Friday, December 31, 2010

The Year 2010 and Top Artist

Hey yall, oh lord I'm sounding so American all of a sudden. Anyways, this post shall be about 2010 in all its glory! 2010 had its ups and downs for everyone. What with the recession which is still going on, the awful weather in the summer. But it had its ups for me, I moved to a new and much better school, I got tons of new friends and kept in touch with the old ones, and I even started writing songs and raps just because it felt fun. I'm not sure about you but I'm hoping for 2011 to be a better year, even though it's my same hope as last year and the year before that and the year before that and the.......Well whatever, it'll be a good year. So let me switch topic to the top artist of 2010. And if you know me well you also know who it is. To me the top artist of 2010 is once again Dub Fx. Oh I'm sorry if I didn't pick the slutty poster girl which has awful songs Katy Perry, or the pop teen sensation Justin Bieber. I don't care much for the Pop artists because their songs are always about the same thing over and over again: lonelyness, getting money, love, and you know the rest. Now if you haven't listened to Dub Fx click this link and it'll lead you straight to his first song ever: Now if you like more of his stuff comment below if you have any questions. Now Dub Fx has had 3 succesful albums, his frist one are all recorded on the spot in live shows across the streets of Europe. So ofcourse the album is called Live Onda Streets of Europe. His second album is studio recorded and he introduces two new artists: Mr. Woodnote who is a saxophone player which does alot of freestyle tunes and has albums of his own, and Flower Fairy which happens to be his girlfriend. And this album has some remixes of his old songs and only some of them are better than the original, but nothing beats his forst song: Love Someone. And his last album he created through a partnership with Sirius Radio and it involves alot of fast tempo songs so very little beatboxing is done in this album. I don't have alot of information on this album because I don't listen to it as much as his first two. And if you're angry about my pick for the top artist then go punch a wall or hit your head against a hammer. Because guess what? I don't give a shit if you think my artist is horrible. Tell that to the thousands of people going to his concerts and listening to his music. And let me tell you this, last time I checked Lady Gaga didn't inspire me to write my own songs. Usher didn't help me discover a career option that I can follow and try if I buy his equipment. And Justin Bieber doesn't make me smile everytime I listen to his music no matter how sad I am. So cheers, and Happy New Year!!!!

Cheers, MarkL

What is love?

Well here's a topic for all you lovers out there, I don't care if you like it or not but this is my opinion. What is love to a teenager? A couple of drinks and some grinding between 2 people. Do you honestly think that I know a thing about love? I'm just 14 for Christ's sake. And for all teens that have "relationships" please think it over. If you're really good friends with someone and you don't want to become enemies why do you risk having a relationship with them? That's happened to me a couple of times now, a few days ago actually. And once you're getting to the end someone's going to get dumped, and a friendship will break. A friendship that could've lasted years and years and could've been useful in the future in some way. This is exactly why I'm refraining from any of that stuff for a long time, until I know that it's time. I don't know when I will realize this, but I know I will. So please, just look before you leap, think before you act, just do something to keep the friendship alive. Because soon you won't have any friends left to talk to because you dated and dumped all of them. I know it's a little overdramatic. But look at it from my point of view, like I said before you need to look at both perspectives before finding a solution or making a choice. And this is my point of view, you shouldn't do anything close to loving for a long time if you're 14 or if you're not ready. It's harder because everyone around you is doing the same thing. It's like an initiation, if you don't date you're not in with the cool kids. Well why should you give a shit what the cool kids do or what everyone does? This is your life, not theirs. So just be friends for now, and save the loving for later. Please don't make the mistake of dating peole you want to be close to as friends, because it will only get worse from that point on. Trust me, it's happened to me before and I hope it won't happen again.

Cheers, MarkL

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Heading into it too fast

Hey all you Bloggers, this early pst is a gift to all you from me. Today I decided to write 2 posts instead of 1, twice the fun! Yeah not really, especially if you're a teenager. Because this one is  gonna be hardballing all of you out there, and yes it's ironic that I'm a teenager too (I'm just a teen who has a brother with wisdom exceeding his years, and he cares so much as to share it with me, and I love him for that) So what exactly shall be the pressing topic for the evening? Well I've noticed that 95% (just an estimate, calm down all you nerds out there) of grade 9's in any school have already done drugs (marijuana, tobacco, alcohol), gone on a date, gone to parties with alcohol, and are in a "relationship" (the air quotes are there because it's not really a relationship) And the question I have for all of them is, what tha f***? Excuse my french, but honestly what the hell are you thinking? I've got kids at my school who claim to be bisexuals. How the hell would they know what sexuality they are at this age? We're all just starting out to find out our personalitys, talents, and what choices we will make that will shape our character. It doens't mean that the first day at Highschool we immediately know who we're gonna be in the future, who we will have intercourse with, what time we will smoke weed, and what time we will hang our pants so low they're down to our ankles. Slow down a little Eager McBeaver. We have the College years for all the drugs and sex, save that for later. I understand it's hard not to because everyone is doing it these days and peer pressure is kicking in. But why do you have to fall into what everyone elese is doing? Why can't you be original for once and start your own style of not giving a f*** what everyone else does. It's like if everyone jumps off of a bridge wearing the coolest clothing that has ever been created. I know it's annoying to hear that, but think about it a little, look at the similarities and don't just say "F*** you Mark! Why should I do what you tell me?" Try to look at it from my point of view, only then can you know what decision to make because you'll have a comparison of different ideas on the situation. You're all rushing into this too fast, slow down and do something more worthwhile. Try writing something a song, or a poem or even a book. That's how I got to writing this blog. I started writing poems, then songs, and I wanted my opinion to be heard and seen for everyone. And so I began to write this blog to get my ideas heard, and it seems like I have quite the audience. Now if you haven't noticed already I'm not following the crowd into peer pressure and therefore not dating until I realize that it's the right time to do so. And I'm not doing drugs anytime soon if you're wondering that (and the sex too, I aint gonna need that for another 4 years) SO all I'm asking you to do is just to look at my point of view, and consider what you want to do for the next 4 years.And that's my post for the night, I hope you enhoyed it. Blah blah blabbity blah you know the rest.

Cheers, MarkL

Deserving things, and giving back

Sup everybody! I hope everyone's had a great winter break because I certainly have! No as soon as I get back to school everyone's gonna have these kickass presents that have a 300$ pricetag with a 50$ tax on them. And I'm going to keep questioning myself whether they deserve it or not. Now don't get me wrong I'm not complaining, but shouldn't there be a balance between things we do deserve getting and things we don't? I mean I see kids at my school with Dr.Dre Beats that are too big to fit their head walking around with pants around their ankles and the latest hoodie from that famous skateboarder. But then again, how are their grades, how do they respect their parents, and what do they do to become a better person (because NOBODY is perfect, even Jesus probably swore in his life time, who knows, I'm pretty sure you  don't) One time I went to my friend's place once (let's call him Bob for privacy reasons) and his house was a mess. What's worse is that when I went to this guy's house it was the day before an important test (don't worry, being a nerd I studied for it ALOT, and I'm pretty sure I did well) and he hadn't even studied. Oh and I forgot to mention that he had a shitload of Xbox games EVEYRWHERE, you walked into the living room there were at least 10 on his couch, and if you opened his coffee table you'd see at least 60 of them stacked with controllers. Now as far as I know Bob doesn't do too good on in school either, and as far as I'm concerned his helpfullness around the house would be rated a 0 (if you walked into his kitchen you'd see cases of food EVERYWHERE, even on the stove and you couldn't even see the surface of the dining room table) So I asked myself when I left his place, does he deserve it? While kids in Africa are fighting for food and joining militia's to kill fellow family members. Do we all deserve it? I'm pretty sure that I don't desevre most of the things that I have in my life. Now the other topic on my mind is donating tehcnology. I recently saw a hearing aid commericla which mentioned crystal clear audio quality. Now the last time I checked the only quality that good is from Dr. Dre's Beats. And I thought to myself, why can't Dr. Dre donate his technology to the people that REALLY need it, the people that need it to live. And not those who just want to listen to music at a really good quality. In fact, why doesn't Bill Gates donate money to the unfortunate? I understand that he may be a part of some charity organization, if he isn't then he's a selfish bastard. But when was the last time you heard anybody important donating money? I mean the guy earns what, 100 bucks per minute (comment if you've got the actual statistics) selling Microsoft products. I understand that people in communitites are donating to charities and such, but the people that have it better than us should be doing their part to give back their succeses because not everyone is like them with money oozing out of their pockets. But that's just my opninion, tell me what you think in the comments. And I hope that everyone will have a great New Year's bash tomorrow, please don't expect me to write a blog because I will be busy doing the manliest tasks of all: cooking with my mother. Laugh all you want, but on the inside I know you're all jealous. And Jessica, if you're reading this I have succesfully burned cereal once again! So good morning, umm have a nice lunch (someone should come up with a phrase for lunch), good evening, and hope you have a good night because this is my Blog for the day. I hope you appreciate what I've written, if you've got another opinion on what I've written then please share it in the comments.

Cheers, MarkL

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Comedy and Presidents

Good evenin' Bloggas, I hope all of you had a nice day. I'm sorry that I haven't Blogged the past 2 days, but like I said don't expect for me to write everyday. Besides, when I was writing it didn't save my draft and somehow my mother ended up pressing the refresh button and well, you know the rest :( So currently I'm watching Chris Rock's Kill The Messenger skit, and laughing my liver out. I swear to god I'm forming an 8 pack as I type. As time goes on and the more people I talk to it seems like people think I'm funny. Which is exactly why I'm considering being a comedian in the near future, if you have any other comedians other than Jim Carrey, Gabriel Iglesias, and Eddie Murphy then please don't hesitate to message me all about it. Now all comedians have their own special style. Gabriel Iglesias has his style from personal experiences and his um....weight. Chris Rock uses race as well as Dave Chappelle, which is by far are the funniest comedians to me because personally I find racist jokes the funniest! And I don't care what you say, I got my philosophy on it. It goes, If you can make racist jokes then you can take them. Dane Cook uses complaining to his advantage and complains about everyday situations and women, which I admit is pretty funny at times. Now I'm not sure what my style would include racism (including the word nigger, even though I'm white) sexism, pop culture, and some personal experiences. But enough talk about me, let's talk about some of these comedians. Now most of this stuff that comedians are saying is true. Like how fat girls can say all kinds of shit about skinny girls, but it doesn't work the other way around. Like poor people can say whatever they want about rich people, but it can't work the other way around. That's just mean. Or how Barack Obama is having a hard time in office because he's the first black president in America, ever! Now I applaud the man for having the courage to do so, but he better step up to the plate and clean of Bush's mistakes. According to many people Bush was by far the worst president in American history. And I'm right there with the other people on the boat. Because honestly what was the point of the Iraq war? Sure you gained some respect by fearing everyone down there, and you lost hundreds of troops. Way to go Bush, and you just had to tie Canada in the deal. What the hell did we gain from it? Ok sure this would've stopped the Americans from rejecting us as an ally if a war was to come soon. But we lost tons of troops too, and possibly the repsect of the Middle East. When was the last time you heard a terrorist attack in Canada? Last time I heard one in America was about last month in NY, some guy must've just went downtown and dropped a mysterious package which was inspected and found a bomb in it. No surprise that it's America, I mean look at 9/11. That was some serious shit right there, but I'm pretty sure it was Bush. Sure I may seem paranoid, or filled with government conspiracies. But honestly, on that date a govenrment building went down some distance away from the towers. So no debris fell on it or anything, it just collapsed. And that building held all of the government's secrets and papers ever since it was formed. Kinda suspicious if you ask me, but hey nobody ever asks me. Doens't really matter, that's why I started this Blog. I just hope that the ones that care about the issues and what I write about will constantly read and comment. But hey, I'm just throwing my opinion out there. So you better be expecting some good Blogs sometime soon, because the New Year is bringing in alot of things. Some better more than others, and you know that I'll have an opinion on all of them!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Music, oh and Merry XMAS!!!

Hey, it's already Christmas Eve! I hope everyone's having a great time sprinting their asses off at the shopping malls getting last second presents. Well here's a topic I argued for several hours yesterday and even today with my family-music. How many times have you heard your parents to turn off that trash? Well as much as I HATE to admit it (which evidently I do, I'm a teenager too if you haven't noticed already) they're right. I mean if I'm listening to Lil Wayne's Drop The World ft.Eminem my bro's like "Why does he have to swear? Can't he sing without it?" And I'm like, well yeah but he just chooses not to, he's got a rep to uphold. I'm always getting questions with my family about music listening habits. They've got some smart stuff to say when it comes to that, surprisingly. If you haven't already check out the movie, Blood Diamond. It's about diamons mining in Africa, and the money gained form selling these diamonds is used to buy guns and drugs for several armies across Africa which terrorize civilians and tourists. So when you buy these diamonds you are supplying the enemy with weapons they need to kill more people and scare villagers into digging diamonds and starting the vicious cycle again. And my brother related this to Lil Wayne's music, which surprisingly makes sense. Earlier Lil Wayne was charged of doing drugs like marijuana (unless he's Jamaican it's not a tradition for him), cocaine, and possibly heroine. And hell knows, he could be doing drugs right now. We don't know for sure, but the money that people are paying him for his music is helping him buy drugs, which is what my brother says and ofcourse i disagree. Now the only reason I listen to his music is for the actualy music/beats that he makes, I think that they are incredible and they make me feel 10 feet tall whenver I listen to them on my way to school. Sure his lyrics are all about money, getting girls, and anything else a rapper would sing about. But it's his beats that I listen to, the lyrics are an add on-if you will. Most of the time I listen to Dub FX which is amazing! But it's the same goddamnt hing over and over again, he beatboxes and sings. I'm always looking for new music to download on my Skullcandy Doubleagent's even if it is 10 years old, doesn't matter to me. Good music wil always be......good music to me. What did you think I was going to say? Well anyways, have a Merry Christmas Eve and I hope everyone has a Kick Ass dinner! Now if you need any tips on how to sneak down to get your present without your family noticing (which I honestly don't suggest seeing as it is Christmas is a FAMILY HOLIDAY, it's not a YOU HOLIDAY, think of other people's presents too) don't look for any of them here. Soo good night, and MERRY XMAS TO ALL!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Holidays

Now here's a topic that is near and dear to every one's hearts, I hope. The Winter Holidays! Now recently I learned no to expect the perfect Winter Break with your family filled with joy and cheer. How exactly did I do so? By sitting in the car for 80% of the Winter Break, well someone's gotta do the shopping right? And I'm not talking about gift shopping, I'm talking about grocery and general shopping. Nevermind Christmas shopping, I'd enjoy that if I could afford it (the depression has affected us all, so don't be a douche about it). Well even though me and my brother drove around town often not finding what we needed to buy it was still time with my family right? I mean sitting in a car with your mom and bro is the closest you'll come to them physically and emotionally for 5 hours straight. It's not exactly what I imagined, seeing as it is my brother works way up North. And you may be sayng, isn't Canada the Great White North already? Hell no, it's not like I live in an igloo with Bullwinkle the Moose and try to survive the flying hockey pucks living off of nothing but Maple Syrup. And no our Prime Minister isn't Tim Horton. If you honestly think I am lying, then you've got problems (many, in fact see a professional immediately). Now if you didn't have the best of Winter Breaks then please comment on your past or present Winter Break and how it's going so far. I just hope many of you haven't spent all of your time in malls walking around, please look at my previous post and think twice the next time you do. Now Merry Christmas, Happy Jewnukah, and have a Happy New Year!!!! Drink moderately, and get home safely! I will hopefully be posting some stuff tomorrow but don't get your hopes up.

Ciao, Mark L.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Kids these days

Hey all you out there reading this. Now I'm starting out a blog which I will try to monitor on a daily basis, I won't make empty promises because I don't promise anything about my blog. You'll just have to go along with what's happening. Now my topic for the day is a very pressing matter out there for all teenagers. Sure it may not seem as important as guns, drinking, or gangs but it's wasting alot of time for the teens today out there. The matter at hand is that teenagers like myself are wasting their time hanging around at malls doing absolutely nothing! I mean honestly if I was to go to the nearest mall I would see at least 20 teenagers just at the entrance! And what the hell are they doing ther in the frist place? I understand if they're going to see a movie, or they heard about a good book and they want to buy it. I understand that they're there if that's what they want to do. But if you're there to "hang out" then it's a waste of your time and you could be doing something better with your life. I put the words "Hang out" in air quotes because what are they really doing? Just standing there with their friends having some laughs. While they could be going to a swimming pool somewhere, or going to a concert, or even making music with friends. DOn't they see that they could be doing something worthwhile with their time? And especially at this time, the winter break. The schools give us breaks because they want us to do what we normally can't because we should be occupied with school work. That is what a break is for, not wasting your time at a mall just walking around. So far during the break I have written 2 songs, played squash with my brother, gone to see a movie, and spent loads of time with family. While your average teen has sipped some cups at Starbucks. Do the math, which one makes you feel better about yourself? Just a thought, I'll be back with more tomorrow. I'll let you sleep on it.