Friday, December 21, 2012


Hey guys! How's it been? No actually, write in the comments how it's been! How your lives have been going, been linking my posts maybe, or something you did with your spouse, just ANYTHING that's happened in your life that has meaning to you. To quote a song I'm listening to right now "No time to get down cause I'm moving up." Now THAT'S what I'm fucking talking about. Fuck all that sad shit in our lives, right now is the time to enjoy being who we are. Live in the NOW. Sing on your way home, dance in the elevator, if that's what it takes for you to feel alive then DO IT. DO IT NOW. Why am I so happy all of a sudden? Well, I've realized once again that no matter what life throws at you. Whatever fucked up shit it gives to you, you have the opportunity to find the AWESOMENESS in it and fucking beat the living shit out of sadness. My language is a bit colorful tonight, and I really don't care. Guys, you just gotta be happy. All the sad shit you may be going through right now? IT'S GOING TO END SOONER OR LATER, SO DO SHIT THAT MAKES YOU HAPPY AND DISSOLVE THE SITUATION. You didn't get that thing you wanted long ago or something didn't go the way you wanted it to? FUCK IT, FUCK IT ALL. CAUSE THAT'S THE PAST AND YOU CAN'T CHANGE IT. So anyways, I'm just gonna build off of this Happy High right now as much as I can before it wears off!

Newsflash: Listening to mothafucking Shakira right now. WHENEVER, WHEREVER. WE WERE MEANT TO BE TOGETHER. I'LL BE THERE AND YOU'LL BE NEAR. Fuck yes can't get enough of her. By the way, that song is called "Whenever, Wherever". Anyways, so how have I been? I GOT MY MOTHAFUCKIN LOOPSTATION SETUP FINALLY!!!!! COMPLETE WITH THE RC-300 AND SYB-5 PEDALS!!!!! Holy shit it's been so long since I've wanted this setup it's just so hard to contain myself sometimes. Living the dream I had when I was what 12? You guys have experienced something like this too, you just haven't given it much thought. That clarinet piece you mastered for band class? YOU'RE A MOTHERFUCKING BOSS AND YOU ROCK THE CLARINET. That SAT preparation you just smashed into the ground with your awesomeness? WELL YOU JUST DID THAT, YEAH, TAKE IT IN. Anything you've accomplished so far, YOU'RE FUCKING AWESOME FOR DOING SO. Oh and a sidenote: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL. Anyways, so yeah the point of this segment is to recognize what you've done so far or EVER. Read the Hunger Games? Fucking awesome book right? No? Well read the Perks of Being a Wallflower? EVEN BETTER. Look, along life's road you're going to find troubles. And often times you won't have ANYONE to help you out. Count this as your PERMNANENT "Get out of Sad Ass Jail Free" card. You've accomplished SO much in this life and YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THE BEGINNING OF IT. That person you helped with that math/physics problem at one point? You were their world for that good 10 minutes, and that sure as hell meant a lot to them. That person you held the door for? Common courtesy is dying out these days, AND YOU REBIRTHED IT LIKE A GLORIOUS PHOENIX. YEAH THAT'S RIGHT, I'M LOOKING AT YOU GRYFFINDOR. Man, you guys don't even know the half of it. What kind of a contribution you've made to this life, my life, your parent's lives, your friends lives, this EARTH'S life. NO IDEA what kind of an impact you guys have. I'll be talking more about that in the next segment. Once again, you're FUCKING AMAZING AND YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THE HALF OF IT.

So guys, this is my version of a thank you note. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU'VE DONE. BY READING THIS SENTENCE YOU'VE DONE WAY MORE THAN YOU. OK ANOTHER NEWSFLASH: MORE SHAKIRA LYRICS INCOMING. "I NEVER KNEW SHE COULD DANCE LIKE THIS. SHE MAKES A MAN WANNA SPEAK SPANISH. OH BABY WHEN YOU TALK LIKE THAT, YOU MAKE A WOMAN GO MAD. OH I'M OFF TONIGHT YOU KNOW MY HIPS DON'T LIE. DON'T YOU SEE BABY THIS IS PERFECTION" Fuck yes, Shakira just get's me going. Anyways, thank you SO much for doing what you've been doing for so long: being YOU. For giving me the inspiration to go through with what I love: MUSIC. Thank you for your criticism, hate, love, and everything in between/beyond those 3 things. Because without all that you have done, I wouldn't be what I am today: PROUD. Proud of who I am, my friends, my family, my accomplishments, everything. And if you're thinking: "Mark, I don't want to hear why your life is so fucking happy. I got my own shit to deal with aight?" Well look, it's ALL THANKS TO YOU. And shit man, you've been there for me PLENTY of times although you may not have realized that. So why not let me repay the favour??? Feeling down? Hit me the FUCK UP. Wanna hang out? Shoot me a text or message on Fb. Man without you guys I'd be nowhere right now, I couldn't have done it without all of you. And what could I have not done? Be the "man" I am today. Why the "" well cause I don't even know if I'm a man yet. I have an idea of what it takes to be a man, but I'll know once it happens so let's just keep the quotes there. So yes, a big MOTHAFUCKIN welcome to ALL OF YALL for doing what you do best: being YOU. Man, I can't even begin to emphasize how big of an accomplishment you guys have just done. Every single interaction I've had with every single one of you has led to this moment. Instead of sulking and sitting and NOT writing a MOTHAFUKIN blogpost I'm here and I'm happy as SHIT (shit's pretty happy, trust) and writing a MOTHAFUKIN blogpost. Jason Mraz lyrics NEWSFLASH: "DAMN RIGHT YOU LANDED ON MY EAR, AND NOW YOU HOLD ME TIGHT. AND NOW I SEE YOU PERFECTLY BEHIND CLOSED EYES. I WANNA FLY WITH YOU AND I DON'T WANT TO LIE TO YOU. I CAN'T RECALL A BETTER DAY. YOU'RE AN OPEN MINDED LADY/MAN YOU'VE GOT IT ALL. AND I NEVER FALLED, GET AFRAID. LET'S FACE THE FATC HERE, IT'S YOU WHO'S GOT IT ALL. YOU KNOW THAT FORTUNE FAVOURS THE BRAVE, WELL LET ME GET PAID WHILE I MAKE YOU BREAKFAST. THE REST IS UP TO YOU, YOU MAKE THE CALL. YOU MAKE THE CALL TO MAKE MY DAY, IN YOUR MESSAGE SAY MY NAME YOUR TALK IS ALL THE TALK SISTA'BROTHA YOU'VE GOT IT ALL." And THAT is how you end of a thank you note. Thank you guys for EVERYTHING you've done. All those nights you've stayed up with me. ALL the lyrics you've read and analyzed. All of these posts, this journey, THANK YOU SO MUCH. But it doesn't end here, and that's the BEST PART. So let's keep going!

My my this post is getting long, it must be the CRUISE CONTROL. Man I don't even know what I should talk about, so I'll just vent. Things haven't really been going for me the past weeks. Been facing 7 exams and added to that initial pressure, my mom's been hassling me with it. In the middle of the exam period I bought my MOTHAFUCKIN LOOPSTATION SETUP WHICH IS AWESOME and my mom made me not play with it until ALL exams were done. I of course still played with in the Auditorium at my school which was FUUUN. Karaoke between 2 guys singing Mike Posner's "Cooler Than me" has NEVER been more fun. Or at least, it's more fun than you think. Anyways, exam pressure of course got to me like it does to everyone sometimes. I was also having some issues with personal relationships. I kind of needed some people to be there for me but they weren't. Which was bad in a way, but I needed to realize that I've gotta be able to take care of myself in situations like those. And hey, I got through it right? Fucking rocked the Anthro and Bio exams. Anthro is no surprise, more than half of it came from personal experience and common sense for me. And Bio? Shit that was a surprise, cause I always got 50's-60's on tests and I FINALLY STUDIED FOR ONCE AND IT WAS AMAZING HOW EASY THE EXAM WAS. I EVEN LEFT A HALF HOUR EARLY. MAN IT WAS AWESOME. Anyways, so yeah. Bad shit happened for two weeks or so. And yes it got to the point where I just couldn't concentrate on shit. At least now I know that in order to get through it all, you just gotta power through. To be honest, next time exams roll around I'm just gonna PILE DRIVE THEM INTO THE GROUND AND ACE THAT SHIT. Cause I went through my own version of "Study Hell" and next time I got back, I'm gonna be ready with an Arsenal of Chuck Norris biceps. That analogy/simile/metaphor makes NO sense at all probably. But what I'm trying to say is, sad shit happens. It'll ALWAYS BE THERE, DON'T EVEN TRY TO CHANGE THAT. But come on man, you've been through sad shit. The fact that you're reading this means you've survived through hell and back possibly. It means YOU'RE STILL HERE, AND THAT'S AMAZING. And hey, fuck all that sad shit. Jealousy, hate, everything in between/under/on top/beside that. In fact, and I'll admit to this. I've been jealous of a close friend of mine. This friend has been there for me when I needed their help, through thick and thin they've stayed with me through it all. And lately they've been getting their spot in the limelight, I felt like I was being left behind. But in all honesty, NOPE. I know deep down what I mean to this person, and that's a WHOLE LOT OF AWESOMNESS that'll keep them by my side NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS. So honestly, I'm just so fucking happy for ALL of you. For what you've done, for what you're doing right now, for what you're planning to do, EVERYTHING. Forgive me for all the negative shit I may have caused in the past. Because it's the past, and I'm sorry. We all do bad shit to those that are close to us sometimes, but the important thing is to forgive and move on. Does this excuse me from everything? Absolutely not, I am accountable for every single thing I've ever done. Feel free to call me out on it anytime you want. But hey, you've done bad shit too. We all do/say/think negative crap, but that's what makes us HUMAN. I forgive you, and I hope you'll forgive me. You guys are awesome, I love every single one of you. Honestly, just thanks for being you and for reading this much and for being so patient. So yeah, FUCK NEGATIVE SHIT. Don't forget to Read it, Learn it, Live it, Love it, and Post it!

Cheers, MarkL

P.S. Watch the Silver Lining Playbook. That whole thing above ^ the ENTIRE post, wouldn't have been even started if I didn't see that movie. WATCH IT, WATCH IT NOW.