Monday, February 28, 2011

Interesting Day

Hey everyone, so how you guys doing? You liking the pages that I made? Well get used to them, because they're your pages and you should take advantage of this opportunity and post your art, lyrics, opinions, and reviews. Currently I am stuck in a subway cart in rush hour with a bunch of people, I know right? it's not that I'm going to be late for some place like the people around me might be. I just want to finish a project today and get it out of the way. And here's something you guys should think about: if you're late it's ALWAYS your fault. Because think about it, if you blame traffic well you could've gotten up earlier or figured out a different route to get to your place faster. Or of you blame for the bus being late, well you could've figured out another route like the last example. Either way, nobody can be responsible for YOUR lateness than you. I mean think about it, YOU'RE the one that's late, not your teacher, not your girlfriend/boyfriend (if you have one). And I do blame myself for being stuck (the train is legitimately not moving, they stopped for some convoluted reason) I could've left home earlier or took another train. Ok let's move onto another topic, projects. Sometimes they're fun, sometimes they're not. Depends who you pick and what kind of person you are. Recently I got a Crystal Radio project where you make a radio out of parts you can by at your local radio shack. Status update (they just kicked us out of the train and it's out of service, what do we do now, FML). Anyways back to the project, be careful who you choose. Because it will reflect what Mark you get (see what I did there? It's hard to be entertained when you're waiting for a train that will possibly never come). Ok so being the new kid at my school I didn't know who was good to work with, and I made a dumb decision and chose the kid that doesn't do any work and texts people while you are doing everything. Here's a tip for everyone out there if you've had or have this situation: first thing you do is tell the teacher. If it's a project where you're marked as a group then do this immediately because he/she will get the same Mark as you. But if you tell the teacher they will personally talk to your project partner and decrease their Mark (by the way I am now in a VERY crowded moving train, TTC you've made people late once again, thank you :) The second thing you should do it try to convince your partner to work even a little so that they at least don't fail. If you get into an argument and they say "well why don't you tell me what to do then?" you should reply something like this "A project requires all members of the group adding their own ideas to the goal, and both people should know what to do in the project" if they don't know what to do in a project then at that moment you KNOW you made the wrong choice picking him/her. If you have an further questions about project partners and working in a group then you can ask me in the comments section below. Here's another topic: recently people have been telling me that if I like Don Mills so much I should just move back. Let me explain first, I only talk about Don Mills's positive side because it reminds me of the good times I had there. But there's also a bad side to Don Mills, I don't talk about it for the obvious reasons (it's depressing and sad and just awful). In some aspects Don Mills was a good place, the people there weren't nosy as f*ck (first time I've swore on my blog for a long time now, means I'm REALLY pissed at the people of NT who can't mind their own damn business) And the people knew who to hang with and who to stay away from, and we were open to people of we didn't like them. That's just the way things were, and I like that about Don Mills. But there's also a bad side to Don Mills which I'd rather not talk about right now. Well
now I'm at the bus stop, out of the goddamn subway, FINALLY!!! Let's talk about the Oscars now shall we? I'm not sure if you guys watched it, but here's my thoughts on it. The hosts were chosen PERFECTLY. I forgot their names (I would google them if I could but I'm at a bus stop :( but they were perfect for this years Oscars. Only two things I didn't like: there was no tribute to horror films like last year's Oscars (I'm a fan of the Zombie genre, best zombie movie: 28 Day Later and 28 Weeks Later) and when Justin Timberlake got up there he didn't make as good as a performance as I thought he would. I was hoping he would've sang 4 minutes to relate to how urgent it is to present awards quickly (to me that would've been funny) The King's Speech won many awards including Best Picture which means it's going on my Movies to watch and rate for my blog list. Overall my favorite part was the entire thing, I didn't really have any bad parts. To me the Academy was swift and just with their choices for awards. Now I'm sitting on my bus for another 20 minutes until I get home. So my dear viewers, PLEASE em@il me whatever it is that you want to post on the new pages I released. Oh and my good friend Baciacalupo (I ain't telling you his real first name) is working on a poster ad for my blog, I will post it in the near future for you guys to print out and post wherever you want to. Be it your school, work, subway, or even at home. I just want the word of my blog to get out. I'll also be posting these posters around the Yonge and Eglinton area, whenever I go to the subway, and even at my school. I suggest you do the same, because I want for my voice to be heard all over, maybe even the world. But that story will be for next time. For now I leave you with these final words: Read it, learn it, live it, love it, and most definitely post it!

Cheers, MarkL

Friday, February 25, 2011

Great news guys!!!

Hey everyone, how you guys doin? Once again it's a GLORIOUS friday, for the obvious reason: it's a friday!!!!!! Ok so let's begin with a fun topic for once shall we? Recently I noticed that alot of people around me don't have exciting school days. Everything about their day seems nonchalant and boring. Ok so why don't you try dancing in the elevator, singing in the elevator, listening to some swagerrific music (yes, swagerrific is indeed a word. Check Mark's dictionary which should hit Indigo's shelves this summer) By swagerrific I mean something like Teach me how to jerk, or Teach me how to Dougie. Or even something like On top of the world. I try to listen to these songs once a day because they make me feel like I'm better than what I am already, I listen to them because the lift me higher. Or even the song "Higher" by Travie Mccoy whom I think is underrated. Well anyways, my point is that we all need an uplifter in our lives sometimes. And not the drug kind, because you all should know how I feel about drugs (just go ahead and look for my drug post) We all have our own ways of getting happy, mine is music, yours could be something else. Some songs are just VERY uplifiting for me. I hardly listen to sad or angry songs, I only pull them out when I'm in a bad mood or if I want to be alone. You may be the same (I doubt it) but in the end we all have something that makes us feel better no matter what. Be it a song, dance, even animals sometimes. Ok so lets move onto another topic. I will be making some VERY important changes today, so let me begin my filling you in (those last words should be a part of my next lyrics) Ok so I thought about it and decided to add a new page to my blog. Now the purpose of this page will be for YOU guys. Because my blog has a purpose, my blog is a place where I can share my opinion. So why shouldn't you guys be able to share your opinions? Trust me, I haven't had the chance to share my opinion fully for 3 years until now, I know how awful it is. So this page will give you guys an opportunity to share your opinions with the rest of the readers. This new page will not only be a place for opinions, but also for lyrics, art, poems, etc. It will be a page just for YOU guys, I'll ofcourse share my opinion on what you guys make if you don't mind. Because after all, this place needs my opinion no matter what, and I ALWAYS have an opinion on something no matter what it is. Oh and if you guys want to review movies or games or anything for that matter you can do that too. If you have any songs that you'd like people to listen to then go ahead and list it. The possibilities are endless, because this page will be a space where EVERYONE can have a voice no matter how small or big they are. I've alreayd got my first submission for the page and it's from a friend of mine at Don Mills. He's an asian friend of mine that actually did work at Don Mills and he's the only person I can have an intelligent conversation with. I'm glad he contributed to my blog, because (a) I didn't ask him to and he did it beacue HE wanted to, and (b) He wrote alot which means he was really into what he was writing which means he's passionate about it which I MADLY respect. You can't find alot of people like that these days, trust me. Not one person in North Toronto would freely write 2 pages of their opinion without complaining about it. I give him much respect for what he does because he's not like everyone else, and that's something said. Well guys, I'm giving you a page to do whatever you want with it, I can add videos of songs you want to be put on the page if you request it. If you want to make any suggestions then em@il me your article or post or review and I'll be sure to psot it. My em@il is: Just copy and paste it because I'm not sure if you guys can write it, most people don't even know how to pronounce it so don't worry you're not the only ones. Ok well that's it for today's post, I hope you guys will have some writing ready for the page real soon because I want to see what you guys think. Oh and if you guys want to write a review of my blog then feel free to do so because I want to know YOUR opinion on my opinions. So until next time: Read it, learn it, live it, love it, and post it.

Cheers, MarkL

P.S. I'm going to make separate pages for each topic so just em@il your sutff to and I'll post it to the page which it applies to.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Hey everyone, I'm sorry that I haven't written even though I had a 4 day weekend. I feel really bad for not writing, I've just been so lazy. Anyways, I'll make sure to write today's post extra long. Today's post will be about how girls expose themselves over the internet (not pornography). You guys can thank Tyra for this post, cause she gave me the idea of writing. She's a friend of mine at Don Mills. I'll try to interpret her idea as best as I can, but once again I make no promises. Well as many of you know I don't judge people by their looks. You can be the hottest or sexiest person on earth, but if you're also the dumbest then you're not worth my time. So back to the topic, here's my question for all you girls out there: why do it? Do you enjoy knowing the fact that some old guy over 30 is getting an erection from looking at you? I'm not sure about you but I woul NOT like having that happen to me. Do you enjoy showing your body to the world? If that's the only thing you know to do then that is VERY sad. We are put onto this planet for a reason: to live our lives to the fullest. Sometimes we lose sight of this, but that doesn't mean we should show our body to the rest of the world. We all have talents, showing off your looks isn't one. Because some of us are born with beauty and some are not (like your truly :) and it takes no skill to be born with looks. Because a talent is something you WORK on and something. You can't work on beauty because to be beatiful you put on make up or just be as you are. And here's another thing, why do girls take pictures of themselves for facebook in the bathroom looking at their blackberry? Does it happen like this?
Mom: Honey, will you get out of the bathroom please?
Daughter: No Mom!!!! I'm not done taking pictures of myself for facebook!!!!
And here's the other thing, after you post the picture why do you immediatley comment how ugly you are? Is it because you want other people to comment on how pretty you are? If you have to do that for people to say you're beatiful, then you're just pathetic. I mean how come you can't get compliments on how pretty you are on a regular day basis? Well some of your friends or just people around you in general aren't as nice as they used to be. Or it meay be because you're really not beatiful. And it doesn't meatter if you're not, beauty isn't everything in the world. If you're not that beatiful but really smart then to me you're up in my book. Because in my book you're beating all the girls that are beatiful but have no smarts. It may not mean nothing to you, but it means something to me that there are more smart girls than beatiful girls. And if you're a combination of both then please let nothing stop you from being the best of both worlds. But if you are all looks and no books, then don't worry. If you are willing to change and become smarter then that's more than excellent. If there's a will there's a way. Because if you are legitmately willing to change then it all depends on you in the end. The will is only the beginning, the rest has to come from you. Damn I got off of topic, ok here's the bottom line. If you keep exposing yourself what kind of dignity will you have left? None, that's what kind. So just try to lessen your amount of exposure because you're not showing your best quality. All you're showing is your cleavage or your big booty. That's not what a right guy looks into. The right guy will choose you for your personality and smarts, not looks. Oh and I wrote my first complete lyrics with a chorus recently. I want you guys to rate it and check it out. I'll psot them at the end of this post. oh and if you're going to say that you read my blog don't just skim it. Read it until you hit the last punctuation point. Because if you read you analyze, you ask yourself questions, you share your own opinions. You do all that in your head while you're reading. That's what I want you guys to do when you're reading my blog. Ok so here are the lyrics:

I got my own step, I got my own style
You won't stop this, so just wait a while
My original flow cannot be repeated
I will not be stopped, nor defeated
So imma split the mic, and tell my story
Sit yourself down but don't get too ornery
I didn't have the best life nor the worst
Caught up in the middle of hunger and thirst
The ghetto cared for me, taught me
I'll never forget, but there wasn't a remedy
To all the sadness and madness going around
Like the T-Virus it took over the ground
Infected everyone, there was no antidote
It followed me to school, so please don't
I'm sorry to all those that tried to spread cheer
I just got your message, and it hit right here

I finally got it
I now understand
Learning it bit by bit
I'm advancing my ground
Day by day
Spreading joy like a brit

Verse 2:
But now I find, it's easier to live
Because all I do is give
I share my opinion with my peers
Trying to spread joy and cheers
After 6 years I finally made it
I can say that I'm here
Compared to my last life, it's heaven to me
And hell is known as don mills, you see
I'm in a better place now, that's all that matters
I don't have the stuff and girls. All I have are ladders
Leading me up, the only way out
And that's my story, that's what it's about

Chorus X2

I want you guys to tell me what you think of them. It took me quite a while to write them. I think about 2 or 3 hours in total to clean it up entirely.  Oh and guys don't forget to comment on this post, to select whether you thought it was cool, funny or interesting, and to post it on facebook. There's a button for all that down below this post. Please suggest for me to rate a movie or a song or even a game. Because it's nice to rate things for people, it's nice for you guys to want my opinions. it makes me want to write this blog even more. SO that's the end for today's psot. I hope you had a good time and stay tuned until next time.

Chers, MarkL

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Musicians and Happy Birthday Dad!!!!!!

Hey everyone, just by looking at the title you can tell what this post is going to be about. Just read on because it may be more than what you're asking, like people say: don't judge a book by its cover. Because right now you're staring at an autobiography (I have no idea why I said that) Allright so lets get onto our topic at hand shall we? Well recently I've noticed the impact of how musicicans go bad after some time, like milk. But that's not to ALL of them, only most. Like 80% or so. Take the Black Eyed Peas for example, they had songs like Union and Where is the love before their trashy hit "Boob Boom Pow" hit the dancefloors of North America and the rest of the world. Their songs used to have a meaning, a purpose, even some good instrumental parts. But now it's all trash, why can't they go back to the way things were? Well this is my guess: money took over. Once their record company takes over and thinks that their music isn't making enough money then they start giving what the public wants. And what the public wants is what the majority of the public wants. In other words they turn into pop stars and lose meaning and sight of what they wanted to do: which was probably make a new music style or introduce the world to their talents. Which is what BEP did in the beginning, but now it's a whol 'nother story. And it's awful how they lose sight of things so quickly like it doesn't mean anything. I'm pretty sure that some of the musicians today don't enjoy the record company taking over but they have no choice but let them because of their contracts and they need the money to care for their families and other expenses. I guess that's why Dub FX doesn't go mainstream, because he loves doing what he does and NOBODY can take that away from him. And he doesn't care how many people listen to his music, becuase that doesn't mean anything. What matters is after listening to his music you learned something new or saw the world through a different perspective or just had your eyes opened up to a whole new music scene. Well that's what happened to me the first time I listened to him. And that is what music is supposed to do: show the world how good it can be and not make money. Because I believe that if you love doing what you do, you don't need to worry about the money because its not a hassle for you to work. You can work as long as you want and not care about the money if you love your job. And that's what Dub FX does, he loves making music and the money is just a bonus. The money part of your job should be nothing short of a bonus, because when you realize that you've found something you love to do and you know you'll be doing it for the rest of your life until the day you die then that feeling is worth more than all the money in the world because it can't be manufactured, sold, or produced. Well that's just my point of view on the music scene today. Oh and the other topic that i am going to talk about today is my Dad's Birthday!!!! It's officially tommorow but since he lives in Russia it's already 6 o clock in the morning there so I wish him a Happy Birthday!!! And I would like to thank my dad for everything that he's done for me and everything that he has taught me. I know he can't be there all the time but that's just the way life is. No matter what I love him and he will always be the best dad. So if you guys would like to wish my dad a happy birthday please do so in the comments because he also reads my blog and it would mean so much to him and me if you did. So Happy Birthday Dad and I hope you have a good one!!!!!!! Until next time: Read it, learn it, live it, love it.

Cheers, MarkL

Monday, February 14, 2011

Education levels and happy Valentine's Day

Hey everyone, how you doing? Well I'm doing great cause today is Valentine's day and I decided to keep the Feb 14th spirit up by bringing in candy to class and it cheered people up. I'm glad it did because that morning people were kind of depressed, well some of them anyways. I'm just glad I could make their day better if it wasn't already. Allright so anyways, I'm going to start with a topic near and dear to everyone, I hope: education. Allright so I'm going to let my nerdy side shine for this post, so as a precaution I'm going to get my pocket protector ready if things get too wild. Ok so recently me and my friend (yes I have a friend, I'll give you a moment to get back up on the chair you just fell off of from) talked about how education these days isn't fair. Ok it's not fair in the sense that the smart kids are getting pulled in with the dumb ones and it's all messing up our education. It's true, there's ALWAYS someone lower than average in my class and in every one of your classes too. But why can't the school system set up something that will divide the smart kids from the dumb kids and everyone else? Won't that make things better? Won't that improve our lives tenfold? It's true, but they wont beause they think it's a waste of time. Ok so making peoples lives and their future better is a waste of time? I'll think of that the next time you construsct another library which most of the people don't use, and guess why? Becuase most of the student body population is made out of uneducated druggies, alcoholics, and possible fathers (dumb highschoolers in other words) And is that our fault that they don't want to learn? Ok if you don't want to learn then stay home, because we don't care if you do. Because if you did, then it would save us all alot of trouble because there wouldn't be anymore stupid uestions or "Miss I forgot my textbook, can I get it?" if I had a penny for every time someone said that I would be a billionaire ike Traview McCoy. Allright so let me get specific on this topic. My friend figured out how the school system could work, if they made specialized schools for every category of learning level then it would benefit us all. Except that people wouldn't meet others in different class groups and that means you wouldn't meet most of the people you know now because they might not have the same learning skills as you. But I guess a perfect system can NEVER be perfect no matter what you add to it. I'm sure the system idea can be improved but it doesn't matter. Because the education system is made for average students, and me and my asian friends are NOT average students. For one, average students wouldnt've come up with a school system which could possibly make the world a better place or it could destroy it altogether. And 2: I'm Russian and he's Asian. Just think of the stereotypes they share: knowledge, power (ok only knowledge applies since I'm a weakling like my Asian buddy :) But even if the education level is made for average students it doens't mean you SHOULD be an average students. Hell no, it should mean quite the opposite. Instead you should be doing extracurricular things like studying advanced science or math. Because right now I'm at the point in my life where I should be exploring new things at EVERY opportunity that I get. I'm sad to say that I am not fulfilling that goal. I know that I should be, I'm just not. Maybe it's because I've almost NEVER finished extracurricular projects. Most of the time I just throw them aside and start a new one, talk about a half-assed job. I even tried to build a crossbow in the summer last year, well THAT was a big FAYUL. You know what I'm going to do now? I am going to write a list of things that I want to do but can't because I start something new. And that list will be published on the next time I write a new post. It's going to be a long one so don't expect anything less than that. Oh and I almost forgot to talk about something else you guys were expecting: Valentines Day! I bored you with the education topic (hopefullly what I just said is a lie, like cake :) to get you all excited for the Valentine's part of today's post. Well to me Valentine's day is a sorry excuse for everyone to make money, and to rmemeber how much you love your honey or your man. Ok well I understand that it's important to celebrate this holiday because a saint died for this holiday to happen (just Google search where did Valentine's day come from and you'll know) but lately it's ALL about money. And we should ALWAYS be reminded of how much we love each other, to have 1 day where we do that is just wrong. Like the Black Eyed Peas song: Where is the love? That's the question that I find asking myself over and over again. I'm actually going to post the video on the blog now because you people need to listen to this. I'm hoping it'll make your day better or just open up your eyes to how we should be living. If this song can help us avoid material possesions and love people for who they are and not what they give then I say this song deserves a Grammy unlike Justin Bieber (I know he didn't win anything but I'm just using it as an example) Allright well that's all for today's blogpost and I hpe you enjoyed what I wrote, stay tuned for tomorrow's post if I'll have one which I hope I will. So until next time just: Read it, learn it, live it, love it.

Cheers, MarkL

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Fashion show and some other stuffs

Hey peoples, I've been VEEERY busy with my engrish project which took me two days to complete and I still haven't finished entirely. I hope you liked my "I Am Legend" review because I stayed up til 12 writing it. If you haven't read it yet then please go do so, just scroll down and you'll be there. Oh and I made some changes to the blog, I added a world map view counter just to see where all of my views are coming from, a little stalker-ish right? Well it's probably going to get removed unless you guys like it there, it'll go down in about 3 days or so depending on my reaction to it. Alright so last time I got a request to do a post about the fashion show that happened at NT recently, if you don't live in Toronto and don't go to North Toronto then I feel sorry for you. Because I personally enjoyed the fashion show, all the choreographed dances and special talents. Ok let me break it down for those who don't know what it is. Basically the Fashion Show at NT is a series of dances and special dances (dancing, singing etc.) and all the clothing that they use is showed off at some point and all the clothing is donated from famous companies. I don't remember which ones in particular but they're well known. And I liked all the acts because of the choreography, but I wish there was a little more Jabbawockeez spirit in it. In other words I mean I wish I did my dance up on the stage in front of everyone. But sadly I didn't try out for Fashion Show at the beginning of the year so I didn't have the chance to do so. Oh and the person that asked me to write about this also asked me to write about the afterparty. I didn't go to the Fashion Show afterparyt for obvious reasons: I didn't want to have a party at 11 in the night, I didn't want to attend an alcohol filled orgy. My sources indicated that the party was out of control, some girl even went to the hospital, some people even had sex. Well you know what I got to say about that? WTF? Ok 1st question, if you're not in the Fashion Show do you deserve to go to the afterparty? Last time I checked it's the Fashion Show afterparty, not the audience afterparty. The people in the fashion show did this event for charity and because they enjoyed it. Does it mean you deserve what they worked for? They had TONS of work done to make the show right. What did you do? Almost NOBODY that came to the afterparty actually went to the Fashion Show. Which also shocks me, is it that hard to donate some money to charity? I actually legitimately did more work than the people that went to the afterparty that night. Because my money will help a kid somewhere in a war-torn country, and what did you ? Get drunk, hung out with friends, and grinded against some guy/girl. Ok way to go, you keep doing that until you reach grade 12 and let's see what happens then. Because I know for a fact that this wasn't in fact the first party of the highschool year where there was alcohol and drugs. People have these parties all the time. Being the smart and stay at home nerd that I am I don't attend them for obvious reasons: I don't drink, smoke, or inject anything into myself. And it's a waste of my time. Because most of the people that go partying aren't even my friends and I don't like most of them, so to me it's wasted time to go to a party like that. I just don't see the point. I understand if it's an end of the year party, that's the appropriate time for parties. Even for a birthday, or a Barmitsvah (I don't know if I spelled that wrong :S) Well all I have to say is why do you party in the first place? As in why do you party in the not appropriate times. DO you honestly not have anything better to do? Like read a book, or go see a movie, or write something, or here's an idea! Homework, why don't you do something more productive? There are probably other people who share my opinion, and don't worry you're not alone. I may not know you, but just know that every time there is a party somewhere me, you, and other people are doing something more productive than that. And that will give you enough strength to keep going and not going to parties. Well that's all for today, I'm going to write a more detailed post tomorrow because I have some news I'd like to share with you guys. SO until next time stay tuned and :Read it, learn it, live it, love it.

Cheers, MarkL

Saturday, February 12, 2011

I Am Legend review SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey peoples, glad to see you again! I'm glad you waited an entire hour just to read this review, and for those who didn't well then read this anyways. Allright so lets start with the beginning shall we? The movie opens up to a scene where a newswoman is interviewing a famous scientist which works with the main character Robert Neville to create an antivirus against cancer. In the end ofcourse they did but it screwed up the human body so much that it turned them into Dark Seekers. What the virus did is that it kills 90% of the people it comes into contact with and the rest are turned into zombies which feed on human flesh and can't survive in the light for some reason. And this movie is set in the best place possible: NY city. Why? Because the most populated places in the world are the ones most affected by any type of outbreak especially when it comes to a virus. SO ofcourse the city was quarantied as best as it could've been and Robert decided to stay to find a cure to fix the problem he started. The movie goes on and show us his day to day schedule and what he does. It's been 2 years and he still hasn't found a cure even though he experiments every day. Later on Robert gets a little sloppy and his dog runs off into a dark house chasing a deer which now inhabit the streets of NY seeing as it is animal migration has been affected by the Dark Seekers. So as the dog runs into the dark house Robert ofcourse followes it and finds a Dark Seeker settlement/hideout and jumps out of the home with the Dark Seekers behind him. Then they die out because the sunlight somehow affected their skin, strength, brain activity, and survival instincts. He then captures one of them and tries out the cure again, the short term effect makes the Dark Seekers more raged so he just leaves it in his basement and goes on with his daily life. He then gets sloppy again with his actions and gets caught in his own trap which leavs him hanging until the sun goes down. And he wakes up just as it does and the Dark Seekers sadly kill his dog and he travels back home and goes over what just happened and notices that the Dark Seeker that he captured is improving with its conditions. He then plans to take revenge on the Dark Seekers and plans a night attack on them which goes horribly wrong for him but a woman receives his radio signal and saves him just in time. They travel back to his home and consider the possibility of escaping the city to a safe zone but Robert denies that idea because he believes that there is nobody else alive in the world and that they're the two people that are left. Eventually the night comes and the Dark Seekers find their hideout and invade it, following a series of explosions Robert manages to kill off some of them but not all. He then precedes to hide in his lab where he finds the Dark Seeker that he captured is now cured of the virus and gets a blood sample and gives it to the woman that saved him so that she can find the safe zone and distribute the cure to everyone. So he commits suicide with a grenade and kills every zombie in close proximity to his home. The woman escapes to the safe zone, gives the cure to a soldier, and then the screen fades to black. I would give this movie 4.5, 5 being The Lion King. 1 Being the Avatar: The Last Airbender. The reason for my rating is because it's not the best zombie movie I've seen but it's an original one I'll give it that. One thing I don't like in particular though, every zombie movie I've seen either shows what happens during the infection or after it. I understand that if they showed what happens before the infection would be boring, but then again they would show the friendships and bonds that are made with people. Which would make the deaths of the characters more significant because we've all hated the death of cute animals in any movie but loved the deaths of the people that "deserved" to die. Because if they showed the characters more we would know if they had to die and whether their death was significant. And that's my rating for "I Am Legend" I'm sorry that it's so early in the morning but I was watching it for a long time and now I'm watching Shawshank Redemption which I hopefully will rate tomorrow. So until next time: Read it, learn it, live it, love it.

Cheers, MarkL

Friday, February 11, 2011

Happy Birthday and a slew of topics!!!!!!!!!

Sup everyone, how's your friday? Mine is goin pretty good, afte school I made a trip to McD's and went back home to have a plate of fries waiting for me. And I also got a good mark on my math test and I'm hoping you had a good friday too. You've waited for my "I am Legend" review all week and I'm going to give you it after this post because I don't feel it's right to watch a movie right now because I usually watch the movie at 8 or 10. So until then I'm just gonna write about something else until it's time. Here's a topic that's kinda been bugging me and still does. Rating people by their looks. To me it's just wrong to rate someone like that, be it girl or boy. If you're in the age area of dating do you honestly choose the guy or the girl by their looks? No, you probably choose them because they make you laugh, they're nice, they're always doing something new, always entertaining you. But it doesn't stop there. That doesn't mean that the other person didn't pick you because of your looks or your personality. For all you know they could've picked you for the same reasons you picked them. But lets get off of that topic because I'm pretty sure most of my audience is under 16 years old and we don't need to date for a long time. Allright let me scroll down on my list of blog topics and choose one..............ok I found one: how important it is to be on a sports team. Throughout my middle school years I saw many girls not do anything in Gym. All they did was sit on the sidelines and there was hate on their faces when it was their turn to kick or hit or to be involved. I believe that Gym, school in general, is a privilege all of us take for granted sometimes. I've realized this over and over because compared to Don Mills, North Toronto is heaven for me. Let me give you an example, when I went to NT Idol I didn't do my best because I was sooooo nervous singing in front of such a big crowd. I'm ok with singing in front of a class or even 5 people but 100 people? Hell no, that just makes my monotone voice come out which completely ruined my singing. If that happened at Don Mills everyone would've laughed at me every second of my remaining time there. And every day I would be reminded of my singing. But at NT after the day that NT Idol happened hardly anyone talked about it. I'm glad that happened because if it was at Don Mills I wouldnt've come to school for a week or so. That's an example of why I'm thankful to be at NT, to be at school in general. But let's go back to the topic that I started with, being on a sports team is as important as being part of a club. Becuase when you're part of a team you have a chance to learn what it takes to be a leader or a follower and learn a new sport thousands of people don't have access to. And I've said it before and I'll say it again, not just people at NT but everyone in general doesn't see the opportunities that they have infront of them. Highschool is a time of discovery, so go and discover what you're good at. Try out for every sports team that you can and stick with your best ones and work on your bad ones. That's the only way we will have something to do after highschool when we have ALOT of free time on our hands. Oh and today is someone special's Bday, by someone special I don't mean a family friend or a girl friend because I'm single. It's one of my blog readers that goes to NT. SO as a little present to her I'm going to write about birthdays and such. Alllright so if you see that it's someone's birthday on facebook you just CAN'T not say Happy Birthday!!! to them because that's just wrong. If it's your birthday you would love it if EVERYONE said a Happy Birthday to you. Or just come to school early and decorate their locker because that would light up anybodys day. I'm pretty sure it would light up mine because for one I've never had my locker decorated in my life, and for two it makes anybody happy to see that people care about them. So I wish you a Happy Birthday to Tamar!!!! And I hope that you'll have a good time on this day because it's your day and ONLY your day. The one day that the world revolves around you, so use it wisely. Oh and there's a new feature I put on all of my blog posts now and if you look below you can rate this post if it's funny, interesting, or cool. So please check off that box because it just helps me see what you guys think of my posts. It just makes it better for me to know what you guys are into and reinforces my positive attitude towards writing my posts. Oh and I am currently watching I Am Legend and I'll have my post out as soon as I finish it which will be in about an hour or so and hopefully it will satisfy your need for waiting a long week for it. So until the next hour read this post and my older ones and comment on which movie you want me to rate. Oh and if you want me to rate a movie then tell me no later than thursday or before it so that I can have time to download the movie and because I only have time to watch it on friday. Oh and you can also tell me to review a movie on friday because during the weekend I can watch a minimum of 2 movies depending on how much time I have. Curently I Am Legend is living up to its name but I'm going to have to wait and see what happens. So while you wait for another hour I'm going to go watch the rest of I Am Legend, just read my old blog posts and suggest what my next ones shoudl be about or suggest another movie. Until next time: Read it, learn it, live it, love it.

Cheers, MarkL

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Hey peoples, I don't even know what today's post is gonna be about because I'm thinking of it as I am typing this sentence. So let's start off with a topic I just thought of: backing people up. In a tense situation the last thing you want is to lose the battle and have NOBODY at all there to help you up when you're down. So here's a suggestion, always travel in packs. Even if you're just going to your next class. Grab the nearest trust-worthy friend and use them to your advantage. I might be taking things out of proportion but that's because lately I needed a friend to back me up and he did. ANd I'm glad that he did so, because once again Tayler Apple was being a douche. And NOBODY, I mean NOBODY wants to be a Tayler Apple. Allright so lets move on shall we? I'm sorry that I haven't had a post for a LONG time but I just had 3 tests today back to back. At the beginning I wrote in my blogposts that you shouldn't expect a blog post from me every day. It's what I try to do, but I just don't sometimes. Maybe I lose sight of what my blogposts really mean, or I'm extremely busy. Recently I wrote a bunch of ideas for my future blogposts and you are about to see them. Oh and the review of "I am Legend" will happen on Friday so keep your socks on (I don't know why I said that, seemed like the right thing to say) Let's talk about something that's close to my heart and I'm pretty sure is close to everyones. When was the last time you cried at a movie? It doesn't matter what movie you cried at, be it Sex and The City or Avatar. I believe that all of us have that one movie which gets to us everytime no matter how many times we watch it. Personally I cried at Lion King. The music, characters, plot, everything about it was magical. I don't care what you say because you've cried at a movie too. And if you're not afraid to let people know which movie you cried at then just comment and I'll understand because that's the person that I am. Everytime I watch The Lion King it gives me goosebumps at every song that is played. And the sad thing is that Disney doesn't make movies like that anymore. Now it's all about money money and ofcourse you guessed it: money. If only the world went back to the way it was: not revolving about money. Imagine what things can happen if that happened. Imagine how many lives of people would be saved, imagine how many people would stop seeing the world as a dark and dangerous place and see it as an opportunity of change. Because that's what we can all achieve no matter what, we all make mistakes but that's human nature. The hard part is getting back to the way it was. And Lion King helped achieve that, but somewhere down the road the people forgot their path and lost sight of what they saw before. I guess that's what i'm trying to do, show people another perspective so that it would change their lives for the better. This blog isn't just a place where I share my opinions, it's an epiphany for me and everyone else. Because this blog has changed my perspective on life, it's helped me through the hardships and the lessons that I've learned. it's helped me open up to what the world should be and not what it is. And this blog is helping it become what it should be little by little. All those Pop stars aren`t bringing it back, and even if they are ushering a new age is it an age that you want to live in? Or do you want to live an age of Bob Marley, Dub FX, The Lion king? I know that Bob Marley is long dead (R.I.P.) and Lion King is somehwat 10 years old. But that doesn't mean that it should be forgotten. The beauty of the music should not be lost, it should be relived through our generation! We've got alot of work to do to set things right, but we can do that one step at a time. listen to some Bob Marley, watch one of the greatest movies ever like Rocky and share it with other people. Spread the word because you know that I can't do this alone. In fact the other day I asked a couple of people if they've seen Rocky. I was shocked when they said, I saw parts of it but not the entire thing. Rocky is not just a movie series, it's all about life lessons. He clearly demonstrates that when life gets tough you get tougher and get through it. You can't give up no matter what because when you do they win. And by they I mean all the negative people in this world which make it harder for all of us trying to relive the glorious past. Instead of seeing Rocky these people are going to clubs and parties or going to the mall or sleeping over. In your opinion which one is better? I would watch Rocky with my friends or alone any day than going to the mall or doing something wasteful. It's fucking messed up what my generation has become. But this doens't mean things can't change. It's just an opportunity for change. We can't change everyone and please don't try to. Because in the end these people will realize "They were right, all that time I wasted. All those years, but now I have to pass it on to others" Because the message never ends, it takes a certain time for some people to get it. Sometimes days, hours, minutes, months, even years. But the most important thing is that they get this message and spread it to others and change the world for the better. There might be other people who share my message somewhere in the world. And they may not have the opportunity to write a blog and have this many people reading it. Which is why I want to thank eveyrthing that has been done to get me into this chair sitting and writing this blog. And guess what? I just got the message completely. It took me 14 years to realize it and I'm glad I did. So I'm just going to go and pass the message onto you. We can all change and we should no matter how hard it gets for us because we can't give up. We have to go back to the way it was without wars and drug addictions. We can fix this world and this is Step #1. So that's my blogpost for today, I'm probably going to write another one later on today because I have very little homework but don't expect anything special. Until next time: Read it, leanr it, live it, love it.

Cheers, MarkL

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Singularity, weird people, and what to do with your free time

Hey everyone, today I had the entire day to myself so I decided to end it with a nice blogpost. So for today's blogpost I am planning to review a game I recently finished, talk about weird people for a while, and probably end it off with some free time advice. Recently I finished a game called Singularity. The storyline as far as I remember it is about an american solider (you) which is sent to an island off the coast of Russia known as Katorga-12. Which is where the Russians have found a new element called E-99 during the second world war. This new element was known as an energy crisis solver, but ofcourse if it was misused or in the wrong hands (which it was) it would turn anything around it into a mutated form. Humans would have 2 heads and have teleporting powers but you can see them. As they are teleporting you can't hurth them so they use that to their advantage and jump you and at the last second they soolidify. It's pretty cool to use a shotgun on them at the last second and see them fly. The other monsters are just plain messed up, there's one who's all bony that does alot of damage but takes alot of damage. So that's another tip in the game: get to them before they get to you. Other than the monsters there are also soldiers which are just a little more of a threat than the monsters. There are basically 2 types of soldiers: the weak ones with no armous and basic weapons (shotgun, rifle, and the occasional tactical shield) and the ones with heavy armour and heavy weapons (rocket launcher, machine gun, and sometimes a sniper) Now the light ones are easy to get rid of, everyone has their own strategy and I've got mine. But only use it when you're halfway through the game because there are certain upgrades that you need for it. So what I do is just turn one of the soldiers into a creature (I don't know the specific terms so don't judge me) and they just kill themselves without me doing any work. Now I forgot the rest of the storyline because I got lost in most of it because it was just that good. The next game I'm going to play is Prototype which is torrenting as you are reading this. Let's move onto the next topic shall we? Weird people, you could be weird you are probably a weird person. But there's nothing wrong with it, weird means you are not part of the normal group. Well let me explain the normal group, they are people who do what others do because everyone else does it (peer pressure) But let me explain weird people. They are people with original style, they're not afraid to show what they are, not afraid to say the truth no matter what it takes, and they don't care what other people say about them (unless they care about that person's opinion) But that's just my description, not let me explain what being weird DOESN'T mean. Being weird doesn't mean you raise your voice in public singing weird songs because that's rude, it doesn't mean that you dye your hair or pierce your body just to be original because you probably don't want to do it in the first place but you feel like you have to because you want to be original. If you're original you do what nobody else does, and in our world that means being nice one way or another. It means saying hi to the cashier in the grocery store to make them smile, starting a conversation in the elevator with your neighbour on a trending topic, or even singing on your way to school or work silently to yourself. But ofcourse I break into song and dance when nobody is looking and even when people pass me by. Becayse that's not rude, that's just being happy. Being rude means you're yelling in public, raising your voice, talking shit about people behind their backs, or even swearing in public which we all do but at least some of us control it. So my basic take on weird people: original in their own way without being rude to others around you or doing anything illegal or anything you don't want to do. Normal people: they can't think of anything else to do but copy other people or they just can't afford to (unfortunately some of us can't afford the luxury of wearing Ugs and Beats by Dr. Dre like me) So lets move onto another subject: what to do with your free time. Ok here's a start off tip: do whatever you can't do because of school or work. It doens't mean playing COD til 3 in the morning. I mean something constructive. Take me for example, I prefer to: do math (I don't care what you say) read, write lyrics, spend some time maintaining my blog, occasionally play a game that I torrented, and watching a movie. I'm not sure what I would reccomend for you, but just try doing what you do. Explore something new like making a candle like I used to, or just creating your own blog or even writing lyrics. Oh and I changed the videos on the blog to put a smile on your faces because we all need to smile sometimes. It's a video of Eddie Murphy doing some stand up that you may have never seen, it's pretty hilarious to me without the swearing ofcourse. The other video is of a classic musician that you may know, Bob Marley's live show of Jammin. It should put some smiles on people's faces so Mission Accomplished [X] I'll see you guys tomorrow and until then: Read it, learn it, live it, love it.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Meaning of life........don't get too excited

Hey people, I recieved some positive feedback from yesterday's post and one before that and please keep them coming! So like the title says this post will be about the meaning of life, wait you didn't let me finish. I don't have the meaning of life, NOBODY does. Not even Ghandi or whoever it is you look up to.  Because honestly why do you question it? Would you rather not have a life and not exist? Because I feel that as a race is we discover the meaning of life somehow it will destroy us as a planet altogether. Now there is no REAL meaning of life, only ways to make it better. Like the book "The Secret", in the book it says that the meaning of life is having positive energy and a positive attitude towards life. Ok well the meaning of life part is wrong, because to me the meaning of life doesn't exist because we can't know for sure and we never will. But the positive energy part is right, because laugh all you want but without The Secret I wouldn't be writing this blog right here because when I couldn't get any lower then where I was in grade 8 my mom showed me The Secret. And it literally turned my life around and helped me become the person that I am today. You can laugh all you want and not believe me, but that's YOUR problem not mine. So to be honest, I don't think that there is a meaning to life, only ways to live it better. And The Secret is one of those ways. I'm sorry that today's post is so short but after yesterday's post I knew you didn't want to read so much of my writing. Oh and I dont have any lyrics for you guys today, but I will in the future. For now I'm gonna go eat some well deserved pizza after a long week, you might as well too. Oh and if you want me to rate a movie or a game I would be more than pleased to do so because it's more fun for me. Until next time: Read it, learn it, love it.

Cheers, MarkL

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Surprise article

Sup peoples, today's post is gonna be a surprise to me AND you. Cause I don't have any idea what it's gonna be about so yeh. Oh and I made some changes to the website, I added On Top of The World by T.I. because sometimes when you've accomplished something big you need a song to go along with it. And the other song should put a smile on your face when you're feeling down, I know because it did so to me :) So smile for once and laugh at the song, bounce with the tune. Or get out of your chair and start dancing. Just have fun with it cause sometimes you're too serious. So I guess that's gonna be the topic for today: happiness. What I noticed over the years I've tried to stay positive is that it's easier to get a sad person happy than it is to get a person who's always positive sad. Just think about it, if a person is always positive something REALLY big must've happened to make them frown or have a negative attitude. Think about that the next time you're "joking" oh and that's another thing. Whenever someone makes fun of someone or says something mean they ALWAYS say that they're "joking" Ok well I don't think that these people know what a joke is. Dave Chappelled tells jokes, Chris Rock makes jokes, hell even Jerry Springer still makes jokes (I think)!!!!!!!! But know this: when you're making fun of someone watch the boundaries. Because honestly I get pissed when people tell me it's just a joke because it's not a joke. A joke is where people laugh WITH you, not AT you. See the difference? Just think about that the next time you make a "joke" or just stop making "jokes" in general because some people like me understand their limits and if you go over them they WILL tell you off. SO let's move onto another topic: telling people off. Here at NT people are too pussy to say anything to each other. I hear people talking behind each other's backs every single day. Frankly it pisses me off that people just can't walk up to the person they dislike and tell them that there's no confusion. Because if you don't tell them they're never going to know, and complain all you want about them it's not going to make them poof away. And if you don't like the person don't you think it would be better to get rid of them by telling them off rather then talking to them when CLEARLY you don't like them. Because at Don Mills people were different. We had standards, whenever we didn't like someone we made it clear to them that we don't want anything to do with them. And they just avoided the person at all costs. Why can't people do that here? I mean you don't have to HATE each other, but if you don't like being with a person just tell them. It's not that hard to do, I do it all the time! But unfortnately people at NT are persistent and douchebags (well most of them, I applaud the rest that leave me alone when I ask them to. And the rest can go screw themselves) So that;s my advice to you: just tell the person that you dislike to screw off and if they don't want anything to do with you then they should screw off 50% of the time. Oh and here's another topic for ya (yes I know this post is long, but it's to make up for the ones I should've written during the week but didn't) slang terms. I hear people say "True" all the time, and I wonder. Is it so heard to say "You're right" or to explain why they're right? And here's another thing: swearing. Now I admit that I do in fact swear, I'm in highschool it's no surprise. But my brother said to me once "People swear because they can't think of any other words to say" and he's right. I was honestly sitting and writing lyrics to a song and couldn't think of any words, so I wrote f*ck. If you do't believe me try it yourself, the next time you're talkiung and about to swear just think of some words you can say instead (or if you can't think of any just say so, doesn't matter if you don't because it'll be better than swearing because when you do it says that you can't think of anything smart so you use a word that makes you look dumber) Damn I wrote alot today, but that's what I have to do when I haven't written anything in a couple of days. And guys, I ask you to get involved because it would make YOUR and MY day better if you did. SO do NOT hesitate to comment on a video I should post on my blog, or a movie I should see and write a review on. Because if you want for me to write more posts and share my opinion you can help so by commenting. And when you do it makes me happy that someone cares enough to comment on my posts and share their own opinion. Because that's what this blog is all about: sharing my opinion with the world. And if you like it so much then just comment on what you would like to see my opinion on. Oh and don't forget that if you make a person happy (be it with my blog, the witchdoctor song, or even a hug) you WILL make their day. Because most importantly: friends don't let friends be sad when they need to be happy. So do something nice for them once in a while instead of just lustening to their problems and not doing anything about it. That's what I try to do every day, make at least one person happy. Because when I do I feel like I'm On Top of The World, T.I. which is the new song in my collection of vids on the right here-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
Oh and I got another quick topic for you guys. At NT I realized that people like to see other people mad. I honestly don't know why. But one day this girl in science class said this to me "Mark, people like seeing you angry because you're so easy to piss off" Ok and that makes sense how? That's the same as pissing a bull off, except the bull will do something about it. Being the wimp I am I don't start fights and I ignore instead. But if the fight has started I'll bring my A-game to it. So how exactly does that make sense? You make fun of someone, you hurt someone, you piss someone off because you enjoy seeing them pissed? Your mind must be REAAALLY messed up if you enjoy seeing people in pain. You should be sent to Haiti and see all the suffering that's happening or even Africa to see the wars. Let's see how you feel after that, not the same is it? Oh and don't bug someone about their voice like some people do. So what if I've got a deep voice? My problem that I'm tall, that i was born this way. Hell no, it's noboby's fault. And I don't know about you but I'm glad my voice is this deep, because that makes me one step closer to being like my brother. Because to me he's the best person in the world, and I don't care what you say about me or my looks or my voice. Because I am proud of it, so go ahead and screw yourself in a corner with Tayler Apple. So I guess that's my SUPER long blog post for the day, I'm gona go on facebook and chat with people. Add me up : Baciacalupo Mark. Oh and don't forget to comment on what YOU want to see for the next post or even future posts. Especially if you've got lyrics and you want other people to see them. Because this is a place of opinions, and it's up to you if you think your opinion matters. Because no matter who's opinion it is, it matters. So until next time: Read it, learn it, live it, love it.

Cheers, MarkL