Sunday, December 29, 2013


So I haven't had a phone for the past....month or so? I've enjoyed the experience, it feels really detached and free from yet another "necessity". Why have I decided to do all that? I haven't. Actually I managed to fuck up and break my phone. Here's how I did it and how you should avoid it: learn how to properly charge your battery. Why? A phone's battery is a lot different than a regular AA battery or any battery for that matter. Find out what your battery is made of and find out the best way to charge it. Any battery also has a set amount of charge cycles, meaning how many times it can be charged to 100% and go down to 0%. If you never let your phone go down to 0% and always charge it to 100% like I did then you're kind of screwed. Why? Your battery will start draining soon if it already hasn't. What did I do to "fix" this? I bought a 2nd party battery for my phone, meaning it came from another company. And I decided to switch back and forth between them when one ran out, which was mistake #2. The battery in your phone has a set Voltage and Current that it delivers to the phone so that it functions properly. I didn't think much of this when I put in my 2nd battery because it said that it was meant for my phone and I trusted that it would work. Well there wasn't anything bad for the next couple of months when it functioned. Then one day it would just turn on and show the logo only. There's no chance I could take it to a repair shop because my warranty ran out. Lesson learned kids: don't get a smart phone. For real though, don't. People can find other ways to contact you and it just makes you more dependent on things. Like Google Maps for example, most people don't know their way around the city because there is no supposed need to know.

Of course there are alternative methods to finding directions. You could always ask a stranger or carry a map around you. But being self reliant is one thing that some of us take pride in, there's a confidence in knowing that what you're doing is the right things. I think it's too great of a risk to rely on your phone for anything really. Even something as simple as a phonecall, that being said I really need to get myself a phonebook. When I was younger I remember having to remember phone numbers beyond that of my own and ones for emergencies. I had to know several of my friends, my mom's workphone, etc. I even remember my mom forcing me to know my way around the city for no good reason other than knowing. Now that I think about it what she did was senseless, how am I to know my way around the city simply by looking at a map? Well a couple years ago I decided to spend the summer getting lost around the city and then finding my way back home any way I could. I wasn't stupid about it, I rode a bike for the most part and always had enough money to get back safely. But doing that taught me more about the city than any map ever could, at this point I'm confident enough to navigate the city without using Google Maps. Although from time to time writing down instructions does me some good when exploring new areas. My point is, being reliant on something as powerful as a computer in your pants is a double edged sword. Phones are great don't get me wrong. You have millions upon millions of texts, applications, pictures, etc at the tips of your fingertips. There's a lot of usefulness that can come out of it, documenting your life has never been easier! But if you let it you'll eventually become a slave to it with the multitude of distractions that are unlocked at your will. Smartphones: Use at your own risk

Today was one of the good days where I decided to go outside, that's what made it good actually. Finally took my camera out and got some great shots. In fact here they are.

If you want to see the really HD version of the photos then click on them or right click and select "View Image". Just decided to go out today for once and explore the city and see what happens. Dropped by Bulk Barn and got myself a pound of gum and 5 lollipops all for $7. By the way, the best way to make friends anywhere, especially highschool though, is gum. Buy yourself some neutral classic bubblegum and give some to every class you go. A pound will go far if you use it sparingly, go and try it for yourself. It works for me so it's worth a try.

There's a pattern that seems to pop up with my latest choices, or at least the ones that have mattered. I've actually had a hand in my future choices for once, and I'm not talking about my Subway order. Apparently there's more than one way to make a future for yourself. College is very viable actually to my surprise. Lately I haven't had the confidence that I'd be ready for University by the end of the year. And so with that I am now considering applying to both College and University. So that when it comes down to the month where I get all the letters of acceptance/denials I'll know what I want to do by then. I can't afford to take a year off because I neither have the money nor would I like to waste an entire year working and not learning anything. If I take the University path I'd apply for an English Major and either a Philosophy or History major and get a BA at minimum. If I enjoy it enough I'd work towards a Master's and see where that takes me. Then I'd probably go to Teacher's College for 2 years and get my diploma from there, and then I'd try to find a job. The College route would look something like this. I'd work towards a degree while also working with hopefully co-op in my program for 2-3 years, maybe less depending on the program. Then I'd take 2-3 years off and use my degree to find employment and work somewhere. With the money I earn in my work I'd apply to University and get my BA and go from there. Or at least that's what I'd like to happen so of course it's subject to change. Before I hadn't even considered College, but now I realize that there's more than one way to achieve what you want out of this life. All I know is that I'd like to learn a whole lot in my life and work at all sorts of places before I settle down in a career. My brother said that the most important thing is to have a plan, I like to think that mine is as solid as can be but malleable all the same. It isn't permanent is what I'm trying to get at.

Well this post has been both lengthy and overdue but there's a mass of great content in here. I've also added some great tracks that you guys can listen to as well as Dub FX's latest album! His stuff just keeps getting better and better. I hope your holidays are lacking in blackouts and frostbite, then again pain is what reminds us that we're human so there's that. Anyways I'll have a pre-New Year's post up on the 30th probably as the 31st will be very busy for all of us. School is close, but not close enough for me to care...yet.

Cheers, MarkL

Saturday, December 7, 2013