Sunday, May 8, 2011

HAAAAAAY oh and this is my 50TH POST HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!! CHEERS TO THAT AND MANY MORE!!!!!!!

Hello my dear readers, how y'all doing? Big shout out to my new readers out there, thanks for taking the time out of your day to read this, oh and you can subscribe to get em@ils every time I get a new post right over here -------------------------------------------------------------------------->
TONS of stuff has happened since I've posted my last post, I'm sorry that I haven't posted any new one. I gotta try harder to do that more often. Anywasys, lets get to it shall we?

My brother sent me a book (by mail, yes that still exists) called :How to Win Friends and Influence People. And I have to say, it's one of the best books I've ever read. That and the Golden Compass Trilogy and Schooled (which I suggest you google search A.S.A.P. and read). Anyways, this book is all about how to influence people and well make new friends. But it's more than that to some people like me, it's a new way to live life. I don't care if I sound like a loner because I've alreayd accepted the fact that I am one and I'm prefectly fine with that, but this book has helped me see the world through different eyes. Here's one of the MOST common sense things ANYONE could know but we ALL take for granted "The only way to make someone do something right is by making them want to do it". You might be saying "Well no sh*t, we ALL know that" or "Well point a gun to their head and they'll do it". Ah but that's not the point, I said if you want something done WELL, not just done. There's a difference. Look at it this way, say you wanted a special kind of flower delivered to your mom for today. And you happened to have a gun with you while you went to the flower shop. If you point that gun at the register and MAKE them do it then they'll spit in your flowers and probably put poison ivy in it. But if you persuade them with a positive attitude using the numerous techniques in the book then you'll get what you want, with TOP quality. If you don't see the difference let me tell you, by pointing the gun it's the same as yelling at someone to do something, the person won't want to do what you want them to do at all. But if you try a different approach then they'll do it because THEY want to do it for you. Ok let me give you an example used in the book. A man that went to the author's seminar had a young boy, age 6, that ALWAYS wet his bed (his name won't be released for obvious reasons :). His parents and his grandma ALWAYS yelled at him for wetting his bed. And did he stop? Ofcourse not. So what they did was think, how can we MAKE him stop by making him WANT to stop? Well the young boy wanted a bed of his own instead of sharing it with his grandma, and his own pair of pajamas. Bottom line, he wanted to be important. Which is what I'm going to talk about later on. So the parents let him choose his bed at the store, and his own pj's, When he came home his parents asked him "Are you going to wet your bed son?" and he replied "No daddy, I picked this one out myself. I'm going to keep it clean and tidy." And he never wet any bed again, and they all lived happily ever after (I just HAD to add that in :). So the point is, they made him WANT to stop wetting his bed by buying him his own (making him feel important). Now the other thing is that the book taught me, is that EVERYONE strives to feel important somehow. And no matter WHO you are, we ALL strive to be important. Here's an example: criminals. Why do they steal money and kill people? Sometimes for revenge, sometimes because they can't survive. But either way, it's to get into the sunday paper or on the top of FBI's most wanted list. And that is one advantage the boy's parents used to stop him from wetting his bed, by making him feel important by letting him buy his own bed and pj's and making him feel more of a man. I don't suggest you try any of these techniques because if it's one thing I've learned it's this "Don't judge nobody else until you fix yourself up". Trust me, and if you don't believe me then take a look at it froma  common sense point of view. Do you REALLY have the power to say that someone sucks at a sport if you're no better than them in the first place (or really anything for that matter, including dance, photoshop, singing, anything). And even when you do get better than everyone else who gives you the right to say that someone sucks at something? How would you like it if someone found a flaw of yours and exposed it every time you revealed it and nobody noticed? That's a douchy thing to do, and unless you wear sunglasses at night I suggest you shouldn't judge anyone. And in fact in the book it clearly says that when you judge someone it makes them want to instantly retaliate and fight back and prove themselves right. I mean, what is your first instinct when someone tells you you're wrong? To make sure that you're right, don't worry it's human instinct. But if the person isn't a complete douche and is understanding and compassionate they'd be nice enough to teach you why you were wrong and try to help you every time you'd make the same mistake so that you stop doing it. Because it's the right thing to do. I could go on about the book for SOOOO long because it has SUCH good tips. But I suggest you get your hands on your own copy because to me it was life-changing, I now see the world through a different point of view and think differently of each situation, or at least I try to. But here are the tips that I can give you right now: do NOT critisize under ANY circumstances because it's the worst thing you could possibly do, try to think how you can make the person WANT to do what you want them to do and don't force them, and finally: smile because it will bring a new level to your life. Smile in the elevator, on your way to work, and to anyone you pass by because you will make them smile and your world will become better for it, trust me it works miracles. I'll have some more notes as I read the book, I'll write the summary after I finish reading it and I suggest you read it for yourself because there's TONS of GREAT examples that I won't write down which is why you gotta read it for yourself. Let's move on.

So anyways, I was stuck in an elevator yesterday, for half an hour. Surprisingly I was VERY calm, but thank god I had my music with me or else I would've gone apesh*t without it. What I learned from that ordeal was to stay more calm in general because before that incident I was carrying out a box of papers for recycling, and it was a BIIIG box. Turns out the bottom wasn't as good as a holder as I thought, but I ignored it anyways. So when all the papaers fell I was SOOOO pissed and started cursing. I then calmed down and walked in the elevator, and then managed to trip while tying my shoelaces in the air cause I was in a hurry and my fall decided to stop the elevator, for half an hour -__- Sure I was scared the first 30 seconds, but then I looked at the situation.
#1 I was NOT claustrophobic so that didn't worry me.
#2 I was ALONE and therefore I could only focus on myself and my well being which makes it easier.
#3 I had my cellphone and good reception.
#4 The circulation system worked in the elevator as well as the lights.
#5 All the buttons for an emergency were there for me waiting to be pressed.
And so I pressed the needed buttons, called the office and they sent a technician in for me. Once he called me back I knew it was only a matter of time until I got out. So I just sat there, with my music, just chilling, very calmly (surprisingly). And then it moved up a floor, I pressed my floor button and it moved up to it. I got out and went home. It's not THAT exciting, but what I do advise is that in ANY situation where you are trapped or under pressure or surviving here are the basic rules:
#1 Stay calm, nothing worse then panicking in a tight situation.
#2 Use some common sense, don't try anything new, do what you know needs to be done in your situations, remember your trainging if you had any depending on your situation.
#3 Tend to the needs of EVERYONE in the group, and if it's just you then you know what to do.
That's just the basic stuff that I know from surviving, but hopefully I'll have more situations in survival so that I learn more about it because it's REALLY good if you have the expertise to survive in a forest with nothing but a parachute, Swiss army knife, and a camera crew like Bear Gryllis.

So I guess that's it for today's post, oh and my friend Miko that did the Minecrft pic on one of my other pages made a poster for my blog which is going to be below just for YOU guys to print out and post around ANYWHERE you want. I really don't care where it is, except if it's on someone, as in when you're walking you run by someone and staple them with the paper. And unless you have a deathwish or happen to be nearby a hosptial I suggest you don't do that. I guess that's everything that I have for you guys today, I hoped you liked it and please subscribe and send me your stuff that you want to see posted to Oh and don't forget to: Read it, learn it, live it, love it, and post it!

Cheers, MarkL

Photo creds go to Miko, thanks SO much man, you guys go check out his blog at:

P.S. just copy and paste this into Microsoft Word and stretch it out and print it. Oh and cut out the vertical lines so that people can tear them off and take them home.

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