Friday, April 1, 2011

Refreshing Day

Hey everyone, how you guys doing? I had one hell of a day today, and I've got news for you guys. Well it's not news to me, I just haven't had the opportunity to tell you guys in a long time.

As some of you may know I'm an exceptional dancer, not the best nor the worst. I learned everything i know from the magic of Youtube and improvising in the elevator on my way from and to school. So in spite of learning everything from Youtube and not having a dance group because everyone was busy during the March Break I decided to try out for my school's art show. Sadly I did not make it to the show, here is what the evaluator said when I asked her why I didn't make it "You weren't confident enough, and the dance isn't right for the small area we have all the performances" Ok #1: I probably wasn't confident because I didn't have a group to perform with. A group performance is different than a solo dance. There's a whole different ambience when you're dancing in a group, trust me. Look at the Jabbawockeez, imagine if only 1 of them did their dance routines. Half of their moves would be useless because they move as a group together and in flow. And #2: There just wasn't enough space for the routine to be done because apparently the performances were going to be in the lunch room. Because apparently people want to eat and watch a show. I don't blame them, but I'm still dissapointed that 1: I didn't get a group because nobody else wanted to join, and 2: because it took me SO much time to practice on this and it's hard to move on. But that's life for ya, one door closes and another one opens.

So recently I added yet ANOTHER video to the blog. It's a Dubstep song I've been listening to in the past 2 days A LOT. I can't really explain why the song is good, the beat is excellent to dance (pop and lock) to and the beat is good within itself. It has no deep meaning because it doesn't have lyrics but it's AMAZING to dance to. All the endless popping and locking combinations are overwhelming! If you don't know what popping and locking is then Youtube search it. It's like doing the robot, but kind of differently.

Oh and just today I started listening to yet ANOTHER song, you guys may know it. It's called "Waiting On The World To Change" by John Mayer. Some of you may not like the song because you think that waiting on the world to change does nothing. Ah, but when you listen to this song do you hear in your head "OH WOW, this guy is waiting on the world to change? How the hell is that going to change ANYTHING?!?!?!?" But if you think about it that's the purpose of the song. He's trying to subliminally motivate you guys into changing the world for the better. But that's just how I look at the song, people have their own opinions, we're not all the same. All in all it's a beatiful song and I'll be psoting it up by the end of this post. I hope you guys like it, and be sure to give me some positive feedback on it.

Here's another topic for you guys, working hard. I don't care if you don't like this topic or not because it's important that you guys hear what I have to say. Recently I decided to help out someone in my math class by tutoring them. To start off: I think that it's great that the person agreed to be tutored because they're already taking initiative to get better marks and get better in math. At NT you don't find many people having the ability to do that, which is why I respect the person's actions. And #2: I know what it's like to be in their position. Last summer I studied A LOT of Algebra because I got around a 62% on my report card for that unit in grade 8. Guess what my mark was after the summer? It rose 30% and went up all the way to a 92%. I'm not sure about you but that's a BIG improvement. And I owe it all to my brother for pushing me to do it and help me when I needed it the most. To have someone help you along the road of self improvement is a big thing, I'm just glad I can be a part of it. To help someone improve their mark and see them learning would be a a reward in itself, if only we didn't need 40 hours of community service hours. Don't get me wrong, I LOOOVE helping people out in any way I can. But with these 40 hours it's more of something you HAVE to do to graduate, not something you WANT to do because you're that kind of person. It does have it's drawbacks and positive sides. But that happens for everything, and once again it's just my opinion. It may not be necessarily be like yours or someone elses.

Oh and I'm going to end it off with some new I got for you guys. I added a new widget (strange word that is) on the blog. It's at the top of the page and it says "Get Updates Through Em@il!" What this widget does is it adds your Em@ail to a list when you type it in the little bar and press Enter. Then this list of Em@ils recieves notifications every time I have a new post out so that you don't have to check every day waiting for a new post. Instead, it Em@ils you when I have a new post out. How nifty (another strange word) is that? Well that's about all the new things that have happened since the last post. Oh and I forgot to mention, remember how I was talking about "Waiting On The World To Change"? Well hopefully I'm going to get a video of someone from a vocals class in my school to do their own cover of it. It's this new thing that Im trying out called "Paying It Forward" It's where I try to improve 3 peoples lives, and they do the same for 3 other people. Google search it if you don't know what it is. And I'm trying to improve this person's life by helping them perform in front of people and showcase their talents and skills. Even if they don't send me a vid of themselves singing then I'll help them out in another way. Bottom line: NEVER stop paying it forward. Well that's about all the time that I have for today. Until next time: Read it, learn it, live it, love it, and post it!

Cheers, MarkL

P.S. you guys still haven't Em@iled me about any artwork or such for me to post on the pages I have on my blog. You want other people to know you got talent? Then go ahead and Em@il me already!


  1. As someone who was there (sitting at the very back where I couldn't see anything -_-), there was definitely no space. I got in for free, but it was not worth the $10 most people paid to get it. They should hold it in the aud next year.

  2. If they held it in the auditorium I could've danced. And the sound would've been better. Win win situation if you ask me, or Charlie Sheen.
