Friday, January 28, 2011

How lucky you really are

Hey everybody! Damn I gotta come up with a new beginning, if you've got any ideas just comment them. So what shall today's topic be about? Well whatever it will be about it'll include my latest lyrics that I wrote yesterday. Le'ts get on with that shall we? Today's topic shall be about how lucky people are even though they don't realize it. Let's start with a good example: NT. Now I went to Don Mills Middle for 3 years, faced with bullying having no friends and everyone disliking me was tough. So when I came to North Toronto it was a haven for me. Kids just don't realize how lucky they are to be in this school, luckily I do. They take everything for granted and want more in the end. And they don't take the opportunities that they see in front of them. Now these aren't all the kids at NT but it's around 60% of them that just don't care. Well I'd like to see how much they care after they go to Don Mills and have been what I've been through. I see people around me failing the simplest of subjects, now don't get me wrong. It's sad to see them not realize how lucky they are, I hope that one day they will realize this and feel bad because it what they deserve. And no I'm not a saint so sometimes I do take things for granted or I'm just lazy sometimes, but at least I'm pickin up my weight and getting good marks. When I got my report card I saw that I had an 81% average, and I advent had an honor average since grade six. It may be sad or nothing to gloat about but to me it's a big accomplishment. Seeing as it is my math mark went up by 30% since I left Don Mills. Now I'm not asking for the people at NT to do what I ask, but I just want them to know how I see and think of them. How I look at NT as a place for getting a better education and a haven. And all of those people that are switching to Northern, think again. Because you're making a big mistake, just because a lot of people are going doesn't mean you should. Just think what you will gain from this: NOTHING. So just think a little before you do anything stupid or anything you'll regret. So let's move onto another topic shall we? Recently an old friend of mine started messaging me on fb. And I haven't talked to her since way back in September. I wasn't expecting her to talk to me but I'm glad she did because it made me feel like someone cared enough to talk to me instead of me having to start a convo all the time like I always do. The moral of the story? You always have time to catch up with your friends no matter how late it is. Because once you do it makes them feel better that you did talk to them, it gives them a sense of compassion and let's them know that you care enough to talk to them. And as I have promised you in my last post I have written some lyrics in music class just for you guys and I haven't written any in a long time. I haven't figured out a name for it so if you have one put it in the comment section below. So here are the lyrics:

A friend would tell 1000 lies just to hear one truth from you
The friendship never shows demise, it's close like grass and dew
It never ends, stops or pauses
Only grows, gets bigger, rises

Too bad I never had a friend like this
But one day shall come, and I will not miss
 My opportunity to trust and care for somebody else
It's hectic but worth it, in the end they're not a pest

Listen to what I'm saying, it's only the truth
You can seek, decieve or lie, but you'll never hit the roof
And go sky high, you'll never make it
Running in a circle, keep being repetitive

The vicious cycle continues, it never ends
By the time you're on 2nd lap I'm sitting in a Benz
Deceiving and lying is only hurting yourself
While I'm in the big time killing that elf

That imp, that devil, that takes over all of us
Devours our insides, destroy it we must
There's only do or do not, there is no try
As much as you'd like you cannot cry

No defeat, fear, or regrets will be submitted
Youcan fight fire with fire but you won't beat it
Unless you're Michael Jackson but he was defeated
A legend, dead and gone like the wind, the trail he left behind cannot be repeated

So many copies, fakes and traitors
To get rid of the rumors we need anhilators
We need the truth, and the power to get it
The people shall rise, don't you forget it

In this concrete jungle we live
Our survival is the love that we give
Now my instinct has got in my way
It's true what they say, the world is your chance to create

Thank you Dub FX for that last rhyme
Cause when he split the mic I had a good time
His music is mind bending and life changing
Nobody can copy or rearrange it

Cause he's one of a kind
He makes your mind melt with a cut of his rhyme
I've got a long way to go, so many things to do
Before I can achieve my status to sing to you

For now I do what I can to move up the rank
But in the end my rhymes are gonna be like a tank
Break anthing and anyone in my way
Unless you like my music, then go down to the bay

I'm a force to be reckoned with, like a hurricane wind
Cause when I enter the builing all I do is win
Now It's time to end this, not time to give up
I'll give you a minute to realize and let you get up

Now I thought of that in a span of 2 hours or so and it's the longest song I've done so far and I'm honestly proud of it. I hope you'll like it, if you have any tips just comment on what you'd like to see me write about or something about my lyric writing style. So until next time: Read it, learn it, live it, love it.

Cheers, MarkL

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Course Selection and some other stuffz

Hey everybody, how you doing? Don't answer that because I know you won't. SO anyways, today's post is special because someone suggested it. And I've asked a teacher about it too, so you've got my point of view and a teacher's view. Double the awesomeness, so let's begin shall we? The topic that somebody requested was about course selection. So therefore it's going to be for the people that are going to grade 8 or are already in highschool going onto another year. Let's start shall we then? For my first year in grade 9 I chose to do art and music instead of a business course or an extra language course. It's because at NT you can choose only 2 extra course for your first year. If you wanna know more about selecting your courses then go search up your school that you want to go to and they should have a section with course selection. Because every school is different do NOT use mine as an example. Go look your school up and you'll probably find what you're looking for. But when you're choosing your school to go to or the courses you will take you have to think about your education because you'll be staying there for 4 years and you have to choose your course based on what you enjoy doing. Not where your friends are going, trust me you should NEVER do that. Because it's your future that you are making, not your friends. I mean take a look at me, I transferred schools without knowing anybody who was in it. And now I'm known or my dancing, my blogs, and just for being myself. So just choose the courses that you KNOW you will like because when you are going to have boring subjects like Science, French, Math or even History (some of them aren't boring for me but everybody's different) you need a subject that will let you sit back, relax, and do something you enjoy. Although it was easier for me to move from one school to the other because I hardly had any friends and very little connections there. So just try to look at things from my point of view and see how I chose my courses. But that's all the advice I've got for now, if you've got anything else to ask that I didn't cover then put it in the comment section and I'll get right to it. So let's start another topic shall we? This one should be interesting cause it's been bugging me for a LONG time. And it's about minding your own damn business. Recetnyl I've had friends asking me about my name change on facebook and some people are saying I've joined a gang (which I haven't) and they won't leave the damn subject alone. And when I'm sitting beside them in class they can't and WON'T stop asking me about it. No matter how hard I try I can't get them off the subject. And when I ask them to stop talking about it they don't. If you ask me a true friend would stop once you asked because they know that you don't want to talk about it and that you don't enjoy it when your friends do that. Therefore the logic means that they're not my friends and are being big douchebags by doing so. And if you're reading this and you're one of those friends take this advice: stop f*cking bugging me about it because it pisses me off. Soooo anyways lets move onto something else. I can't get dancing off of my mind, and I'm hoping to have a school wide event of crew vs crew battles with a giant cash prize. IF anybody has any tipd on how to start this then please DON'T hesitate to comment and gimme some advice on how to do this sort of stuff. So I guess until next time I'll see you guys I'll be thinking of another post to write. And all of you douchebags at NT (this includes you Zack and Ben) that are joking about my blog and laughing at it. You can go f*ck yourself because I honestly don't care what you think of it so you can go screw yourself for all I care. Until next time you know what to do: Read it, learn it, love it, live it.

Cheers, MarkL

Monday, January 24, 2011

It's been a long time since I've had a post

Hey everybody, how you guys doing? Well I am doing GREAT and BAD at the same time. Great because I won a dance contest at my school and I won 100$. You can see the video for yourself here------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
So the BAD news is actually tied in with todays post. As you all know projects come once in a while and choosing your partner for it is KEY to getting a good grade. And I don't mean choosing the smartest kid like everyone does to me and hoping that they will do the work for you. No, don't even try to do that. Because as soon as the smart kid realizes that you're only with him because you don't want to do work he'll tell the teacher that you don't want to do anything and the teacher will give you a zero. Anyways lets move onto another topic. I haven't been able to write for a LONG time now, so here's the reaosn. I've been extremely busy for the dance competition which I won, and yeah I'm going to improve my stuff and learn some new routines some time soon. And yeah it'll be a Jabbawockeez routine, probably their Apologize or Lean Wit it Rock Wit it routine. If you've got a comment on my video then just do so below because I'd like to know what you think of my dance and what I could do to improve it. So lets move onto another topic once again, I recently entered a singing competition and I failed!! I wasn't exactly a Ted Williams on the mic, but I wasn't exactly good enough to make it to the second round. I give my respect to the people that did because they honestly deserved it, and I could've done better. But for now I'll stick to dancing and writing rhymes. Which reminds me, I'll be sure to write something special for you guys in my next post. Oh and you people gotta get more involved in my blog, comment on what vid I should post on my blog or what movie I should torrent. That's the point of this blog, to share my opinion with those who honestly care. SO if you honestly care then comment on what you would like me to talk about or anything in general. If you don't care then get off of this blog, if you're here to make fun of me then get out. This place aint for haters, its only for people that understand how I see the world. So I'm gonna do a bonus topic just for you guys before I leave. WHat a friend really is. A friend isn't someone who is gonna laugh at you because you got some dance steps wrong, or because you did the chrotchgrab in a dance routine. A friend is someone who is willing to help you with the routine, or congratulate you on winning it instead of making fun of you. No amount of money can replace a friend. Now you may know alot of people, but that doesn't make them your friends. A friend will wait with you on the bus stop even though they have to go in the other direction. I've known alot of people in my life, most of them douchebags. But I have never had 1 friend who's always there for me no matter what. Most of the people I know are honest to god douchebags. Like this kid who walked past me after I did my dance (he's on the curling team and he happened to be a participant in the dance off and he was SHIIIIIT) and he coughed the word loser. I almost got up and b*tch slapped the kid. He deserved it, but he wasn't worth the trouble. SO that's an example of a douchebag, I've met plenty of those in my time. But it doesn't matter for now because it's fun to cuss them out when they're being assholes. So anyways, until then I'll be writing more songs and dancing some more. Hopefully I'll have 2K views by then thanks to you guys, but seirously you gotta comment more. Until next time: Read it, learn it, love it, live it.

Cheers, MarkL

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Hey everybody, I know I haven't written a blog post in like 3 days and you better not gimme a hard time about it because like I have said before I have my own life. It's a shock to most of you, but it's true. Anyways, today's post will be about kindness (and no I ain't gonna go all soft on this topic, I'm gonna try to be as serious as I can) So today I was on the subway on my from a curling game (the MANLIEST sport of all, jks) and I gave my seat to this girl being the gentleman I am and she said "Mark, why are you being so nice?" and this honestly shocked me. Because I was just being like any person should be: nice. That's all I was doing, not wheeling, but being nice. Is it that hard to believe that somebody is being nice to you for some reason these days? This proves why people are more angry and stressed these days. When you're in an elevator with somebody else just make a conversation, you won't lose anything from it. Trust me, I've done it many times and it hoenstly improved my day. It's a great way to meet someone new. So try that one time, say hi to your grocery cashier or just somebody who's as pissed at you waiting for the bus. It makes for some great stories. So yeah, I was honestly surprised when the girl said this, because I was just raised that way. To give seats to people that need them, to be curteous to others. Just common sense, that's all it takes. In fact, my teacher once said "Common sense, it's not common" and he was right. It still isn't, I guess it will always be like this. Ah well, whatever. As long as there are nicer people in the world I guess it balances out. Allright lets turn the sissy dial down and talk about something else. My recent website name change, which is also for personal reasons and I won't explain why. SO you can ask all you want, but I ain't gonna answer, make sure that your friends know the new URL is: and not *********** oh and if you want to sign up to get an em@il whenever there is a new blogpost just message me your em@il and I'll add it to the list. So until next time I'll keep of thinking things to add for my next blogpost. Oh and for all the people that say they "read" my blog, you gotta read ALL of my posts and my Bio which is in the bottom of the page somewhere. SO don't say you read my blog unless you've read the previous posts and read my posts on a daily basis. I'd rather have you tell me that you don't read it then lie to me.Until next time you know what to do: Read it, learn it, love it, live it.

Cheers, MarkL

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Stupid Ms.

Sup everyone! Now it's friday, and ofcourse I'm watching a moive. If you're wondering what it is it's Death Race. You can say what you want about it but to me it's a VERY original storyline and the special effects are good too. It's not exactly as mysterious and questioning as The Hurt Locker, or as technology wise as Avatar. But it's good so far, my entire review will come out tomorrow, so stay tuned. So onto today's topic: some awful ass teacher which will remain anonymous for obvious reasons. Now I KNOW that I'm going to rant on about it, but just read more and you'll see it's not ALL about me whining. So there's this teacher, let's call her Ms (yes, just Ms) And today I had my first class with Ms, I ain't gonna say which one (the people at NT already know which one I'm talking about) So anyways, at NT we have this event called charity week. And at this event each homeform comes up with an event they can do to raise money for a charity, this year's charity is: War Child. So anyways, we're all sharing ideas and stuff and Ms remembered that one of the teachers told her that an Xbox at Walmart is 150$ or so (I'm not sure if she's right because I never checked) And I said "Why don't we look at the Walmart website and find out?" And you wouldn't believe what she said, and these were her exact words "Mark, I don't like your attitude. I'm gonna need to speak to you later." And I was frankly shocked that she thought I had attitude in what i said. Now prove me wrong (because I'd love to hear it) but honestly, I don't think that I was giving her attitude. I was just giving her a suggestion on what to do. But whatever, she's always hated me. I honestly don't care though, because I'm not that fond of her either. So anyways you may have noticed that by my facebook page I am entering a singing contest called NT Idol. And to enter I need a 30$ deposit as my ticket. So if you're in Toronto and go to NT please sponsore me because I want to be in the competition. And I'm sorry that today's post is so short, but it's a friday. Can't expect anything big on a friday. So until net time I'll see you guys later. My blog: Read it, learn it, love it, live it.

P.S. I don't care which order I say it in.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Future of this blog and a freestyle

Hey everybody! For today's post I shall be trying to depict the future of this blog, oh and like I promised last time I will post a lyric I wrote yesterday. So for the future of the blog: I honestly don't know where it will lead me. But I'm hoping to get it bigger than what it is already, but it doesn't mean I'm going to be talking about trash on my blog. Hell no, this blog will always be what it began as: me adding my opinion to the world whether anyone wants to hear it or not. So don't worry that I'll start talking about how fabulous Justin Bieber is (because he's NOT, I honestly never met the guy so I wouldn't know what he's like but I give him credit for his dance moves and nothing else, his singing somehow gets people on a fake high and they don't realize that his lyrics don't mean shit) or Katy Perry's new ass tattoo (I bet she's got one already) SO there's no need to worry that I'll turn my blog into something like that, it will only get better from now on. I'm actually thinking about making posters and posting them around the neighbourhood or even at school, just to get more people reading my blog and seeing how I look at life. And I'm also thinking about making a shirt or two with some quotes from my blog, or something like that. Just to get people's attention about my blog, or just making a statement like I always do (but in shirt form) So if you have any ideas on how I should get my blog out there do not be afraid to comment on it or inbox me. And let's move onto another strand of today's topic: what I will do to this blog in the future. In 2 years or so I will probably have a part time job and will be able to afford to have my blog moved onto my own URL adress. And I will probably know WAAAY more about scripting in the future so TONS of stuff will probably be added to the page. But I can promis you one thing that will NEVER be on my blogs: Advertisements. I hate them as much as you do, no matter what kind they are. Be it weight loss, viagra, sexy women looking for singles. I honestly don't care of any of those things becuase I don't need to. So I will do my best to keep the advertisements off of my blog, no matter if I have to pay more. It will be worth it in the end, because no ads is one step closer to making your day better. So that is what's in store for my blog in the future, but once again I will say that I don't make any promises because I may not be able to keep them. And you might be asking me what the hell was the point of telling us that Mark? Well the point was that it's what I expect to see my blog become and what I expect to do for it to become famous. And don't complain that I went against what I said before, because even if I am you aint exactly a saint either. So like I promised you guys, I wrote a freestyle yesterday. And I personally think it's a little worse than my last freestyle, so here it is:

Wasting so much time, I think I'm a waste of space
Now we've all had this, no matter your race

Be it white, black, jew or yellow I don't care
Because we're not all that different, so no need to stare

At a black man's face as he walks by
See a movie, get some coffee, or just say hi

Cause you won't regret it, you never know
When you need another friend for a show

And do fucking not throw pennies at a Jew
Enough about them, lets talk about you

Have you got no race, skin, or imagination?
You're not human so get the hell out of this nation

Uh, and you know that i'm right
Fighting this, shooting that, stop making a fright

Have you got no reason? Have you got no rhyme?
Yeah, I've got it. So let's have a good time

As I split this mic
Now don't go crazy, don't be starting no Reich

Just have some fun
Don't drink or do drugs cause you'll end up a bum

You don't think I'm right?
Come back in 3 years, and let's see how tight

Your life is, with all those damn expenses
Didn't Iwarn you? Should've listened to me Benson

With Dub FX on my left, Flower Fairy on my right
You know you can't win. So don't try to fight

Cause you know we'll beat you, we'll wear you down
Now I get off the stage and make you look like a clown

I know it's shorter than my last one, but I've got other things other than this to worry about. As surprising as it is to you I have a life too, I've got my own responsibilities to think about just like you. So for now I'm out, oh and don't forget to comment on what song should be next in my player. For now I'll put up one of my favourite songs: Supernova Pilot. it's a compilation of Dub FX and some other famous people. So my blog: Read it, learn it, love it, live it.

Cheers, MarkL

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Thieves and ofcourse some Dub FX

Hey everybody, I'm currently watching Ocean's 13. Not a bad movie if I do say so myself, and if you're wondering I did watch Ocean's 12 and 11. But that's not what today's post is all about, no no today shall be another interesting post. Wondering what it's going to be about? Well if you read the title then you'd know. It's gonna be about thieves and their art. Now ofcourse, I LOOOVED Ocean's 11 because it was so good and set in a fancy atmosphere with a twist ending. I honestly like what they stole and how they stole it. Because in Ocean's 13 they are currently cheating one of the top casinos in Las Vegas because the owner of it cheated one of the members of Ocean's crew. So to get revenge they are making sure the man that cheated one of Ocean's 13 loses everything on his Casino's opening day. In my point of view, they're doing the right thing. And now in the movie, they shut down the supercomputer that watches everybody in the casino and makes sure that they are not cheating by detecting their facial gestures and their temperature (not sure hot that works, but ok) And now that they have shut down the computer they also manufactured their own Craps dice and casino machines so that they can automatically win all of the games while the computer is rebooting which takes about 3:30 minutes. So technically, Ocean's 13 is letting everyone win big money including themselves in a short amount of time. It's a very clever plan devised in limited time. Very well done movie, if I do say so myself. So onto the next topic at hand: Dub FX. I don't care if you're bored of reading about him, because if you are then don't read my blog. Because I'll have more posts about him in the future, and you can't do shit about it. Unless you like Dub FX, if you do then keep reading. I recently wrote an em@il to him talking about how I would loove if he came to Toronto and did a show here and hopefully taught me some tricks of the trade, and to my surprise he responded and he wrote:
Hey bro, very touching email, thank you..
I'm not sure when I plan on coming to Canada.. Hopefully this year it
should happen.. Keep an eye on the facebook page..
Keep writing bro, and go out and perform your art on the street man...
Not enough peeps do that, and its the only way to drown out bieber...
Pce bro,
And ofcourse I wrote him back asking about when he's making another album and ofcourse if he's 
making any instrumentals. Because I've been looking for them for a LOOONG time. 
So now I'm awaiting his reply, and I'm sorry that today's post is short, I already wrote a freestyle
ready for my blog but I haven't had time to post it in this blogpost. So for now, I gotta go sleep and
ofcourse listen to some more Dub FX until I go to sleep. You might as well too, it makes for some
good dreams. And thank you for the numerous views, and I'm sorry that I didn't post yesterday.
But like I said in the beginning of my blog I make NO promises on my blog. I'll try to post tomorrow
but don't be surprised if I don't, so yeah and goodbye. Read it, learn it, love it, live it.
 Cheers, MarkL

Monday, January 10, 2011

Torrent downloads, read for more info.

Hey everybody! Todays post will require you to do something for me. What I want you to do it learn how to Torrent. Now here's a definition of a torrent: a file that is constantly moving accross a large network. in order to download the file, the downloading file segments must at the same time be uploaded to other users requesting the file. torrents are tagged with a unique ID so that any particular torrent can be located from anywhere on the network with the correct software. In other words, torrents are basically files that are upoaded to the internet and are available for downloading only for people that have the know-how to do it. And today, I'm going to give you that know how. If you're wondering, this is not illegal. Because in Canada you are allowed to download music and movie and games off of the internet, you're just not allowed to upload. You're allowed to fileshare in Canada. And if you're not in Canada, well do it anyways because it's fun and it's VERY easy getting movies like this. Now let's start with the steps shall we?

Step 1: Go to and download the utorrent program. Once you're done that install it and follow the directions in the installing. And then go to and download PowerIso (you'll need it to install games)
Step 2: Once you're finished installing it go to and search a Game of a Movie that is already on DVD that you would like to download. But make sure it's not a Multiplayer Game because those are VERY hard to torrent.
Step 3: Then read the description of the torrent to know more about it and always look at the comments to see if people have problems with the torrent, and if they do find the steps needed to fix those problems. And take a look at the amount of seeders and leechers. The seeders are the people seeding the torrent (in other words making it easier for you to download the file) and the people that are leeching is you and many other people that are downloading. So it makes sense to ALWAYS have more seeders than leechers. So click on the box ontop of the torrents list that says SE and they will be arranged based on the highest amount of seeders.
Step 4: After that click on Download This Torrent, DO NOT click on DOWNLOAD which is a big green button. And certainly don't click on one of the Russian Women banners at the sides.
Step 5: Once the torrent file has finished downloading go to where it downloaded, if you're using Firefox then it should say in your options (Tools->Options->General->Save file to, and choose where to save the files or just go to the directory that is listed) and once you're there where the file is, double click on it and make sure uTorrent is working.
Step 6: Then choose where you will download the torrent, make a new file or something on your hard drive that's labelled "Torrents".
Step 7: Once you're done that, sit back and watch the Torrent download. Now this may take up to as much as 8 hours, days sometimes even. So in that time shut down everything else that is running on your computer. Which means close that Facebook page and exit your game. Because the less programs that are running during your Torrent downloading the better and faster you download the file. And if you have any questions don't hesitate to put it in the comments. Oh and don't go crazy with the Torrenting, watch your internet bandwith level and count how much space you are downloading on your computer to make sure you don't overload it.

So that's it for todays post, and I hope you'll have a good time Torrenting all those movie and games! And if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask me about them! So for now I'm gonna go play Borderlands (torrented ofcourse!) My Blog: Read it, learn it, love it, live it!

Cheers, MarkL

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Apocalyptic games and ofcourse, the Apocalypse

Hey everybody, if you haven't noticed yet I added a poll and a music player which I will try to switch every now and then. If you don't know what torrenting is I will be writing that in my next post which is surely to come out tomorrow. So anyways, back to the topic at hand: Apocalyptic games and ofcourse the Apocalypse. Let's start with the games, now I am a BIG fan of apocalyptic games, for one reason: neither game is ever the same. So everytime one comes out you KNOW it's going to be different. Take Borderlands and Fallout 3 for example, both are VERY differen't. How you may ask? Well for one thing, Borderlands has a completely different graphics scheme which makes it look like it's from a comic book, and it looks REALLY nice with the gameplay that happens. And Fallout 3, well it's got nice and very realistic graphics along with a realistic recreation of the way that people talk. Oh and its intense gore, and unlimited storyline. Because I STILL haven't finished Fallout 3, and it's been 2 years since its release. Another reason why I love Apocalyptic games is because of the genre itself. Now that I think about it, all this stuff about nuclear mishaps, nuclear wars, radiation, it has all just been attracting to me for some reason. Maybe because I like to think about "what if", what if the world would suddenly end? There's sooo many ways, it's impossible to know all of them. But that's what I sometimes think about in class. Like I'm sitting in english and I imagine how a zombie attack would go if one entered the room instantly. I'd probably grab either a chair or the hole puncher and throw it at the zombie. Then break the window and escape on foot to my house and grab my Zombie Survival Guide. And yes, I bought the book and I finished reading it in a week and I'm trying to write my own guide now. That's how paranoid I am, I don't care if you're gonna make fun of me. I honestly don't, because when it DOES happen, you'll know who will be prepared. So back to the topic, I personally would say that the best Apocalyptic game out there would have to be Fallout 3. For one thing, it's very realistic. Not as realistic as S.T.A.L.K.E.R. but it's realistic enough. You create your character at birth, and I mean you create EVERYTHING about that character. Their eyebrows, shade of hair, width of head, everything. And then the amount of weapons, DAMN don't even get me started. But you have to play to understand it fully. And I'll tell you how to get it on your computer tomorrow, just make sure you read it step by step because it's easy to get confused when talking about torrents. So let's move onto the Apocalypse. Many of you may not believe it for obvious reasons. But it's going to come some day, maybe not 2012. But one day the world will end, or a mass zombie invasion will begin. Either way, we're all screwed no matter what we do. As much as you hate to admit it I've come to accept it. Because I'll be ready no matter what. If it happens to be like 2012 then I'll get up on my roof and wait for the wave to kill me with a gun pointed at my head. And if it's a zombie invasion then I will be prepared for it with some other people joining me in escaping the city. So anyways, as you may have noticed I have added a poll and I will try to change it every week or so. By the end of the week when the poll is done I will write my opinion on the results and change the poll to a new topic. And if you've got an idea on what the poll should be then please don't hesitate to inbox me in facebook or comment on this post. Oh and I changed the music player to a video player from Youtube and this is all thanks to my friend Miko! SO please thank him for giving me the HTML code for the video and I will try to change the vid every now and then, but this is all based on what you people want to hear. So if you want to hear a song being played please inbox me or comment and make sure to include the artist's name and the song name (duh!) And there is no freestly today because I'm not made of freestyles, or blog posts for that matter. So you're going to have to be patient for those which will be coming soon in the near future. Other than that I've got nothing else to say except for thank you for the views! Apparently I got 50 form the US, 2 from Denmark, and even some from Russia. So once again, thank you for the views, facebook me when you can. Read it, learn it, love it, live it.

Cheers, MarkL

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Drugs and some changes

Hey everyone! Once again thank you for the hundreds of views that people have made, I am glad that you like my blog, except for the trolls and haters. But nobody really cares about them. I mean, if they care enough to post hateful comments, then they are BORED out of their minds. Well that's what books are for, oh and even paper is useful for boredom too! Try it, and you won't regret. Aside from the fact that I got so many views in 2 weeks which is incredible for me, I'd like to personally say something that maybe some of you are wondering. The other reason I started this blog is because for the entire years of middleschool I wasn't allowed to speak out my opinion. Everytime I had an idea about something someone said "Mark just shut up, nobody wants to hear you" so now with that behind me I am writing this blog expressing my thoughts on topics which are either close to me or I care about them. I just wish all of those people that told me to shut up could look at me now, writing songs and this blog with over 1K views. I wonder what they would say. So anyways, back to the topic at hand. Today's post shall be about drugs. Don't even think about closing this window if you do drugs, because you won't regret reading this post. Now drugs, are a very sensitive topic in today's youth. Every party you go to is likely to have a circle of people smoking joints or sniffing lines of cocaine. Now here's my thought on it: Why? Why do you do drugs? Are you that stressed that you have to do illegal things? Don't you know there's a better way? Look, if you're having family problems or you just realized your parents are divroced I understand that it's very hard to take in and live with it, trust me I know. But you have to talk it out with someone, and don't just load it out on your friends like some people do, because that's not right. How do you think they feel worrying about what you're doing this very second? If you have any friends that are that caring at least, I know I don't. Anyways, you gotta see some professional help. And I'm  not even making fun of you, I know that drugs are a serious problem. Unless you're Jamaican smoking weed is NOT part of your culture traditions, and even when Jamaicans do smoke weed they do it once in a week after a VERY hard day full of work to relax from everything. But don't do drugs to escape into another world which will fill you up with more problems that honestly you don't even need. So if you either just started doing drugs, or are a long time user. You have to stop, you gotta think of your family and friends. What would they think? And if you're a long time user of drugs then you have to see somebody about it, an anonymous hotline or something. Because you are not getting out of this by yourself, nobody can ever do that without help. And I don't think that people that do drugs are bad or anything, I think that they are people with alot of problems in their life and they can't find another way to cope with it. Here's one way which is simple, and all you need is a caring friend that will listen to what you have to say no matter what. I know that they are very hard to find, but you can use me as one becuase honestly I do care if you're doing drugs and you're my friend. But if you're not going to do anything about it, then that is your choice. I'm only here to help, but it's your choice whether you want my help or not. But honestly if you just need someone to talk to, I'm always here (facebook name is ***********) So anyways, let's get off of that topic and move onto another. As you may have noticed there is a music player in the right side of the blog. And if you click play it will play Dub FX's first song ever: Love Someone. And it's not the recording, it's the live version (just because you're so awesome I took that extra step just for you guys :) So if you haven't guessed already I am going to be changing the music from time to time. But I am going to leave that to you. What I mean is if you want a song to be played on my blog then please don't hesitate to message me on facebook or comment on my latest post. Make sure to include the name of the artist and the song title. But remember my last posts how they talked about good music and the top artist of 2010? Well I'm going to have to evaluate the music if it's good enough (and no I am not playing Justin Bieber or Katy Perry, because I am not that kind of person. And because their music is trash. You think otherwise? Well good for you then) Oh and they can be in a different language, as long as you tell me what the song is about (youtube search: Keny Arkana when you have the time) just in case it's a pop song and the lyrics are trash. I don't want to go against my own morals now do I? And here's another matter that I have to discuss with you guys: my views. I've thanked you once, and I'll thank you again for my over 1K views. But that's not the problem, the problem is that I don't want you guys just to look quickly at my blog and then close it and do that again for 5 times. Just please read it once and if you've missed my older posts then please read them all, because I'll be referring to them in the future. And pleaaaase don't click refresh until your finger bleeds. Because I want views form people that care about what I write and not the ones from people who just quickly read and move on to their facebook. And when you have the time make this webpage your homepage if you don't have a homepage already, and if you do then add it as your second homepage. Because as soon as you turn on your computer I want you to see my blog because posting it again and again on facebook is getting tiring and kind of annoying. Oh and there aren't any lyrics for today because you've got the player right here-------------------------------------------------------------------------->
So listen to some Dub FX, and please don't do drugs because you know that nothing good can come from it. And add me as friends on facebook: Mark Froh. But make sure to have a message included saying that you read my blog just so that I know that you're not another rapist or a stalker. So that's it for today, hopefully tomorrow I will have 2 posts just because it's sunday and that't it, I'm out. Oh and I forgot, I figured out a slogan for my blog which is what I am going to end my blog with every time I write a post. Read it, learn it, love it, live it.

Cheers, MarkL

Friday, January 7, 2011

Very long and filled with multiple topics, just cause it's Friday!

Hey everybody! Sorry that I didn't write a post yesterday but it's hard to because of my russian mom. You may say "Ooooh, so what if she's russian? Mine are Asian." well I don't care. My brother and my mom made me do math last summer, which I honestly do love them for. Because seriously, I had a 60 on my report card and now I'm getting A's. I'm sorry if I'm starting to sound like I'm bragging, but that's not the point I'm trying to pass here. I'm saying that no matter what your parents tell you what to do, be it school related or not, you better do it. Because your parents always know best. They've got at least 4 times the life experience as you, and that's coming from my personal experiences. Now let's move onto another topic: The World Juniors. Now recently the Canadians have lost the world juniors 5-3 to Russia. Now ofcourse I'm happy about that, why wouldn't I be? I'm Russian for gods sake. But hey, I wasn't being an asshole about it when they won. I was only saying that Russia won, because the Canadians were so confident in winning that during the TSN broadcast there was a live chat on their website. And at the second period when Canada got their 3rd shot on the chat someone wrote: Hey, if Canada shoots another one will the Russian television broadcasting show cut to a picture of the Kremlin? Now ofcourse, I got pissed because the Canadians were REALLY getting cocky. But hey, when Russia started playing hard in the 3rd period the first 2 goals in 11 seconds. Now by then, I had a BIG grin on my face. The Russians were coming back in the game. And by the time they scored the 3rd goal Canadians were leaving the stands. Now after the game everyone on facebook started dissing the Russians just because they had bad teeth. Ok you ever thought of this? Maybe they played really hard and got their teeth knocked out. Or maybe you Canadians are lucky enough to have one of the best Healthcare plans in the world? Russia can't compare to that. You expecting a country that broke up one of the greatest revolutions in the history of mankind to have good healthcare plans? You better think twice before you assume that one. But seriously, Russia deserved to win that. It has been 7 years since Russia won any kind of medal in the Juniors or the Olympics. You Canadians have all the glory all the time, it ruins the sport for everyone else. I mean think about it. It ain't fair for the rest of us that want to win so badly. You Canadians have had your chances on the podium, now step down and let someone else take 1st place. And if you're still saying that Russia sucks you should know that hockey is not only Canada's sport, it's also Russia's sport. And if you're saying that Canada perfected the sport, well think about how hard it is for Russians to even play hockey at a professional level like they did in the juniors. And if you're still hating on Russia, then you're just trolling. I mean honestly, look at it from Russia's point of view. To even win a gold medal is amazing for Russia. And if you hate Russia, then please go screw yourself. Because I didn't hate Canada when they beat Russia in the Olympics, so why should you hate on Russia? You don't have any right to do that, nobody does. So don't hate, just appreciate. And I guess that's it for todays blog, I'll give you guys a little sumthin sumthin before I go. A little Dub FX lyrics to inspire you readers. I'm soryr it's not one of my freestyles but I'd rather write some Dub FX tonight. This is from his song "Not Cool" which is by far one of my most favourite Dub FX songs out there. I hope you enjoyed this post, and please read my older ones and good.

Now, let me begin but letting you in
I’ve got a way about getting up and doing my thing
See i could never front and act like something I’m not
Talking about cribs and cars that i haven’t really got
But i can tell you this I’m gonad change your mind
From my persuasive energy that i project through the rhyme
See, it’s all about doing what ya need to do
To get where ya wanna go
And be who ya wanna be
But don’t relax; it won’t come to you,
Cos theirs a million other cats out competing with you
But not doin it the same way
Ya see, seeing the world through different eyes is your gateway
A special gift from your consciousness an individual-ness
For you to rock to this
A little kiss from an emptiness for you to bop to this for you to jump to this
I’m not cool i just pretend I am
I’m not a fool but yet I say I am
I’m old school cos i know I am
Rocking the mike every night
In my jimmy jams

so let me pursue and give much respect to
The rhyme in my mind that i find for you
I let it All hang out I got my heart my sleeve
I let the clock count down like it was New Years Eve
It don’t affect me, cos i play my game
I got my own set of rules and its nothing strange
I’m just a humble soul on the side of the street
Making my own tunes with my voice and my feet
Ye I’m living day by day
Like a nomad stumbling on out of his cave
i celebrate the sun i live my life for the earth
i let the rain come down on my endless search
i never quit, I’m planting seed by seed
I’m evolutionising to try and save my breed
I’m just a cog in the machine
A part of the process, im here to express
That we need some progress
I’m not cool…

And now I’m changing my point of view

Everything i know and everything i knew
It’s all about to change we’re in a new age
It’s golden and pure and true
Me don’t listen to the words they say
One too many lies in the media today
I focus on my mind i focus on my health
I try to stay true to my self

Now let me begin by letting you in

As you know I’m about to rip it up again
I aint hard to please I’m not the type to fight
But if you lie to my face then you aint so bright
See I, I’m an out and about sort
You may have seen me on public transport
I’m famous, for pulling my pants down
And doing all the silly things that make you frown
But you can giggle with me
It aint a riddle you see
I’m just making fun of life with the perspective of a tree
so you can speed on up accelerate or overtake me
but feel free to come up and take a leaf

im not cool

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My creative process and some other stuffz

Hey all of you readers, lovers, and f*cking haters. Yeah that's right, I said it. It's been around 11 days since I started writing my blog posts, and ALREADY I have some haters. Well you know what? I've been faced with haters ALOT of times (trust me, like 3 years of them, my entire middleschool years) and you can't and you won't stop me now. They stopped me then, but now I realize that I shouldn't care because there are some people that honestly enjoy what I write. So this is basically like a f*ck you to all the haters out there because no matter how much you hate, I'll still be loving. No matter how much hate you show me, you'll never stop me from writing my posts, so there;s no point in your hating. And honestly, why hate? Can't you just appreciate? OR maybe you're jealous that Dub Fx and me got a rhyme you'll never regret? Wow, I just made a rhyme. Which reminds me, I'll be posting freestyle rhymes in my blog posts. They'll be either from Dub Fx to showcase his best work, or some of mine that I think on the spot. So back to the topic at hand, my creative process. How is it that I come up with my posts? Well it ain't that complicated. I just let my words run through my mind and onto the keyboard. I don't sit and think for half an hour on what to write, I just sit down and say what I care about and some inspirational things that my brother says to me. I mean f*ck, he's 23 and ALREADY a pilot. The guy studies like hell and is doing what he wants to do for the rest of his life. If that isn't a hardworking person, then I don't know what that is. And from time to time when I come to him with my own problems, he gives me such good advice it's unbelievable sometimes. So my process is basically nothing, I write what I feel and think. Nothing special, but I hope you like what I write. My over 900 views say that you do. And thank you for reading my blog many times. Otherwise if you didn't I'd keep clicking the refresh button until I got 100 views. Nah I keed, I would click until I get 400 views. But seriously folks, thank you for the over 900 views and eveyrthing that you've done. And haters, stay away from your blog. Your kind is NOT needed here. So in the beginning of my blog, I promised you guys to freestyle at least once a day. And today, i'm keeping that promise. And this freestyle is dedicated to all them haters, readers, and lovers.

So you're hating on me now?
Man screw off and go have a cow.
You ain't nothing but little flakes.
In my road to life, all I need to do is shake
You off my head, and write another post
I'm not exactly an expert, so no need to boast
But 900 views? Oh god I be damned.
My writing skills cannot be condemned.
Now you're wondering how is it that I got these skills?
Chills, maybe bills, and big ass thrills.
Well it's not really a secret, I just get up on the mic.
Let the truth flow, and maybe even lie about something. PSYCH
You out, that's exactly what I'll do
If you give me a chance, but don't feel so blue.
After the dust clears we will all know what happened.
Just make sure to clean yourself up and know that you planned

If you like my freestly then you're free to coment, if you're trolling then go back to your bridge. So this is today's blog, and I hope that Russia will win todays hockey game. If it doesn't then Russia needs to step up. But I can't critisize anybody, I don't even play hockey.

Cheers, MarkL

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Writing songs

Hey readers, bloggers, and fellow stalkers. How you doing today? Hopefully you're happy as always, if you aint then write a song, listen to some music. Just do something to cheer yourself up, I can't stand sad people, because I'm afraid they will make me sad. So frikking turn on some Dub Fx 'til your ears pop and take a trip on a music high you will never regret. Seriously, he's that good. Speaking of Dub Fx, today's post will be circling around him and the fact that he is fucking amazing at what he does. He is infact so life changing for me that in the very near future I want to try to do what he does. So far I'm atthe experimenting stage, that's where I beatbox on a daily basis in class or whenever I can and I write songs and imagine beats in my head. Hopefully all of this will lead me to becoming something close to Dub Fx, but not better. Because nothing is better than Dub Fx. So back to his inspiring powers, I have began to write songs about what I think and my opinions on issues and life. It's the farthest thing from Dub Fx, but everytime I write a song I get one step closer to writing mind blowing lyrics. Here's an example of some of his:

Joined at the soul with a pair of headphones
We need nobody to let ourselves go
Always on my side as we rock a stage show
In an ocean of music we move with the flow
Her hand in my hand I don't wanna let go
A partner in life on this mean old road
We got the wind on our back that blows
We can't drift apart, we just move with the flow

Now imagine this with some beatboxing, a saxophone solo, and tons of effects. And what do you get in the end? Something waaaaaaaaay better than that pop shit people are listening nowadays on the radio. And I don`t care if you`re tired about me writing about Dub Fx, because if you haven`t realized that he`s so amazing that I`ve had to write 2 blog posts on him (I will be writing more in the future) then you have something wrong with you. And back to the topic at hand. I have written many songs because Dub Fx has inspired me to write my own songs and let my opinions be heard and to write about what I care about (tons of other stuff too but I don`t want to go into detail) Which is what I`m trying to do on a daily basis, thinking of freestlye rhymes and beatboxing rhythms every free minute I get. So here you go, and example of a song that I finished writing yesterday, it`s not as long as a real song. But like I said, I`m working my way up, it`s harder than it seems:

Lovers gonna love
Haters gonna hate
Bitch you beter appreciate
What you see in front of you
Cause you ain`t seeing another mark til 2022

And you know that I`m right
Just go with the flow don`t put up a fight
I`m spitting the truth up on this mic
Because nobody else wants to do it right

They just see what the public likes
But they got no brains so therefore no mics
Which is why I`m up here singing this rhyme
Because I know that me and you we`re gonna have a good time

Singing the truth and what`s close at heart
Man I really don`t care what you call art
Because I tried so hard, but I won`t fit in
Took me 3 fucking years just to come right in
But I`m not here to jump around, bounce and shout
Justin Bieber does it for me, tell you what it`s all about
I got problems of my own that I need to deal with
I`m original can`t stop and conceal it

I need for my voice to be heard up in this joint
Cause I`ve got an opinion I`m about to exploit

I`m just a teen, livin life the way I could
Why should I rush to fit in with the hood?

I got my whole life ahead of me
And I aint scared to get up on the spot and let the truth be shared

You know why pop music is always on the radio?
Because it's always one flick away on the stereo

But that's not a reason to listen to it
In fact quite the opposite, let Mark show you how to do it

Now get a sheet of paper and write what you believe in
And keep writing and you've got your beginnin'

So keep following steps 1 and 2
Maybe just maybe someday I'll be spitting rhymes with you

And that's my song, you want to critisize it? Well before you do that read my blog post about critics first, and then make your choice. If you like it then please don't hesitate to comment, because for a reader to say that the artist's work is good is the thing that makes him the happiest man in the world. But don't say that just to make me happy, say it because you like my lyrics and you like my blog posts. Oh and I've gotten a comment form a person who thinks I'm racist. Well if you haven't read my comedians and presidents post then you must have misunderstood me. My rule on racist jokes is: If you can make racist jokes, then you have to be able to take them. So make all the racist jokes you want about russians becuase I don't care what you think unless I know you. So I hope you liked my songs, and stay tuned because I'll be writing more in the future. And if you have an idea on what I should write about please don't hesitate to post it in the comments. Oh and I forgot to mention. Dub FX inspire dme so much that I am hopefully going to try out what he does in the summer performing in front of people singing and beatboxing. I'll ofcourse use one of his songs as practice before I use one of my own. But for now I have to write songs, beatbox rhytms, and hope one day I will be as good as Dub Fx.

Cheers, MarkL

Monday, January 3, 2011

Back to School

You're lucky today readers! I got another post for ya, and if you even read the title it's about going back to school. Now I'm not sure about you, but it was a hell of a fun day for me. Especially english and french periods which were the funniest. Here's something that happened in class:

English Class:
Dana: I'm pagan
Christopher: So you're a viking?
Me: She aint flava flave

French Class:
Teacher: So telling from the story who are the police looking for?
Jonathan: Tyris?

By the way, flava flave is a famous black rapper which wears a viking hat and a giant watch on his chest. If you still don't get it then you're just not cool enough to get it, I keed I keed you're still cool. And Tyris is a black guy in my french class, and if you don't get THAT one then I have no comment. So anyways I had a very eventful day and it was very cheerful for me because honestly, I enjoy school. That's right, you just fell off of your chair reading how a teenager enjoys school. It's allright, get back up and keep reading. I like school because compared to my years at Don Mills, North Tronto is a haven for me. Trust me, you may not feel the same way. But when I'm working in school I'm either smiling or cracking a joke to break the tension. That's the only way I can get through school even if it gets serious. So please, do as I do and smile sometimes in school. Crack a joke with someone, not at someone. And just have a good laugh sometimes. But remember, don't be a douche. Nothing worse than a douche. So for now I'll be gone reading like the white person I am and I'll be thinking of what to write for my next Blog.

Cheers, MarkL

Sports, whether they're manly or not it doesn't matter.

Hey you funny people, at least I hope you're funny.......Anyways I thought of todays post while sitting in class, as soon as the idea came into my mind I just had to write it down and post it. So here's what it's about, sports. Now sure I don't play the manliest of sports: badminton, volleyball, curling, and the occasional chess. Yeah feel free to laugh and sneer to laugh at me, it's not like I care if you do. And if you play hockey, football or any other contact sport and are laughing at me then you have nooo idea how hard volleyball is. If you ever played volleyball at the level that I play it you wouldn't last a day in a real game. You may not believe me, but volleyball is a very hard sport to play. To know where to be the entire time, to run into the places where you are needed, the many different positions, the numerous plays that could be played it's overhwelming sometimes. And if you're still laughing, I'd like to see you play volleyball like me and be better, then we can talk. And if you're judging me for playing a sport like that, then look at my last post. It's especially made for people like you ;) SO let's move onto badminton, it's a hard sport too. ALOT of moving done, especially if you're playing singles. Because it's an entire court, and your opponent (if he's good) he WILL make you run around that court back and forth. And if you're trash you'll keep on passing it back to your opponent and he'll make you run across that cort as fast as you can. I'd like to see you play against a friend of mine Jonathan Z, he's the master of badminton at my school. He can make anyone run around the court endlessly until you collapse. And you may not believe me, but I'd like to see you try, just try. So for the last sport, curling. Oh sure it doesn't look like it envolves alot of physical activity. But that's not all that a sport recquires. It recquires accuracy and tons of other stuff I do not know. But that's what curling takes, not alot of physicall prowess but it's frikking hard to do. Alot of accuracy involved and you have to be limber for the sport too. I'm not exactly the best player on the team, hell no. Leave it to the REAL canadians to push the teapots across the ice and sweep them with brooms. Nah I keed, I keed. Curling is in fact a real sport, and so is volleyball, and so is badminton. Don't agree with me? Then I don't care much for you good sir. And I'd like to thank ALL OF YOU for viewing my Blog about 600 times!!!! Or the 6 of you that looked at it 100 times, still doesn't matter. Once again, thank you for reading my Blog, and I ope you enjoy what I talk about and my opinions about topics. So please keep on reading, stay away from trolling, and comment on my posts!

Cheers, MarkL

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Those goddamn critics

Sup, goddamnit I need to think of an original intro for my Blog posts. But anyways, todays topic shall be critisizing critics. Ironic isn't it, nonetheless I can only imagine how interesting this topic shall get. Now ofcourse I'll share my opinion on critics of all kind: dance, music, movie, and maybe even sports if you're lucky.  So here's a question for all of you critics and even those who have comments on anythyng they see. Do you think it's fair that you can judge someone while you can't do anything close to what they can do? Take American Idol for example, Simon Cowell is the hardest judge on the show, and thank god he is off because he was such a douche. Anyways, prove me wrong but can Simon Cowell sing better than some of the people that didn't win American Idol? Or take the Oylmpics for example. What if one of the judges isn't any good in the event, but has seens many of the events in his/her lifetime? To me that's not a designated judge. You can't judge anybody unless you can do something like what they're doing, if not better than them. But still then that's not your job to judge someone unless you're their mentor or it's actually your job to do that. Now I honestly don't care if you judge my Blogs, or me. Because unless you are the master of writing Blogs or you have some tips to help me write my posts or even another topic for my next post, I really don't care much for you then. And if you want me to judge a video or something and I have a negative attitude about it, please ask someone else to do it for me. Because that's not what I do, that's what Trolls do. And are you telling me that you're a troll, because if you are you better not troll on my blog. This is no place for trolls, go back to your bridge and eat some shrooms. I'm sorry that my blog post is short but I'm not really in the mood to write one today, so be happy I even wrote one :D I'll think of something better and longer to write about tomorrow, goddamnit all you dirty minded people out there laughing at what I wrote. So anyways that is my post for the day, school is starting tomorrow and I can't wait! Yeah I know I'm a nerd, but don't judge me unless you're a bigger one or you're a nerd expert. For now I'm out, oh and in a possible future post I'll have a guest friend writing a song or I'll be posting one of my own hopefully.

Cheers, MarkL

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Patience, it's a goddamn virtue

Good evening all you readers, and hopefully not stalkers. I'm sorry that I didn't post 2 topics but come on, it's hard to believe but I've got a life of my own. So the topic for tonight is patience, and how some people have no patience at ALL. Well recently I learned that I have such an impatient fan that they can't wait for my Blog posts (I would say fans but I know only one of them, if you're impatient to read my Blogs just say so). And you know I understand, you like reading my Blogs. I don't know if they make your day or not, but I hope they make you smile. But honestly, I'm not made out of Blogs. Give a guy some time to write what he cares about, it takes time. And if you didn't wait for my Blogs and I wrote them and published them every second there wouldn't be anything to wait for, you have to be patient for the best of things in life. Like the eclipse that was over Toronto a few days ago, many people waited a REALLY long time to see that. And I don't mean days, I mean years! People wait for New Years, ALL YEAR LONG!!!! An entire year, celebrated in a couple of hours. Or that eclipse, last time it happened was hundreds of years ago, and all that waiting was paid off in 3 hours. And here's another thing people including me wait for every year. DJ Earworms top 20 songs mixed into one track lasting 5 minutes. Look I know what I said about Pop songs and how awful they are and everything. Now I only listen to DJ Earworm's mix because those songs help me remember the good times I had in grade 8 and other times in my life. Yes, I went back on what I said, but you aint exactly a saint either. So once again, patience is a gift that we should use wisely. If we didn't have patience we would have everything we ever wanted in a snap of my fingers. What's the fun in expecting and questioning what you're expecting? No fun in that now is there? So please be patient for the things you KNOW you need to be patient about. Like my Blogs for instance, I'll try to write them up as soon as I can. But if you want something good, you need to be patient for it. So for now, please be patient for my next Blog post and read my past posts while you're at it.

Cheers, MarkL