I love his new Reggae sound, can't wait for the full album), Macklemore & Ryan Lewis (these guys are a Seattle bassed Rap duo, one does the music and the other does the rapping, it's a great album based on morals and values. It's not as boring as I make it sound, just go and listen to "Thrift Shop" or "Same Love" on YouTube and you'll see), K'Naan's discography (no, not "Waving Flag". If you honestly listen to his other albums you'll see that he's not just a one hit wonder. His music speaks a lot of truths and just sounds great overall, go and listen to his sound and you'll see what I'm talking about.) Maroon5 (their latest album is a bit iffy for me, they have turned to the electronic music scene which is a drawback for me. That's because I still remember when they made "This Love" and other songs that were kind of Love Ballads. That's their sound, and the fact that they changed it is kind of like what the Black Eyed Peas did. Mind you, they have some good songs on their album but not all in my opinion.) Fort Minor's Discography (the guys that sang "Remember the Name", that whole rap that add's up to over 100%, yeah well they have better songs than that actually like "Where'd You Go" and "Believe Me". They're a bit outdated by today's standards but I still think they're worth a listen.) The Weeknd (he's a Toronto based.....indie rapper....I guess. The thing is I can't exactly pin point his style because it's so diverse. In his music he sings, but sometimes it would be considered Rap. And I can't say Hip-hop because it's not funky/jumpy enough. His music is the kind you'd listen to in order to calm down or listen on a rainy day. Chill as fcuk. Yes, I meant fcuk not fuck.) Oh and T.I. (for when I need to get my Swagger up, by Swagger I mean attitude and overall well-being.) SO yeah, those are all of the artists that I've lately been tuning into/focusing on. I shall be posting my favourite tracks on the side, give them a listen while you're reading.

Ever feel like you have a hard time trying to find something to do on the weekend? I did a couple days ago, and all of a sudden I just found myself building a shelf. Like the one you see below.

So all it really took for me, was some scrap wood I had for my "Communist Re(a)d" project. I actually scrapped it, sorry guys. The reasoning behind that is because frankly I don't have enough time to do it and I'd much rather build a shelf. If you'd like to know about my scrapped idea just message me and I'll tell you all about it, after all I did keep it a secret and not offering an explanation would be bullshit. So yeah, scrap wood, then I cut it with a hand saw to the appropriate size (measure twice, cut once. This should be fucking posted everywhere.) and then glue it. But I'm adding my own little twist to this project. Instead of just gluing all the pieces together and then leaving it as it is with the colour that it is I'm going to collage newsprint all over the pieces. So somewhere you'll see actual paragraphs, and on other places you'll see incredible pictures thanks to the Globe and Mail. I actually can't wait until I finish this entire project, gotta make 2 shelves though so the first one is a test. If you're wondering the length (for some reason, if you actually were, +100 Mark Points for being so smart.) the 2 shelves are going to be 18cm or around 7.5 inches. They're not going to be hung, but rather put on top of my bed's nightstand. I wonder what other DIY (Do It Yourself, +100 Mark Points for learning something new today.) projects I'll get into as the year progresses. I might even start selling some of my stuff if it's good enough.

The Junior Achievement Project has started up once again. Of course I joined for those of you wondering (by the way, you guys are getting WAY too into my life if you're wondering all these things, you're almost as creepy as me. Keep it up!) This year is going to be great, most of the people in my company are people that have been in the program in the past years so clearly a lot of experienced people shall be running the executive team. I'm looking to run for head of H.R. (Human Relations). Basically I'll be solving the Company's social problems that happen within the company. If H.R. didn't exist then an entire company could fall apart withing weeks because of rising conflicts. As far as I'm concerned, nobody else is running for the position so hopefully I'll be able to be head of H.R. I personally don't think I'm a big fan of anything to do with business and commerce. So why am I going to JA? I love to give fresh ideas, whether it's for the products, or the website, or sales tactics. Just giving ideas and my opinion is something I love. Otherwise I wouldn't be here writing a blog, and you wouldn't be here reading this but rather spending your night/day doing something WAY more productive. I'm excited for this year's JA, new faces, new advisers to help us along the way, some of my close friends have gone to a different location that's more accessible to them. I was disappointed for a bit, as anyone else would be, but honestly getting to know new people is as great as hanging out with old friends. This way you get to make NEW friends along the way.

Oh and another thing, I've been writing a lot more too. I mean poems, songs, thoughts, whatever. I haven't written another complete song, but I do have the beginning of one. Sadly I don't have my notebook on me at the moment so I can't really type it on here as much as I'd love to share my new work with you guys. I've also been posting my photography on my DeviantArt page, you guys should go check that out at where you'll see my collaborative works, Film, and Digital Photography. It's been great writing this post, my apologies for the post being a month late or so. But hey, I wrote it on a Thursday instead of a Friday so that you guys don't have to wait as long. Grade 11 is busy as fuck, more busy than I ever expected. But if I've learned anything, it's that you should always make time for friends. Your homework won't take care of you when you get sick or feel like shit, your friends will on the other hand. Oh and send a letter to someone, just anyone really. Make a long distance friendship with someone and send a letter, regular mail is rare these days, the fact that you show THAT much dedication to send a letter would not only surprise them but make their week (no, not day, I meant what I said, You're going to make their ENTIRE week better by sending a simple letter asking how they are. So get to it.) Alright well I gotta go to my 2nd period Chemistry class. You guys have fun doing homework, or what have you over the weekend. Don't forget to Read it, Learn it, Live it, Love it, oh and Post it.

Cheers, MarkL