Sunday, March 24, 2013

The beginning of the end.

Hey guys, how y'all been? I've been living, as many of you may or may not have realized. Took me a long time to realize at least. I'll be explaining below of course, you'll see. Fashion Show happened recently, that was quite the Odyssey. I also managed to finish up some old lyrics and get some stuff submitted into Grafitti. So I guess I'll talk about that for a bit along with some other stuff. Kind of a short intro, not much to say. Aight let's get started.

So for the past 3 weeks I've been living. And by that I mean my life hasn't had a set schedule which has been interesting. Highschool administers a sort of mentality where you have to follow a certain schedule. You have certain classes at certain times which you are expected to attend. But Fashion Show and March Break have thrown all this out of whack. It's an odd feeling waking up at 7AM and thinking about what you'll do today. It's nothing like the weekend where you know your responsibilities. It's more like an empty day, like the Summer. You know that you have some tasks that need to be done but there's no set goals that need to be done for the day because nobody is supervising you other than yourself. In the Summer you have 2 months to do whatever and then you go back to the schedule again. But 3 weeks without school and nobody to tell you to do anything, it changes your perspective on some things for sure. For one, I don't really see school as an obligation. I never did really, but now at least I know what it's like to not have literally any worries. For those 3 weeks I didn't care about class, friends, teachers, homework, nothing. At this point I don't even know what's acceptable in a classroom environment compared to Stage Crew. Maybe it's good, maybe it's bad. Whatever it is, it definitely opened up my eyes and I'd never take it back. Being accountable for your choices is something you learn in your teens. And as teenagers, we learn by doing more than listening to others tell us. So go ahead, miss a test, forget about that assignment, cheat on your spouse, just learn from it. The point of what I just said isn't to do anything you want without consequences. What I just said simply means that you should always take something away from an experience and not dismiss it. Had a "talk" with someone and they simply walked away? Check your attitude and tone at the time. Have a secret crush on someone that you can't get out of your head and its driving you crazy? Check all of the options that would relieve this, and no leaving it alone won't do anything. You think your life is full of assholes? Maybe you're the asshole. These are all radical examples and I'm not trying to accuse anyone of anything, if you're interpreting it that way then that is your own interpretation and should not be taken up with me. I'm simply trying to say, learn from your experiences. Both your mistakes and successes, especially your successes. Learn what you did right and repeat it thoroughly for more success, or build off of your habits and create new ones. Just live life.

So what's the plan for NT Idol? I'm planning to perform after this week ends. SO the week after this one. What shall I be singing? I'll find out once I choose the songs or get my list of songs back. If I make it to the 3rd round I'll be singing an original piece which was in last weeks Grafitti issue. It was listed under Underestimated Gentleman of course. I've realized now that having an artist name has more meaning to it than just a stage name. When I write lyrics I don't just sit there and put words on a page, there's MUCH more to it. My mind goes in a state that's unexplainable. Words start flowing, themes keep pouring out of me, I'm in a state of flow. And I simply cannot tell myself to go into that state myself whenever I want to. I become something else when I'm writing lyrics like that. I become the Underestimated Gentleman. I can explain my opinions free of fallacy, but the Underestimated Gentleman can do it in song. So here's a taste of "his" latest work: At the morning's breath

Amidst all the bullshit
Amidst all the lies
There are things in this life that open up our eyes

It's the truth, beliefs that shatter our minds
That leave us heartbroken for the rest of oour lives
A minute or two, is all it should take
To grieve upon the truth and the choices that we make

But no, sometimes it takes several days
And we feel bad for ourselves, our methods, our ways
Are changed, contorted, made up and excused
And we act like they're the enemy, while we are abused

But in reality, really it isn't all our faults
We're all craving attention, no matter big or small
From the people that we love, from the people that we like
We really don't care who as long as it's concise

And we take it for granted, although it isn't right
We use the power that they give, to fuel our own fights
Our daily conflicts, competitions, contests and struggles
Are getting in between our sisters and brothers

So let's all make amends, with our past and theirs
Time is the biggest thing, that we can give to show we care
Because toys, jewellry, clothes and cash
Don't really mean a thing if your life ends in a flash

I don't have a Chorus done yet, I might come up with something later on but this is what I got right now. This post really isn't much, just fill in the blanks yourself. I'll change the music and background, eventually. So I hope you guys enjoyed that, I'm gonna go sleep. Don't forget to Read it, Learn it, Live it, Love it, and Post it!

Cheers, MarkL