Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Blank Canvas

And here we are again

"Fuck you Mark, what took so long?"



Get over yourselves, I only write when I'm inspired and feel like it. Also, exams. So yeah, shut up for a second and read. And I mean, close Skype, turn off the TV, every distraction. Turn over your phone. I really don't care if you won't do it, but do you want the most out of this post? Then listen to what I say. I don't simply suggest things for the fuck of suggesting them, there's a reason behind everything I say so maybe listen? You of all people should know that. So, what's new? Well I LIVED last week for 3 days. And I'm not talking I took a deep breath of air outside on my balcony as I walk out in nothing but my undies every morning. That's a habit at this point so don't worry. So what do I mean when I say I "Lived"? I'll get to that in a minute. Also, I had a sleepover for the first time in years. I'll also go into detail but not too much later on. Hmmm what else, oh yeah I found a street artist and attended a conference and had exams and shit. So let's get to it then?

Lived, yes I did. Well what I mean by that is just because you're alive doesn't mean you're living. Why the hell were we put on this Earth for? Luck? The theories have been debated for centuries. But I find that irrelevant, the fact that we exist is enough for me. That being said, existing is what people see as living nowadays. What we do with the life we're given is up to us. All the memories we make either haunt or revisit us with smiles along our journey. That's essentially what a teenager is all about. Slowly entering adulthood, making mistakes, fuckin around, etc. With some of the consequences an adult would have but dramatically decreased. Lost some sleep? Late to school, late slip, etc. Late to work? Possibly fired. So yeah, it ain't easy for adults. And that's what we have our teens for, to explore our boundaries and discover ourselves. As you may or may not know I'm not exactly a party goer. And up until now I haven't liked it one bit, but as of recent I've slowly been accepting it as a part of my personality. I guess I don't like the whole party scene. I don't do hook ups, I don't get drunk in groups, I don't like to smoke in a loud environment, etc. It doesn't make me a loner, it doesn't make me an outcast, I just don't like partying. I'll save all that for school dances where I can actually socialize with my hips instead of my mouth. So what have I been up to the past week? What do I consider living? Well here's the thing, my week went off like this. Monday - Two exams, Tuesday - Two exams AND PARENTS LEAVE AT 6PM FOR MONTREAL TO COME BACK ON FRIDAY AT 11, Wednesday - Last exam. So I was home alone for 3 days. What did I do with those days? On the first day, Wednesday, I just relaxed THE FUCK OUT. Turned on my speakers, called a few buddies on Skype and gamed ALL NIGHT LONG. Stayed up until 2 when I saw this guy that was posting some posters near my apartment building, looked illegal (I'll go into detail later) Then on Thursday I invited a friend over. You know how it works nowadays. 1 gram of the green stuff, Яum, and a Gamecube to top it all off. Man oh man, first time I got drunk. You know how girls gossip all the time and how people talk during class? Well I don't do that as much as other people do, and hell, this was MY time to UNWIIIIIIIIIIIND. Just talked about random shit, girls, school, musicians, etc. It was so awesome. And to top it all of since I had NEVER gotten a console for my birthday or anything it was my first time playing a Gamecube with a friend. Super Smash Bros, Mario Strikers, it was amazing. The yelling and laughing was too hard to keep track of, I was having the time of my life. And then as the evening was winding down, my sleepover was about to begin. So I kindly let my friend out the door, cleaned up, showered (I'll explain soon), and got out the NICE home clothing. You know what I'm talking about, the NICEST pair of sweats you've EVER seen with the most Sw@ggerific shirt GAP had. Who was the friend that was sleeping over? The identity of the lucky somebody will be kept secret, but I'll tell you this much: t'was a lady. That's right, A LADY FRIEND slept over at MY place. How the hell have I made it this far? Like what the fuck. If you gave me ONE look in grade 9 you would NEVER expect that THIS is the kid that gets a girl to sleep with him. Did we do the nasty? No. She's actually really nice. First we chilled on my balcony, I have a patio set now and she LOVES the views as does everyone. Want to impress the ladies? LIVE SUPER HIGH UP. Also, then I warmed up some food which she saw as cooking for some reason. But hey, she though it was hot so I couldn't care less. PRO TIP FOR GUYS: Learn to warm up food WITHOUT a microwave, girls see that as a form of cooking. Then we settled down on the carpet and watched 50/50. Which is an amazing movie that shows the struggles of a cancer patient and the effects it has on his surrounding friends/family/doctors. Yes, I talked through the movie. Paused a couple times even to talk about what was going on. But I'm a discussion based person and I can't just sit though a movie and NOT talk. It's who I am, sorry. Anyways, we both like the movie. Wanted to go downstairs for a walk at 1AM but decided against it as she was SUPER tired and I was fine with that. Then we went to my bed and fell asleep, how cute right?

Ok crap I gotta go to another paragraph, too much text. Moving on, the sleepover was great. Falling asleep with her was my favorite part. It was just so peaceful and fulfilling, nothing else like it. I was the first one to wake up, AS ALWAYS. Poked her until she woke up as well, then we went to make breakfast. ANOTHER PRO TIP FOR GUYS: LEARN HOW TO MAKE STUFF OUT OF EGGS, GIRLS THINK IT'S SUPER HOT. Then after breakfast we went back to bed and just chilled for a couple hours. The entire ordeal was just amazing. Why did I tell you all of this? I decided it was significant to share. I mean I tell you guys about every girl that held or currently holds a place in my life, she's just the next one. But is she the one? I don't know, we'll see how things work out. But I'll tell you this much. She's well spoken, talented, HEALTHY, gracefully beautiful, has the best laugh, and it's SO fun to make her laugh. And now we got the Summer to see where this "thing" takes us. So how was all of that living? It made me feel alive. The fact that I was sharing intimate moments with both a close friend and a lady friend was one of the greatest experiences ever. It was the BEST way to start off the Summer. I mean look at it this way. Had I not met that girl or had I not had my friend introduce me to grass then where would I be? I would've sat on my ass for 3 days straight and gamed my brains RIGHT OUT OF MY ASS. Yeah ok I still would have walked at 1am and maybe I would've invited a friend, but nothing like what happened would have happened. Back to the whole "How did I live" thing. Well let's just say I found a hobby worth doing, this relates to the guy that I saw putting posters up. As of recent I started an arts project. Why? To see where it takes me. Can I draw? Fuck no. But I can sure as hell SKETCH and photoshop just a bit. Where can you see my work?

Well I posted some of my sketches and my U.G. name on a Street Art forum and some guy decided to take the sketches and post them up. Illegal? Yes. Fun? Well I sure as hell get a kick out of seeing my art up on the web. I just wish it got more attention, the guy has talent trust me. All he needs is a sharpie and paper, the rest is up to him.  What does my sketch mean? I have no clue. I came up with a word, then added a face to it. And the rest followed. It's up to you really, art is a matter of perception. Like it? I don't really care if anyone does or not, I'm doing this for me and for me alone. So what's the point of all this? Learn to live a little. Do something stupid, step WAY out your boundaries, etc. Find some fun in this life before you hit a plateau of studying and working and shit. Cause you'll regret it, deeply. I'm not saying stab a homeless man or start stealing shit, fuck that. I'm saying do something exciting or something that gives your life that necessary spice/kick to make it fun. If you've taken my advice and it has worked out for you, then take this as well. Because I believe everything is said for a reason, and this reason is pretty fucking great. So let's move onto the next topic.

Kk shit exams, let's make this quick because someone is impatiently waiting for me to finish writing. I'm looking at you, cocksuckers anonymous, you know who you are. Anyways. Exams weren't THAT hard. I didn't care as much because I'm not taking ANY of the Sciences or Maths next year OR French which makes up MORE than half of my exams right there. So much useless memorization but some useful understanding. I prepared for my English exam SO hard. 3 days of preparation WITH practice exam, which was actually worth the work because I got an 80 on the practice exam. Considering that I have what people call "The hardest teacher in our grade" I think that's pretty good. So I basically rocked the exam because it was 90% THE SAME as the practice exam. I recycled the basic ideas and added certain details that catered to the topic asked of me. And so that's how exams started, with an Ace in the hole. Next was Anthropology which wasn't too hard, not too difficult but not too easy either. All exams went on to be like that, every, single, one. I wasn't phased at all if I didn't understand a question, kept my cool all the time. This is how my routine went. Walk into the room in the last 10 minutes. Get materials onto desk with 5 minutes to spare. Take out chewing gum and commence jaw movements as I listened to a euphorically relaxing song as it tenderly caressed my eardrums. Too descriptive? Well now you know why I'm so chill. As pandemonium broke out all around the room, I sat there quietly mouthing the words I did not know at all and remembered some horribly embarassing memories and just laughed it all off. Was I prepared? As prepared as I was ever going to be. But I wrote with no stress or recollection of anger or distress or anything negative. Wrong choice? I don't think so considering I will NEVER be learning ANY of those subjects except English. Am I a lazy fuck? Quite possibly yes, but I tried and my brain cannot comprehend maths and sciences like others. Is that to blame for my poor studying? Of course not, that's all on me. Am I proud of myself? Yes because I didn't cause additional UNNECESSARY stress which would be ridiculous. Did I fail anything? Not in the least. Are my marks good? Not in the least, again. Will they be better next year? We'll see. Am I too relaxed? Maybe, but then again I'm taking subjects I LOVE next year. So I think I'll get my chance to shine. This Summer I'm planning to do a lot of work on my inner self, should be fun. So stay tuned. I think that's enough writing for one day, I think I'm getting a cramp. Well this was a great warmup to my gaming night, don't worry I have work tomorrow so I'll only stay up until 12. Where do I work? I do yard work. "Lol that's not a job" Shut the fuck up and sit your ass down. How's about I give you a machete and tell you to downsize the jungle that is awaiting you in a backyard? That sums up my last Summer's customers, this guy just gave me a machete and told me to go crazy with it. Let's see you work for 2 days straight, 5 hour shifts, in heat alert weather. Then we'll talk about whether that is work or not. Still doubt me? Try it fr yourself. Try going out in pouring rain and raking leaves, or below 0 temperatures and shoveling snow by the bucket fulls. Then we can talk. So until then: Read it, Learn it, Live it, Love it, and Post it!

Cheers, MarkL

P.S. As a followup, I started drawing on my body again. Here's my latest work:

What is it? I don't fucking know, find out for yourself. Oh and I started rollerskating, scraped my knee real bad but I'm starting up again. Slowly but surely I'll get myself on a team, lots more to come!